Cheers, G-landers!

I'm passively looking for a new guild to bring on silly adventures. If you're interested, feel free to shoot me a PM or leave a note in this thread. Thanks! Details below:

Who I am:

Personal: Male, 23, single, employed
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine, GMT +2
Active times: weekday evenings, weekends; don't play every day but like to be semi-active
Playstyle: 1+ years in the game (mostly pre-MoTU plus about 2 months recently). I like to do full or near-full completions on quests. I like most puzzles. I like to run off-beat stuff (Titan, Abbot, Spies in the House etc.). I like to try odd builds and make the most of them. I like to raid.
Current toons: Skadthi (20 ranger (DWS/AA)/3 epic (Shiradi) planning to TR through a variety of ranged builds), Tenfootpole (4 rogue (Acrobat), likely going to add at least 6 fighter levels).
Account status: Premium. Owned packs: Carnival, 3BC, Sentinels, Delera, Devil Assault, Threnal, VoN, Fens, Restless Isles, Menechtarun, Attack on Stormreach, Gianthold, both Madness packs, Vale, Druid's Deep, Reaver's Reach, Dreaming Dark, House C, Shavarath, High Road. Planning to buy MoTU but aiting to see if there's a sale soon.
Other games: Neverwinter (on hold until new class), GW2 (just starting), AION (very casual, usually only when tired of other games)
Misc.: I'm a big fan of D&D-related games. I like to have fun, poke fun, and be silly/cynical/sarcastic. Spent 7 years State-side. Primary other hobby includes music (several bands and projects).

What I'm looking for:

- A reasonably populated guild with at least a handful of active people in my time slot;
- A group of people who like to run off-beat things;
- 18+ (I have nothing against young ones, but I don't want to have to self-censor all the time in guild chat);
- A guild that raids at least semi-regularly, and organizes/is open to organizing guild runs;
- Primary language: English. I can handle some German and Chinese, but it's been ages since I've actually used 'em to communicate.

What I'n NOT looking for:

- Cheaters/exploiters;
- Farmers;
- Too casual OR too serious (hoping to strike a balance here);
- Uptight (Not everything I say is 100% serious, and I do also like being a bit of a prick without malicious intent. I don't think I'd fit in with anyone who'd take offense at this);