Last edited by Jacator; 11-01-2013 at 09:49 PM.
Just a few things, that only goes up to level 25.
You get adept of forms free at monk 6 so no point picking up the feat as well, I'd move the leveleling around a bit to be able to get monk 6 by level 12 or 15 to get master of forms at the same time.
There isn't a +7 tome of Dexterity in the game, to qualify for combat archery I'd suggest dropping con to 14 and upping dex to 16 to get 21 dex for CA with a +5 tome.
Lose weapon focus ranged you don't need it for AA anymore. Pick up cleave+great cleave (using feat spots from wf:ranged and adept of forms). Pick up overwhelming critical by either using a +5 STr tome there too +2 level ups. Or the +3 tome you listed +4 level ups.
Drop toughness (you don't really need it anymore) pick up completionist instead.
Good luck and have fun .