Just some background info:
On my third life, went half elf for the fun of it, currently going twfing as a monk/ranger/fighter. I'd rather stick to one type of damage instead of swapping between, say range and melee.
I've been reading some threads, but I've never been able to find a comparison of, say, the average monkcher build, and... I'll go with two twf builds: 6Mnk/6Rng/8Fighter(Earth III/feats/Kensaietc), and 6Mnk/12F(The +8 psionic boost)/2RNG(if that can get me tempest, if not, then dunno) (Thinking of The Abomination, but modified for TWF only)
Basically, I have the following questions that I'd like answered. While various threads have made me able to figure some stuff by myself, I thought it would be a good idea to post this thread specifically to compare:
For Monkcher and TWF:
How big is the difference between DPS of the two?
I'm guessing that TWF has higher DPS sustained, but I'd to know for sure. I'm counting MS/10k, but not action boosts for this.
Which would be easier to solo/not die with?
I'm guessing Monkcher, but eh.
How viable is going pure range, instead of twfing when 10k/ms are on cooldown?
Would the 6mnk/12F/2Rng spread get me more dps, but cost me some survivability?
Pretty sure I had other questions, but I can't seem to remember them now.
I've been playing TWF for the last two lives, and well, I figured it was time I finally settled on a build. Thing is, I'm not so keen on going TWF again due to it being much easier to die due to being... melee. Then again, those were pure fighter lives, so I'm sure these splits will make it much better.
I'm not asking for specific builds, though that would be nice, but for opinions and advice about these.
Sorry if I'm asking obvious questions, but I'd like to know for sure.