So. Many. Questions.
Here is my build. Have at it!
Caster druid, 15 druid, 5 wizard, Human, 2nd life (wizard past life)
*Idea is to max out SLA’s and have high evocation for Earthquake*
Lvls 1-15 as druid, 16-20 as wizard
Wis- max
Int- next highest- I like that spellcraft is now affected by int and that it adds to spell power
Con- whatever’s left
Skills- the ushz
heal (also, now good)
blah blah
1-Human- wizard past life
1-Druid- empower healing (may change to mental toughness?)
2-SF Evocation
6- Druid- Empower
9- Druid- Maximize
12- Druid enlarge (seriously, I'm having fun with this and sunbeam has quadruple range! and crown of summer can target just about forever. try it in searing heights!)
15- Heighten
16- wizard- quicken
18- GSF- evocation
20- wizard- mental toughness
Enhancements 1-15 druid, Season’s Herald
*Should I take the fire or cold elemental at lvl?* I’m thinking about not doing either.
4 in core abilities, +20 Spell power in seasons and +2 to max caster lvl in season. Does that increase the max lvl of, say, call lightning that caps at 15?
Tier one- 3 beguile, 2 wax and wane (2% crit chance for spells in season)
Tier two- 6 points to increase spell pen by three (do I need this with word of balance SLA?), 6 efficient maximize, 3 produce flame SLA, wax and wane (2% more crit [4% so far] per season)
24 so far
Tier three- 4- efficient heighten, 3 creeping cold SLA, 2 wisdom, 2 wax and wane (6% in season crit now)
Tier four- 1- boogers, 3 call lightning SLA, 2 wax and wane (8% now), 2 wisdom
Tier five- 2 crown of summer, 3 word of balance, 2 time and tide, +1 lvl, +1 max caster lvl for season, strength of solstice, 2 +1 evocation and transmutation DC’s
Total, 52.
8% crit chance in season
+2 caster lvl, +2 max caster lvl
+20 spell power
+1 DC evocation, Transmutation
Reduced heighten and maximize
Core- magic missile SLA (+1 sp, +2 mana) (1 pt spent)
Tier one: (6 pts spent)
2, Spell Critical:Elemental and Force I- (+2 sp, +4 mana)
4, Energy of the Scholar 60 mana (+4 sp, +8 mana)
Tier 2 (14 pts spent)
6 Efficient Empower (+6 sp, +12 mana)
2 Spell Critical: Elemental and Force II (+4 sp, +8 mana)
6 Efficient Enlarge (+6 sp, +12 mana)
Tier 3
2 Spell Critical: Elemental and Force III (+2 sp, +4 mana)
Tier 4
2 Primary Spell Focus: Evocation +1 to evo DC’s (+2 sp, +4 mana)
2 Spell Critical: Elemental and Force IV: (+2 sp, +4 mana)
4% to crit on elemental damage
+1 to evocation spells
+29 to spell power
+58+60 mana= +118 mana
+12% crit chance
+ 49 spell power
+2 evocation DC’s
Reduction in nearly all metas
Lvl 1, 2, and 3 wizard spells (1st shield, pro evil, hypnotism, ray of enfeeble or disrupt undead or sonic blast, 2nd lvl invis, electric loop, death aura or melf’s, and displacement and haste [unless you can think of a better one])
will the elemental damage for the AM tree only apply to wozard spells? I think not?
Should I opt for arcane bolt? It is 2 points per rank?
Am I spending too many points on SLA's? Should i just take one rank or so and spend points in the human tree?