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For starters I want to say I never ever ever have connectivity or lag problems, in any game. so lets put my connection aside right now. also tested to see if its me and it turns out that no.
alright, so starting the mabar rush hours, I cant connect to the game properly. I get a "connection to the server has been lost" error either on first load screen (before toon select), world load screen (after toon select) or a similar error in the launcher itself. This also is similar to a problem with jorasco currently where there are around 300 people on the same instance of jorasco, since it wont instance itself. you know what 300 people in a 10 meter radius does, lag. lots of glorious lag and connectivity problems. anyone knows a work around?
[edit]: seems its not persistent, tried to connect multiple times to see if it works, and I get a success rate of around 30%. I just got in the game.