1) Most exploiters tend to be the people who know the game well (too well, in fact...)
2) Most devs seem to have no idea how the game gets played (last DDOcast had several devs talking about how they spend HOURS running coal chamber). No offense devs, this makes you bads (but we still love you).
-Instead of not being allowed to play for two (four) weeks, exploiters should be forced to group with devs and show them how to play the game (the way that goods play the game---not the way fresh offa da boats korthies play).
- Exploiters get punished (no, stop, don't jump ther....DING!)
- Devs get lessons from top players on the servers and can make better decisions about how to make changes to the game we'd like, what kinds of things are challenging vs. boring vs. fun for us, and what kind of loot we'd be looking for.
PS we do love you, devs, but seriously, 2 hour coal?