No point in trying to get someone to acknowledge points that they will not acknowledge and some on this thread have effectively even admitted they aren't using logic in their argument so i will only point out these last two seemingly obvious tidbits and be done. First, 6 million epic xp is no worse and I would argue in fact that it is better than the heroic leveling process. Better as in faster, easier, etc. Second, is that the number of past lives that you will "suffer" through is minimal any way you slice it and if they are such a problem then address those themselves.
For instance, Oh no, my caster was not built to be martial and I want the martial feat cause its really cool and I don't want to heroic tr into a martial class or even lr my caster into something martial capable..I want to receive caster lvls for 5 ranks of ED..
Sounds incredibly immature doesn't it? But there is a kernel there that is salvageable. Epic lvls should indeed give caster lvls to spells. Ask for that to be fixed rather than something unrelated. Oh and by the way, grandmaster of flowers is a decent go to for martial sphere as a caster. Didn't lvl grandmaster of flowers? Who's fault is that? This would be the second point, namely that as it is currently proposed it requires being in sphere not a particular destiny.