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  1. #21
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Fortification: I can't imagine myself grinding it. It can't be turned on together with doublestrike, so why bother on melee, and on casters I'd prefer to have skills toggled, for extra concentration, balance, UMD and spellpower. Maybe some tanks would take it, but they have plenty fort from their class enhaments and EDs anyway.

    Fast healing: I like the idea of feat, but instead of increased power more stacks should decrease interval between healing ticks.

    Energy criticals: meh, no positive, no negative, no force. Thx, I pass.

    Doubleshot: I don't like pewpewing, so I'll pass, but even if I'd be an archer or crossbowman, I'd pass too. Manyshot, 10k stars, repeaters, all are disabling/weakening doubleshot, so why bother. Maybe for great crossbow users, if fussilade is not decreasing/disabling manyshot (honestly, I don't know), but then, great crossbow is terrible, compared to repeater, outside of fussilade.

    Energy blocking: Anyone blocks anything? The only time I do nothing but hold down shift key is when I'm on ground, and forced escape is on cooldown. This needs to be deleted and replaced with something better.

    Arcane alatricity: 5% per past life at least.

    Iconic: thanks, I'll pass on it. Unless there is dwarf/duergar iconic added, which I'd farm regardless of its benefits.
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    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  2. #22


    I think overall the feats are ok, there are a few that I will go after and some that I have no interest in. Also they look more appealing once you start stacking them.
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  3. #23
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Per stack these are far too weak and only are interesting in big stacks. Most players will leave the game before reaching those stacks just like most will leave the game before reaching triple completionist.

    The biggest silly factor though is the side by side comparison of actives...10% doublestrike is good (very good on a THF)...10% doubleshot is much less good due to how doubleshot was intentionally made into a gimped version of doublestrike.

    The trigger only X abilities are just bad.

    Also the abilities have a huge comparative advantage on certain builds over others...(tank build for example gains so little compared to Two Handed Weapon Fighter it is not even funny). This is largely due to the degraded benefits of getting more of something that a build already does pretty well in (HP/damage 'reduction').

    Big issue remains the uncreative passives are all the same in a sphere. It promotes underpowered per stack abilities to reduce the overall gain for the one in a million guy who gets a full stack.

    So my individual ratings. for iconics(not bothering with epics as most are just bad for the level)..
    Shada-Kai - 6/10 decent passive (about right for iconic), but horrible toggle
    PDK - 6/10 same as above
    Morninglord 4/10 - 3 spell power in ONE thing is supposed to be equal to 1% dodge...just way weak. Toggle is also a little weak, but better then other iconics
    Bladegored 5/10 - too weak passive and too weak toggle...better then morninglord though
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  4. #24
    Community Member Battery's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    That's why I have 3 main characters... Right now, I TR one, get him back to cap, then TR a different one... Takes me 3 months to TR, so it's usually 6 months before I'm back to the original guy TRing again.

    3 main guys are melee TWF fighter/ranger/monk, wizard, and monk-archer... They all play very differently... I also have a cleric and a barb and a bard/rogue that I screw around with now and then... So that's how I keep things fresh.
    now that's a decade worth of grinding lol
    "Those who believe in telekinetics raise my hand"-Kurt Vonnegut

  5. #25
    Community Member caellwin's Avatar
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    overall i have to say no. they are too weak for the work that is done to get them. Heroic PL are better
    Caellwin on Orion server since December 2009

  6. #26
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Wizza I stole your format because, its so good.

    - Bladeforged: The passive is not very appealing but, the Active is nice on my WF (especially since you can only have 1 active Iconic toggle at a time and the others save Morninglord are all pretty useless)
    - MorningLord: Yes.
    - Shadar-kai: Passive yes. Active no way.
    - PDK: Active no. Passive yes.

    Martial Sphere:

    - Doublestrike: Yes.
    - Skill Mastery: I can see swapping this on to help out in those silly situations where I don't have enough bluff or diplo for an encounter after buffing and swapping in gear MAYBE otherwise not really
    - Fortification: I guess if you had 3x and 3x Bladeforged to get 45% you could drop some fortification from your gear for something else TBD more likely for a WF to do this
    - Passive: The passive here is only useful after stacking 9x and I am still not convinced it will be useful outside of Heroic


    - Healing Power: Yes.
    - Brace: Situational maybe but seams weak <I'll probably use this on my WF Arti since nothing else compliments the build in this sphere
    - Block Energy: I actually don't like this active at all there are rarely any occasions when I am blocking most things that hit for this type of damage don't give you that much warning Lightning and acid Traps in Tor come to mind
    - Passive: Yes doesn't belong here


    - Doubleshot: I did not like Doubleshot to start but, I think that it will be alright for repeater *more below
    - Fast Healing: Yes and the change to include negative energy healing was nice but, its excludes WF I would probably swap this on when running between encounters instead of topping off with scrolls or spells
    - Colors of the Queen: NO NO NO I am as fond of random damage procs as I am random effects on named loot NO NO NO.
    - Passive: Yes.


    - Energy Criticals: Yes. too bad it excludes other types of damage spells
    - Enchant Weapon: OK for non caster types < Although this is not great for casters I will likely use it on my Artificer to amp up my Repeater damage
    - Arcane Alacrity: Yes.
    - Passive: Stacked 9x this passive is not shabby because its passive apposed to the more powerful active energy block were you MUST be blocking (used in combo and with an absorption item probably be best)

    ** now about Doubleshot
    I think it is aweful for anyone who is running Manyshot or Manyshot + 10k stars because the -100% doubleshot cooldown after manyshot and 10kstars will make it useless
    I also think Doubleshot is broken for repeaters since it only effects the first bolt in any volley

    however I think 9% is enough to notice a 4th shot almost every ten volleys since Artificer has a limited amount of Endless fuselage uses it will be nice to get an extra bolt every so often

    This is also taking into consideration that I play a Repeater focused WF Artificer and this is the best Primal option

    I would expect to keep some Toggles running 99% of the time and others only situational from each sphere

    Doubleshot / Fast Healing < Double shot for some extra pew pew and Fast Healing if taking too much damage < I prefer to keep mobs far far away and pew pew them but, it does not always work out like that
    Enchant Weapons

    This is also based off of have 3x each PL which to me is the only time that any of them truly become useful

    Order of acquisition 3x Doubleshot & 3x Enchant Weapons to boost Repeater damage maybe 3x Bladeforged then 1x each all others to unlock Epic Completionist when it is released followed by a haphazard approach to acquiring 3x all PL feats.

  7. #27
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    Fast healing needs an upgrade to make it faster. I am okay with the amount healed and the way the amount healed goes up with each upgrade but instead of working once per minute it needs to work once per 60/40/20 second, or 45/30/15 seconds, or even 30/20/10 seconds. Making fast healing actually fast is a much needed improvement. Once per minute is not fast.

  8. #28
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    Here's a melee perspective:

    PDK - The passive is awesome, the active is meh.
    Shadarkai - Same
    Morninglord - Completely useless
    Bladeforged - I won't say no to fortification, ever.

    It should be noted I can't find a single stance that is useful on a melee. Not good, since that's a huge chunk of classes.

    Martial Sphere passive - Oh, it'll be fun to rack up a few heroic lives for the lulz if you stacked this, you'd be unhittable until epics. But in epic elites, I'd go from being hit 19/20 times to .. being hit 19/20 times.
    Doublestrike - Yes, hell.
    Fortification - Less useful than doublestrike. Maybe situational in use for some quests if your fort is borderline against a lot of rogue mobs.
    Skills - Nice to switch to for rogues etc.
    I like the actives in this sphere because they compete, but I could see myself using more than one on the same life depending on what I was doing.

    Divine Passive - Ugh, so amazing. PRR when monk splashes rule the melee roost? <3
    Brace - Probably what I'll use most of the time.
    Positive spell power - Iffy, but I may switch to it if i bother grinding out more PRR.
    Blocking - Dumbest thing over. Who blocks except when on the ground?

    Primal Passive - Not too powerful but more hp is always better, always.
    Doubleshot - I, like many 12/6/2 builds, only bw when I can furyshot, or at least manyshot. That makes this hot garbage.
    Fast healing - This would great... if it was every 15 seconds. Every minute and I might as well not have it. Lower the power
    and make it happen more often. Then at least I can snooze my way through TRing with healing ticks.
    Random proc - Maybe? I dont know enough about this ability.

    Arcane passive - This is just lolz. The ranger past life gives +2 ranged and 2 resistence. The 2 resistence by itself is better. And applies to more types of energy. Just ugh.
    Spell cooldowns - No use for a melee, unless maybe it reduces cocoon? Still meh, since the % is so low.
    Spell crit - Obviously pointless.
    Weapon Enchantment - Yay, another thing that randomly doesn't apply to twf. It would already be bad if it was at least to both, as is, it's awful.

    So there's plenty that's good. and everything SHOULDNT be good for every toon. The only thing that really bugs me is no iconic stance is useful to a melee.

  9. #29
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    For me, no.

    Things may change as they do sometimes. But, with wanting to play a couple characters I could never see myself doing this kind of grind for the rewards listed. If I was to abandon my other characters and just have one on an endless TR cycle I could see that, but I like playing my other characters - two of which are still level 20, so there's plenty more for them to do.

    And, frankly the two characters I presently have at 28, I didn't enjoy capping them. It was tedious, boring, grinding. Going from level 20-25 is fun. Play every epic at least once, maybe hit some challenges for a 1st time xp, or do a couple repeats for some loot and boom you are level 25, after playing every epicable quest and most raids in game. Those last three levels are extremely tedious and repetitive with the amount of content we have now.

    I don't have any suggestions to make these EPL more worth the grind they represent other then release more content. I don't mind a few repeats. Heck, I don't mind the occasional farm. Of my nine characters eight have been trd once, once four times and another is a completionist with a couple extra lives on top. I'll go through a grind here and there, but going 20-28 with the content we have now is not something I would do.
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  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braegan View Post
    For me, no.

    Things may change as they do sometimes. But, with wanting to play a couple characters I could never see myself doing this kind of grind for the rewards listed. If I was to abandon my other characters and just have one on an endless TR cycle I could see that, but I like playing my other characters - two of which are still level 20, so there's plenty more for them to do.

    And, frankly the two characters I presently have at 28, I didn't enjoy capping them. It was tedious, boring, grinding. Going from level 20-25 is fun. Play every epic at least once, maybe hit some challenges for a 1st time xp, or do a couple repeats for some loot and boom you are level 25, after playing every epicable quest and most raids in game. Those last three levels are extremely tedious and repetitive with the amount of content we have now.

    I don't have any suggestions to make these EPL more worth the grind they represent other then release more content. I don't mind a few repeats. Heck, I don't mind the occasional farm. Of my nine characters eight have been trd once, once four times and another is a completionist with a couple extra lives on top. I'll go through a grind here and there, but going 20-28 with the content we have now is not something I would do.
    I hit 28 not repeating much. I ran von 3 a handful of times, the rusted blades, impossible demands and unquiet graves twice. I didnt touch the fens, I ran the carnival once. I didn't grind anything, and didn't get to the demonweb. I ran eveningstar challenges once each, and most of the new stuff, and about half of the druids/highroad stuff. There's enough to cap 28, though admittedly it will be harder without elite streak and first time bonuses /explorers.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrakHar View Post
    I hit 28 not repeating much. I ran von 3 a handful of times, the rusted blades, impossible demands and unquiet graves twice. I didnt touch the fens, I ran the carnival once. I didn't grind anything, and didn't get to the demonweb. I ran eveningstar challenges once each, and most of the new stuff, and about half of the druids/highroad stuff. There's enough to cap 28, though admittedly it will be harder without elite streak and first time bonuses /explorers.
    That has not been my experience at all.

    Though I guess I was lucky enough to have my streaks erased by running CITW and FOT. Was nice to see a character lose a streak of over 1500 when I had done the raid before on a higher difficulty and was just running a quick normal run.

    Still by what you are saying, an EH vs an EE streak would have to make up for a couple million xp in just those handful of quests you say you ran. Not saying I don't believe you, but that would be quite a difference.
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  12. #32
    Community Member whereispowderedsilve's Avatar
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    Default DM/tweet this to glin:

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    Great idea silver! +1 :P! ! ! Cheers! Sign this!!!:

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  13. #33
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrakHar View Post
    I hit 28 not repeating much. I ran von 3 a handful of times, the rusted blades, impossible demands and unquiet graves twice. I didnt touch the fens, I ran the carnival once. I didn't grind anything, and didn't get to the demonweb. I ran eveningstar challenges once each, and most of the new stuff, and about half of the druids/highroad stuff. There's enough to cap 28, though admittedly it will be harder without elite streak and first time bonuses /explorers.

    I don't think there will be much need to repeat too much either.

    I picture doing the quests that take the least amount of time/effort for XP and Daily CoVs then moving on to 1 and done in other stuff.

    This is based on having capped back in U18 only running some Epic quests mostly 1 and done and others twice.


    I did have a Hard streak going that time but don't imagine it being too detrimental not to have it.

  14. #34
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    How can people say +3 skill is good?

    Not like Epic levels are giving us already a free +8, right?
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braegan View Post
    That has not been my experience at all.

    Though I guess I was lucky enough to have my streaks erased by running CITW and FOT. Was nice to see a character lose a streak of over 1500 when I had done the raid before on a higher difficulty and was just running a quick normal run.

    Still by what you are saying, an EH vs an EE streak would have to make up for a couple million xp in just those handful of quests you say you ran. Not saying I don't believe you, but that would be quite a difference.
    I also avoided all quests that could be epiced, except gianthold and some sands (other than ADQ and DQ) so I was streaking the old epics as well. I dunno. A million xp isn't much in epics vs heroics. I was probably level 27 for two days, but I wasn't running quests fast, was doing elite wheeloon stuff, which is just awful xp/minute.

  16. #36
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TPICKRELL View Post
    [*]Enchant Weapon -- +3 damage (to hit also but meh) and +9 universal spell power is underwhelming.[*]Skill Mastery -- A bit light ok for umd builds but pretty meh for most toons[*]Shadar Kai stance, the cool down seems to long for the duration of the effect[*][/LIST]
    I general agree with these, esp. that enchant wep PL sucks. The Shadar-kai stance is bad like anything which isn't useful until you're lower than 50% health. The PDK is an action boost, which is also meh imo. Definitely NEVER doing a past life for a clicky under any circumstances.

    Also, what's missing- PLEASE add something that increases caster level, DCS, or spell pen. These are what most casters need the most, and they are left out.

    Other than that I think things look great.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrakHar View Post
    I also avoided all quests that could be epiced, except gianthold and some sands (other than ADQ and DQ) so I was streaking the old epics as well. I dunno. A million xp isn't much in epics vs heroics. I was probably level 27 for two days, but I wasn't running quests fast, was doing elite wheeloon stuff, which is just awful xp/minute.
    I did that completely on one life (that I thought was going to be last on the character). I used an otto box specifically for the reason that I would have all that xp untouched. Running every epicable quest in game on EH with streak(aside from Spies in the House), 5 starring the Estar Challenges, left me just about level 25. A couple quick quests and I was capped.

    Now we need 3 million more xp to cap and the only new content is Shadowfell. That leaves alot of repeating.

    Perhaps other bonuses were in play, were you using xp pots? VIP? Epic Tome of Learning?

    In any event, I am not trying to be arguemenitive just providing my experiences, give my opinion on the poll, and maybe figure out what I'm missing from other folks experiences.
    Git off mah lawn!

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  18. #38
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leclaire1 View Post
    I general agree with these, esp. that enchant wep PL sucks. The Shadar-kai stance is bad like anything which isn't useful until you're lower than 50% health. The PDK is an action boost, which is also meh imo. Definitely NEVER doing a past life for a clicky under any circumstances.

    Also, what's missing- PLEASE add something that increases caster level, DCS, or spell pen. These are what most casters need the most, and they are left out.

    Other than that I think things look great.
    You must be coming into the Epic Reincarnation conversation late

    the first thing that many players were upset about was they did not want more DC increases for the reason that it would make the Epic past lives mandatory for DC casters and that newer content would be adjusted to that new standard

  19. #39
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    No, I think they introduced an overly complicated confusing sytem..
    Karma, stances(og not more stances to screw with my already too many stanes).
    Some tr past life bonusses make no sense, some are meh, some are not bad but a pita for non-preferred classes.
    This current system really doesnt offer much and overall is weak for time investment vs bonusses.

    I would have gone a completely different route than what Dev's did.
    Epic TR's should be more like..

    1. Epic TR Destiny = +1 Fate point (3x stack per destiny)
    ~33 points potentially available for unlocking all 11 destinies 3 times @ 2mm xp per...

    2. Epic Desity Sphere = unlock Twist Slot (potential to unlock 4 additional slots)
    ~remember unlocking Twist slots is +1 per Slot so would cost (4 to unlock 4th, 5 for 5th, 6 for 6th,....) so it would cost 22 points to unlock the 4 additional twists to tier 1.

    3. Active Tree Bonus +2 spend points (per reincarnation life up to 6 points) in Active Tree.
    ~ potential to get 30 spend points in your active tree (24 earned+6 bonus from 3x TR'ing the active tree)

    No need for complicated Karma system.. go to Epic Trainer..
    ~turn in Epic destiny, resets that destiny to 0 and you get your Epic TR Destiny point.
    ~Unlock your sphere and turn in for your twist slot... go see the trainer.

    They only become active once you hit your Epic levels as they do now..

    Simple clean and usefull to everyone, opens up being able to take what you want as a twist and additional bonusses in your active tree.
    Utilizes Fate points which already have etablished bonusses in all the tree's that offer decent bonusses for all classes.

    Now you are expanding on the current system instead of introducing a mcgyver system of makeup unrelated stuff here, plug kind of usefull junk there, insert scrap there, duct tape,....tada... why is no one cheering....
    Last edited by JOTMON; 11-05-2013 at 09:12 AM.
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  20. #40
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    So . . . when are we going to throw a funeral for our alts?

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