Not so long ago, some players expressed the opinion that all this work on the reincarnation system was a total waste of time.
They thought the programmers' time would be better spent creating a second raid for 2013.
At the time, I strongly opposed this point of view.
I felt that these few months were the reincarnation fan's moment of glory.
Time to review and recode and create.
After a great deal of pitchforks, the new framework for reincarnation does look well structured.
Which is a good thing, right?
But when one reviews the rewards associated with it, one pauses deeply and ponders.
The Troll and Fawn agree, these rewards are weak straw carrots.
The Troll preaches on, that if the rewards are worthless, then the whole system is worthless.
Rewards must influence people to want them, and thereby work for them.
Without true rewards, not weak or broken, the framework holding them is naught.
A highly designed and decorated market stall trying to sell garbage is pointless wealth wasted on improper marketing.
If the perfect framework of the system is wasted then the DDO developers could have spent the same time on something else.
Something like another raid.
In full circle, I see that I was wrong.
In full circle, I see a dead end instead of a new beginning.
Ah, but the rewards can be adjusted?
Yes, just like completionist could be made an auto granted feat, but I will believe it when I see it...
Agree or disagree with me, but please make your voice heard or forever hold your peace: