Details forthcoming.
What the intent is NOT:
1. Although players from THACO and STORM (v1 and v2) may be participating, this is NOT an experiment trying to emulate D&D (PnP) in DDO.
2. This is NOT a rule-heavy group intended to stop DDO monty-haulism.
3. This is NOT an attempt to compete with THACO or STORM - hence the Thursday night choice (in addition to Thursdays now being an easier day to set aside than Sundays for me personally).
What the intent IS
1. Fun with a static group.
2. A stress-free and relaxed gaming experience outside the PUG and zerg scene.
3. Take our time, enjoy the ride, but do not drag a quest out needlessly.
4. Enjoy xp, loot, and favor rewards - no feeling guilty if you come across a nice uber magic item. You find it, or loot it, or earn it; you can use it.
I hesitate to make a numbered list, as that just starts down the path of "rules" (which are not bad things, but not the way I want this group to roll), so let me describe the basics in a conversational format:
This will simply be a no-AH, no vendor, "use what you find" group with no questing outside the group. No other guidelines necessary unless someone would like to suggest something very simple. Some calls would be common sense like - yes you can use vendors to buy thieves tools, ammunition, quivers, spell components. Other decisions can be made on the fly by group consensus and changed, relaxed, or otherwise modified later no big deal.
Death is dealt with the DDO way - res shrine or release and re-enter if you want. No one will be sitting in a tavern listening to the others have a good time, no one destroys your prize weapon.
Again, this would NOT be an experiment in bringing D&D to DDO. It would be very relaxed, yet more challenging (no twinking with AH, alts, and vendors) way of playing DDO with some good company. But it still IS DDO.
Please post below if interested (even if you have already sent me a PM) so we can keep a tally. Any and all classes/races are fine, as are multiclassed characters. We will play at whatever level and difficulty the group can handle, and it could vary from quest-to-quest. I envision a static group that may eventually be able to TR together.