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  1. #1
    Community Member mhorn's Avatar
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    Apr 2008

    Default Monckers - What am I missing?

    From what I have been reading, the point of a Moncker is to use Manyshot and 10K stars. What I don't understand is that since they are on the same timer, how you can use them together? IF you can't use them together, what use it it to have them both?

    What am I missing?


  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by mhorn View Post
    From what I have been reading, the point of a Moncker is to use Manyshot and 10K stars. What I don't understand is that since they are on the same timer, how you can use them together? IF you can't use them together, what use it it to have them both?

    What am I missing?

    you can use 10k star (for 30 sec) right after it ends you hit manyshot (for 20 sec) and then 10k star again. wait 30 sec and start the chain again.
    without 10k star you can only use manyshot every 120 seconds (20 of which with manyshot active)

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by mhorn View Post
    What I don't understand is that since they are on the same timer, how you can use them together?
    They're not shared, exactly. If you trigger MS, it also triggers the cooldown on 10K Stars; but 10K cooldown is still only 60 secs vs MS's 120, which means you'll be able to use it before MS comes off cooldown. E.g., MS for 20 secs, melee for 40 secs, 10K for 30 secs, melee for 30 secs, 10K or MS again - rinse, repeat. There might be a more optimal rotation than that; haven't done enough testing to figure out if there's a way to avoid triggering both cooldowns.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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