Vargouile, I am just getting to the point where the TR options are opening to me, so the prospects of these EPL feats are really starting to spark with me. personally I would love for my tank to have an extra +3 enhancement bonus to weapons.
So from a 3 year player who has just been getting to start to consider all the benefits of TRing these changes are very satisfying. Even though I agree that adding all these benefits in the heroic levels will make the heroic content easier, as a player I love having the opportunity to be a "god".
People also need to Consider that yes, +4 enhancement bonus may be a little extreme for a level 1/3 character, but that's at least 3 epic TR's that you go through to get it, I think after gaining that much exp, you deserve to be a "god".
So I fully support these options and think that yes, maybe if we could bump the values up a bit to see a little more change in epic levels. but at the same time, these are "free" (as much so as you can get them) and who can say "no" to free stuff at any level?
conclusion: as a fresh TR player these options and ideas look good. but I do understand the more experienced and dedicated players as well. my thought to them, you grind 20 levels for HPL that don't offer much, what's the difference here? really?