Oh yeah?
Well, thanks for confirming my suspicions. Didn't take much there did it?
Such a patronising response - (Well OF COURSE any dissent surely means the dissenter is too stupid to understand, or even to read properly, and their views therefore readily discounted, or better yet they should just go away. Problem solved.
) - serves to confirm that you, and those of a similar attitude, are certainly NOT the right persons to lead any such initiative, whether flawed as I believe, or not.
If you spit your dummy out over dissent at this, how the heck can you ever be trusted to represent anyone on something of significant import, that you may happen to dislike, or may have invested an anchored point of view in?
Here's a tip - if you really do want, God forbid, to be a virtual politician, at least be savvy enough to learn some politicial grace, even insincere grace, and a thicker skin - it will stop you looking like someone who maybe wasn't so well intentioned after all when you inevitably get poked wi a stick. Read "Animal Farm" too. Good book.
( And, yeah, I know that's patronising too - but then, I'm not the one seeking "office".
Like I said before - it is a bad idea. From your response, someone like you at the helm would be a complete disaster from the off.
We have enough power-hungry politicos in RL - we certainly don't need more of them to represent our views on a game. The forum, with all it's flaws, is still better, and should NOT be diluted by such politicking.
That's my view - others can judge for themselves.
Also, I'd say that if Turbine do start to listen to you, nomatter how many members your new model army has signed up, ahead of the rest of the players of the forums, I, for one, will find that disgusting, as it de-facto discriminates between their paying customers, me included.
Turbine (who knows, they might be looking in
) - If folk like this ever do come knocking on your door - I appeal: I expect it to be a revolving one, with the exit leading straight back to the forum pages!
Cap, you are apparently a Guild Leader - why not content yourself with that, along with posting your own constructive views on the forums, like many others can and do? That way your view will get attended to/ignored based on its merits, rather than how many politbureau members you may have signed up. Just like everyone else (or is that your problem?).
Thanks though, for taking time in your clarifying response - it proved most illuminating
Now, I'm away back to my server. For now...