More storage generally. IF and only IF:
- TP purchases are also available as favour rewards if they only apply to the character buying them. And being able to buy bag space because you can earn TP through favour does not count!
- TP-only options become account-wide.
e.g. Maybe bank space would be TP only account wide, and bag space per character and available via some of the currently unfinished favour paths.
Do that, and I would buy this stuff with TPs either for my account or for individual gear-heavy characters to save me the trouble of grinding Favour.
As it is, I feel like I'm being ripped off, and I feel like Turbine are overtly trying to manipulate me into spending money rather than giving me the choice. When I am given a choice, sometimes I choose to pay. When I feel like someone is trying to overtly manipulate me I tend not to.
In fact it's fairly simple: if it's character only you should be able to earn it in game. If it's got to be TP only - e.g. content, races, etc - it should be account wide.
Stuff that is currently TP only and yet per character should be available as some sort of favour reward either in barter windows or off a rewards list (e.g. portable hole from Argo favour) or as some kind of turn in like commendations (with fewer silly amounts required). Yes, I'd be happy to see XP pots, heal rods, ring of friends etc etc available via this route.
I paid quite a bit for everything I have. However, I would continually buy expansion packs for the right price. For example, the shadowfell expansion pack for 25$. That is a decent deal considering what you get. A few quests, some classes, character slots, tp, and some perk items like the tomes. All good stuff for that price.
What I want released? Everything. Dur.
Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
how to handle this random, anywhere
Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
1. Account-wide inventory search.
2. Inventory listings exportable in csv/tab-delimited/excel format.
Gwyneira : Cattari : Gorobei : Berylore : Zelphia : Aanouk : Beatriice : RobotMaria : Dalrymple : Ainouk : Bearatrice
Dragonmark Alliance : Fernia : Ghallanda
Things I would pay for:
an end game
adventure packs that have good quests with appropriate XP and loot
Things I would not pay for:
TR'ing with no end game to strive for
No one in the world ever gets what they want
And that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad
And that is beautiful
I would pay for:
-- BTA Cookie Jars. Current BTC ones are useless.
-- More Monster Manual
-- Epic pack which has actual epic enemies, not wolves and bandits raised to fourth power (yes, I did pay for MOTU).
-- Will never happen of course, but one can wish: Fleshwarper class
Last edited by brian14; 12-06-2013 at 02:25 PM.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
Some sort of "Bound status downgrade" token would be handy.
Single use, and you can select a single piece of BTA or BTC gear to loosen the binding. BTA becomes unbound, BTC becomes BTA.
Doesn't work on crafted gear (GS, cannith craftable flag, etc.)
Last edited by Guartwog; 12-09-2013 at 05:53 PM.
I'd love to see some form of GPS for navigating TO quests that are not near the Quest giver. Take the run to ADQ1 for example. I had fun trying to figure out how to get there on my own, but at one point it becomes very annoying when you are a slowpoke character (clerics mostly) and can't keep up with the party. Having to figure where to walk and do your Mario jumps (not every character has a high jump skill) just to get to the quests get annoying at times too.
Not every character is a fast 10th life monk with 60 jump skill that has done each and every quest 100 times. If you are new around here, it can be quite hard getting yourself to a (new) quest where your much more experienced party is waiting and sighing disdainfully because you are such a slowpoke and you should really know how to run there from the get-go. You know, just like you should drive to your destination instantly in a city where you've never been.
I get it, the big wilderness areas are there to explore. Someone spent time making it and you better make sure you take it all in. I made these ice chasms for you to jump over and I'm making darn heck sure that you are going to do that by putting an essential quest right beyond those chasms. Hey, I get it. I'll get some jump clickies/potions and a +springing item to make those jumps. But can we at least make sure that I can get to the party without getting lost?
Compass of Traveller. There's your item name. Add it to the shop with 10 charges for 100something TP. Make an eternal one 800something TP. Heck, sell it on Digital River as a code if you want to make some real money off it. I'll buy it.
-An app for tablets to let you do your shopping and trading
-More monster manuals
-psiwarrior(or other psionic class I would succumb to just as well)
-A wisdom based race (nicely linking into the psionics)
-Eberron based quests/adventure packs
-Potion and scroll holding system
- an iconic bardlike class that would make bards worthwhile again
-and one I don't that needs to come but just because I pnp in it for the last years: Dark Sun stuff (but please there is enough to do in Eberron and to fix before you should ever though another world again)