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  1. #1
    Community Member Schleprock45's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Mabar Shout-Out to All Level 9-14s

    Just wanted to say that compared to last year's Mabar event, this year is far and away much more civilized, lag-free and rewarding. A very, very large part of that is the folks in this level range that are running the dragon instance. My main toon, Shhady, is 9/9 running these instances and only because of a group of folks that communicate well and seem to really know what to do. I see the same toons in the instance over and over with a new splattering once in awhile - you guys know who you are So thanks everyone for making it a fun event!

    See y'all in the graveyard.....

  2. #2
    Community Member Culver.Civello's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Schleprock45 View Post
    Just wanted to say that compared to last year's Mabar event, this year is far and away much more civilized, lag-free and rewarding. A very, very large part of that is the folks in this level range that are running the dragon instance. My main toon, Shhady, is 9/9 running these instances and only because of a group of folks that communicate well and seem to really know what to do. I see the same toons in the instance over and over with a new splattering once in awhile - you guys know who you are So thanks everyone for making it a fun event!

    See y'all in the graveyard.....
    Aye. 9-14 range had some good runs and cooperation among everyone participating. I participated in way more runs than I really needed to, but I had fun doing it. Now I just need to find some bank space for all these dragon scales I'm not using. XD At any rate, I'm all mabar'ed out. Doing some Wiz King is already giving me flashbacks and night terrors. XD lmao.

    Till next year!


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