Recently I've been thinking of doing a TWF-Nightmare build, I was thinking of going a class split of 12 Fighter/6 Monk/2 Paladin, but recently I've looked at the Warpriest's Enchantment and i've seen maybe going 12 Fighter/6 Monk/2 Favored Soul would be better.
Pros for Favored Soul over Paladin
1) Divine Might cost only 1 AP and is on the first tier. Also It only doesn't use up turns, it uses SP to cast it.
2)May sound silly, But Nice SP for Rejuv Cocoon from Epic Twists.
3) Can also save you a twist b/c you don't need Unlimited LoH from US destiny.
4) Also the First and Second tier of Warpriest is pretty good ^_^.
Cons of Favored Soul over Paladin
1) Loses LoH and nice self heal.
2) You have a BIG loss in saves.
3) Less Hamp
Please Post your opinions and name stuff I missed, also name which one would you prefer over another
-Soteris -- Cannith Server.