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So because I'm not geared and ED-grinded myself to absolute maximum possible (or close to), I'm a poor player? I did my heroic leveling mostly in parties because I like it more, even though it was rare that the rest of the party combined got as many kills as I alone. Sure, most of that is sorc on heroic, but not all. I'm a good player, if not great, just too lazy to spend huge amount of effort to get my sorc on par with no-effort melee.
Sure, spells are nice. When your evocation DC:s are up to it. Mine aren't.
The task of upping the DC:s to working order as a fresh 20 is daunting. Need great gear and tier 2/1 twists to be competitive with non-ED:d melees, let alone the less bonus from off-ED. If I could level my ED:s in draconic/shiradi, maybe I would enjoy epic level sorcerer. But, even the grind to get to shiradi was annoying. Playing a melee in fatesinger is boring, but playing not-super sorcerer in LD is just horrible.
I'm not. My point exactly, I have trouble even on the easier quests on EH. Yes, that's EH. The same quests my melees can zerg through with even less gear than the sorc (he does have 2x greensteel, Torc etc old-time goodies). There's DDO outside EE:s too you know? Such as trying to reach 28 in some other way than the daily VoN3:s. Or trying to reach some twists and ED:s.
Currently how I see it, if I want to play the sorc, the path of least resistance would be to TR him to melee, do the horrible ED grind, then TR back to sorc. The bloated HPs I can live with, the amount of evades/saves, not so much.
And yes, kudos for the EE solos, good for those who enjoy them, I find them bland even partied. The incoming damage is nice, makes you stand on your toes instead of just pressing attack button and mentally focusing on something else. But, the hp numbers are ridiculous, changing the feel from exciting and dangerous to boring and dangerous.