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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Eldritch Juggerknight

    I'm almost finished with my current life and I'm looking to TR. My TR buddy and I were both thinking of playing a Juggernaut in the next life.
    The juggernaut is pretty powerful, but 2 instead of 1 don't add all that much to the party.
    So I started thinking about a different build, with more or less the same playstyle.
    I came up with the following build, obviously inspired by the Juggernaut build.

    Do you guys mind taking a look at the build and point out the holes in it?

    Starting stats: 16/16/16/13/11/6 (+2 tomes in every stat, needs +3 dex for Improved Precise Shot) (level ups in STR)
    Race: Warforged
    Classes: Wizard 11 / Ranger 6 / Monk 3

    Level progression and Feats (** regular feats, [] bonus feats)
    1 Wiz 1 : *Point blank shot*, [Extend Spell]
    2 Mnk1: [Power Attack]
    3 Rng 1: Bow Strength, *Cleave*
    4 Rng 2: Rapid Shot, TWF
    5 Wiz 2
    6 Wiz 3: *Adept of Forms*
    7 Mnk2: Evasion, [Zen Archery]
    8 Wiz 4
    9 Wiz 5: *Great Cleave*, [Maximise Spell]
    10 Rng 3: Die Hard
    11 Rng 4: Precise Shot
    12 Rng 5: *IC: B*
    13 Rng 6: Manyshot, iTWF
    14 Mnk 3: Philosophy
    15 Wiz 6: *gTWF*
    16 Wiz 7
    17 Wiz 8
    18 Wiz 9: *Master of Forms*
    19 Wiz 10: [Quicken Spell]
    20 Wiz 11
    21 Epic : [Overwhelming Critical]

    24 Epic: [IC: Ranged]

    27 Epic: [Improved Precise Shot] or [Grandmaster of Forms]

    Possible Mutations:
    - Drop GTWF and move IC: Ranged to 15 for a quarterstaff build.
    - Take IC: Piercing instead of IC: Bludgeoning for a shortsword build

    Comparing to a Juggernaut:
    A bit less HP and SP
    Similar saves (to the ranger variant)
    No Deadly Weapons -> TR buddy
    No Trapping skills -> TR buddy
    Weaker reconstruct (only 11 caster levels), Maximised Repairs to pick up the slack
    Monk finishers for -25% SP cost
    Eldritch Knight enchancements (which seem to be better than the Artificer's)
    Lvl 6 Arcane Spells with Extend for the buffs

    Fire away!
    Last edited by DeathsApprentice; 11-01-2013 at 07:39 PM. Reason: Spelling

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