Was a great show pjstechie. Cordovan looked bored to death when you were reading the patch notes lol
Was a great show pjstechie. Cordovan looked bored to death when you were reading the patch notes lol
Shamgar ~ Pjstechie ~ Melchizedek ~ Habakkuk ~ Josheb ~ Magoi ~ Kinnor ~ Eshek ~ Zakchaios ~ Jephthah ~ Bartimaios ~ Ehudh ~ Bezaleluri ~ Nebuchad ~ Lava Divers (Khyber) ~ Epic Education ~ Building Blocks ~ DDOCast ~ contact me
Desnol / Qerasuul / Lornkhal / Khazdar - Soko Irrlicht, Orien
i didn't listen to the whole thing, but it was nice to hear some tone and see some emotion talking about U20. you cant get that in typed words and emoticons aren't always enough. i don't envy Cordovan and Toleros job right now with the angry mob on the forums and all the meetings and whatnot they have to go through. glad to hear they listened and decided to go a different route with reincarnation. have to say i have a different opinion and outlook on DDO now and got a better insight on what people do for work there and how the chain works.
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter
I did go back and listen to the podcast. I'll admit it was well done and sometimes audio can explain better than text. I got a lot of info from what they said, what they didn't say and how they did or did not say it. It felt much more candid than anything they type out officially here on the forums. That said, it is unfortunate that this level of communication comes from a 3rd party site and not Turbine officially. However, for this type of talk, it's best left to 3rd parties. There were at least a few topics that would probably have been edited out from anything official from a Turbine site.
The release notes section did feel like a bit of a slogfest. There was much to be covered, but a simple link in the description followed by a shorter discussion on specific details might have been better. The whole act of reading them out just feels like nobody wants to read it and even fewer people want to hear it. Release notes are best covered by a text document while some details lend themselves to a chat environment.
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen
Judging from a snippet of feedback in this thread alone, it appears you are wrong.
Talking off the cuff like they did in that podcast was a brilliant way to get the word out and calm 99% of the playerbase. The alternative would have been spending days crafting up an official reply before they were ready, then passing through all the different departments to get approvals, just to have it posted, waste time monitoring it from trolls, and used as fodder on useless websites that are more happy with the destruction of DDO than the longevity of it.
This way we got far more information then we ever would have gotten, in a brilliant roundtable-like discussion. When they are ready, and the dev work is complete, I'm sure there will be plenty to read. The show was promoted here, the word is out. Anyone who wishes to share it with their guildies can very easily (it's called a link).
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Dungeons & Dragons Online Guild
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Wow, remind me to dig out my old pompoms and baton for you. So... you're saying that it would have been MORE trouble to write a line of text saying "We're taking commendations out of sagas, we're not touching Heroic TR and we'll announce a new system for CoV distribution for your feedback as soon as we've got something concrete," - the key information everyone was waiting for - than it was to do a two-hour podcast. Is that it? Because communications from a company employee in a video somehow don't need approvals in the same way as text, or are in any way more or less problematic legally? Is that what you're saying?
Feel free to point me at the "brilliant roundtable-like discussion" parts, because I could only stand ten minutes or so before I lost the will to live. I spend enough time in my day job listening to people in meetings who ought not to be there trying to score points by repeating things the real contributors have said (almost always prefacing their remarks with something along the lines of "I think what you're saying is..."), without watching a recording of the same thing. There's no reason why the salient points couldn't have been summarised in text on the official forum where we can keep an eye out with the Dev Tracker: how much approval could it possibly need when the information has already been released, to the public, by the producer. But, you know, keep on cheering.
Nice handle, by the way.
PS: Not knocking the DDOCast thing. It's fine, if you have world enough and time, and I'm impressed that people are prepared to devote that much of their personal resources into the game, but I don't have the time or inclination to spend twenty times as long listening to people 'um' and 'ah' their way through some facts as it would have taken me to read it. I barely have time to play the game; even my forum-browsing time is during breaks at work, where videos are obviously problematic.
I'm a snuggly, fluffy, cuddly-wuddly little rabbit.
And if you call me a gamer grrrrl, I will reach down your throat, rip out your pancreas and feed it to my Rottweiler.
Well if you insist, i can read those too...but only the new ones. (I usually try to cover important bugs, but in a slightly different format).
Reading the release notes wasnt something that was really started by me, and this is only my 10th episode, so im still very much finding my feet. At most, I plan on only reading new stuff (which i did this week) and I dont plan on reading the full release notes when U20 hits live. Its also a little easier to comment on notes as we go through them, but admittedly we dont comment on all of them
Part of the reasoning behind reading them though is that some of our listeners 1) really like getting the news this way (I'm guessing many of them listen during their work commutes) and 2) dont participate on the forums, look at any of the show links or do anything other than let their computer download the podcast in audio format and then listen to it on the way to work.
Having said all that, I'm always open to feedback and interested in producing a podcast that caters to as many people as possible.
Shamgar ~ Pjstechie ~ Melchizedek ~ Habakkuk ~ Josheb ~ Magoi ~ Kinnor ~ Eshek ~ Zakchaios ~ Jephthah ~ Bartimaios ~ Ehudh ~ Bezaleluri ~ Nebuchad ~ Lava Divers (Khyber) ~ Epic Education ~ Building Blocks ~ DDOCast ~ contact me
Sorry but i stand by My NO.
They have an Official Website and an Official Forum, that's where such announcement should take place not in a third party webcast ( even if it's a good third party webcast ).
If you think that Facebook, Twitter and whatever should be Official Communication medium wait until we start seeing lawsuits about that.... It's dead easy to usurp somebody's identity on these medium. I'm not even talking about account security ( lack of ).
On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...
You surely have the right to your opinion. However this podcast date and time was ANNOUNCED on the official website, and in many other locations around the DDO community. If people were paying REMOTE attention to the official forum, their guild website (considering your GL was paying attention), they would have known about the show. Heck this thread itself is continuing to promote the podcast. People are now discussing it. Guilds are ripe with knowledge from this podcast. The information got out just fine.
The podcast was a great medium to give us the state of the game, served its purpose much nicer than reading a few paragraphs of incomplete thoughts, soon™s and maybes. Patrick did a great job - and they were more then willing to talk to the player base, and they answered more questions than the host asked. You just cant do that on a forum. If you just want the bullet points, you got that within minutes of the podcast ending.
When they are ready to announce something official, there'll be a prepared statement. Until then, you get what you get! Personally, I want to see more of this type of interactive communication, and thought it was WAY COOL that they gave such a scoop to a player run podcast.
About Facebook, Google+ Twitter and other social mediums, welcome to the new millennium flavor flav.. This is how news travels nowadays and there's nothing we can do about it. I agree with you about lawsuits, but this is totally off topic. Grant it, I'd kill for a 1% cut of the proceeds from all lawsuits related to social media in the next 10 years or so...![]()
Last edited by LeslieWest_GuitarGod; 10-30-2013 at 07:11 AM.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Dungeons & Dragons Online Guild
No Drama. Cameraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
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Ok but the golden question is: is it enough to appease the peasants?
Simple math: currently you need 2000 epic token fragments to get a Heart of Wood.
Lets say you get a mininum of 30 per epic quest. You'd have to run 66 epic quests to reincarnate.
Now the proposed (if you don't complain enough its not proposed, it will go live like that) system:
4200 comms for a Heart.
Lets say you're really into epic hard quests. Thats 30 comms per quest.
Now to reincarnate you'll need to run 140 quests.
Correct me if I'm wrong. And I really hope I am.
As for your handle, I got no problem with it, but I can't help but envision this:
Now that we are done trading the niceties...
You do realizing you are complaining about this podcast AFTER you already got the details of what was discussed? Ok that solves that silliness.
"I could only stand ten minutes or so before I lost the will to live" <----- I guess they dont make bunny wabbits like they used to... I skipped around got 95% of the bullets in about 10 minutes and updated my guild website... then when I had more time I listened to the whole show.. so I could answer more detailed questions. Its redundant anyway, since bullets were made available almost immediately at the show's end by those who DIDNT DIE in 10 minutes.......
As for my handle? Well, what kind of music do you like? There's lots of other "guitar Gods". You've got Jimi, Stevie Ray, Clapton, BB King, Malmsteen, Satriani, and lately I'm diggin Herman Li... I can go on. I love to play and listen to good music, especially the old stuff, and everyone' got their favorite, my guy was Leslie West, one bad mofo in my book ...
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Dungeons & Dragons Online Guild
No Drama. Cameraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
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