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  1. #1
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    Default Epic Past Lifes - Pictures and Description

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    Last edited by Drwaz99; 10-24-2013 at 02:30 PM.

  2. #2
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    Martial Sphere:


    • Stance: 2% Doublestrike per stack of this Past Life
    • Passive Bonus: +2 AC per stack of this Past Life and +1 AC per Ten Character levels.

    Skill mastery:

    • Stance: +1 to all Skills per stack of this Past Life
    • Passive Bonus: +2 AC per stack of this Past Life and +1 AC per Ten Character levels.


    • Stance: +10% fortification per stack of this Past Life.
    • Passive Bonus: +2 AC per stack of this Past Life and +1 AC per Ten Character levels.

    Primal Sphere:

    Double Shot:

    • Stance: +2% double shot per stack of this Past Life.
    • Passive: +3 Maximum Hitpoints and +4 per ten character levels.

    Fast Healing:

    • Stance: Each minute you heal with positive energy, 5Hp + 5 HP every 5 character levels. Healing is doubled and tripled with two or three stacks of this Past Life.
    • Passive: +3 Maximum Hitpoints and +4 per ten character levels.

    Colors of the Queen:

    • Stance: Your unarmed, melee and ranged attacks and spells have a 7% chance to produce a random effect. This triggers at most once every 60 seconds. Additional stacks of the past life reduce the triggered effect cooldown to 45 seconds and then 30 seconds.
    • Passive: +3 Maximum Hitpoints and +4 per ten character levels.

    Divine Sphere:

    Healing Power:

    • Stance: +10 positive energy spell power per stack of this past life.
    • Passive: +3 PRR per stack of this past life.


    • Stance: +1 to all saving throws per stack of this past life.
    • Passive: +3 PRR per stack of thie past life.

    Block Energy:

    • Stance: While blocking, +10% damage absorption against Acid, Cold, Electric and Fire damage per stack of this past life.
    • Passive: +3 PRR per stack of this past life.

    Arcane Sphere:

    Energy Criticals:

    • Stance: 2% Critical Chance with Acid, Cold, Electric Fire and Sonic Spells
    • Passive: +1% Absorption of Acid, Cold, Electric and Fire damage.

    Enchanct Weapon:

    • Stance: Your Mainhand equipped weapon gains +1 enhancement bonus per Enchant Weapon past life feat.
    • Passive: +1% Absorption of Acid, Cold, Electric and Fire damage.

    Arcane Alacrity:

    • Stance: Cooldowns on your spells are reduced by 3%. Additional stacks of Arcane Alacrity past life increases this to 6% and then to 10%.
    • Passive: +1% Absorption of Acid, Cold, Electric and Fire damage.

    Above..I just need text here for some reason.
    Last edited by Drwaz99; 10-24-2013 at 02:42 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member xoowak's Avatar
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    So the passive bonuses are all the same within a sphere? Does that mean they can effectively stack x9? Or do you not gain a passive benefit for epic lives 4-9?

    If they fully stack and you max them out, that's some pretty nice bonuses from the passives alone:
    +45 AC
    +45 HP
    +27 PRR
    +9% Elemental Absorb

    The Primal actives look pretty weak for casters. 3 PLs for a rainbow proc every 30 sec?

  4. #4
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    A lot of these are spectacularly weak. Really? Passive +2 AC from martial? Laughingstock.

    Give me actual DPS and tactics please. 6% doublestrike is underwhelming for 3 grinds.
    Last edited by Cetus; 10-24-2013 at 02:31 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Krumm's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info.


  6. #6
    Developer Vargouille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xoowak View Post
    So the passive bonuses are all the same within a sphere? Does that mean they can effectively stack x9? Or do you not gain a passive benefit for epic lives 4-9?
    Those will stack up to nine times, if you fully stack each EPL in the sphere.

  7. #7
    Developer Vargouille's Avatar
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    Specific suggestions welcome, as always.

  8. #8
    The Hatchery psteen1's Avatar
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    I find the wording confusing on character levels. Can someone explain it?


    Passive Bonus: +2 AC per stack of this Past Life and +1 AC per Ten Character levels.

    Does that mean a 30 level character would be getting a +5 (2 base + 3 for 30 levels)?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cetus View Post
    A lot of these are spectacularly weak. Really? Passive +2 AC from martial? Laughingstock.

    Give me actual DPS and tactics please. 6% doublestrike is underwhelming for 3 grinds.
    6% doublestrike is hardly underwhelming for a monk already sitting on 20% or more doublestrike... And 45 ac is a BIG number. Puts monks rather high up there in the 100+ ac world.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Specific suggestions welcome, as always.
    The most obvious thing that I can suggest is that the Martial Sphere needs some DPS to it. At least with the Arcane Sphere, each one contains something that actually does more damage either in larger amounts or faster.

  11. #11
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Those will stack up to nine times, if you fully stack each EPL in the sphere.
    It's funny that Glin said they would be +1 AC and people crucified him. So +2 AC is TOTALLY twice as good you guys!


  12. #12
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    There may be a FAQ post later, but on first read, I wonder:
    • Does the Colors of the Queen proc behave independently of the Shiradi (Double) Rainbow proc? Will CotQ actually increase the effect for a character working to triple-stack the Past Life feat?
    • Does Fast Healing affect WF and fleshy the same, a la Paladin LoH?

    Thanks for the quick info, Drwaz99, and the quick replies, Vargouille.
    Dawnstrider, Officer of Pay It Forward (Sarlona, and all servers)

  13. #13
    The Hatchery psteen1's Avatar
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    For martial,

    How about a stacking 2 or 3 percent to attack speed?

  14. #14
    Community Member Saravis's Avatar
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    Healing Power: +10 positive spellpower seems really weak for an epic past life, it should either be at least +15 or +10 and +10 kinetic or light spellpower.

    Brace: Should be at least +2 per life.

    Fast Healing: 35 HP per minute. I would not call that fast healing, needs reworked.

    Enchant Weapon: Odd to have this in the arcane sphere, guess its supposed to be for bards and EKs. Not complaining about it, just find it odd.

  15. #15
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Specific suggestions welcome, as always.
    Can I activate one stance only, or one per sphere (at given time)?
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  16. #16
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Arcane sphere Review.

    Really underwhelming

    Let's go in order:

    Energy Criticals:

    Stance: 2% Critical Chance with Acid, Cold, Electric Fire and Sonic Spells
    Passive: +1% Absorption of Acid, Cold, Electric and Fire damage.
    First of all, Drwaz: it's 2%, not 25

    Now, seriously:

    2% for an Epic Past life? As I understood this can't be stackable 3 times because it's not stated in the description. Is that so? I find it rather underwhelming, even if this was stacking three times. Make it like the cooldown reduction: 3%, 6% and 10% Spell crit. We are grinding 2-3 mil XP everytime for heavens sake.

    Enchanct Weapon:

    Stance: Your Mainhand equipped weapon gains +1 enhancement bonus per Enchant Weapon past life feat.
    Passive: +1% Absorption of Acid, Cold, Electric and Fire damage.
    This basically is traslated into a +9 Spell power? Really? NINE Spellpower? Cmon? I would scrap it at all and make it a flat +1/2/3 DC to every spell OR, if you don't like my passive (see below), make it a flat +15/20/25 Spell power

    Arcane Alacrity:

    Stance: Cooldowns on your spells are reduced by 3%. Additional stacks of Arcane Alacrity past life increases this to 6% and then to 10%.
    Passive: +1% Absorption of Acid, Cold, Electric and Fire damage.
    This looks good for Wizzies.

    So, to summarize:

    The first one is good for Sorcerers and Shiradi
    The 2nd would be good for Sorcerers, Shiradi and Wizzies
    The 3rd would be good for Wizzies

    Looks fine to me.

    Now, to the passive one:

    Passive: +1% Absorption of Acid, Cold, Electric and Fire damage.

    Make the Spell power here but at lesser rate since it can be stack 9 times. Say 2 Universal Spell power per stack of past life
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  17. #17
    Community Member Systern's Avatar
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    Do these turn on at level 20, or level 1? If I ER and then HTR, do I get my +3 PRR?

    and Enchant Weapon is exceptionally weak... we give you 6.6 million xp, and you give us a Level 1 Arti Spell/Tier 1 bard enhancement.
    Last edited by Systern; 10-24-2013 at 02:55 PM.

  18. #18
    The Hatchery psteen1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post

    This basically is traslated into a +9 Spell power? Really? NINE Spellpower? Cmon? I would scrap it at all and make it a flat +1/2/3 DC to every spell OR, if you don't like my passive (see below), make it a flat +15/20/25 Spell power
    No way they are going to increase obtainable DCs more, so you can give up on that idea.

    I like the +1 enhancement to weapons. Good for bards or druids or any type of caster/melee mix.

  19. #19
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Specific suggestions welcome, as always.
    The stances need to be substantially more powerful - for 2 reasons: 1. The passives effectively stack up to 9 times, so by contrast the stances need to be much better 2. There's competition, since we can only choose one stance active at a time from each sphere

    Martial Suggestion - Make passives all different to avoid a 9-fold stacking, so they can be better. The 9-fold stacking is stupid imo.

    Dreadnaught Stance #1: +2% Doublestrike, +1 Tactics DC, +1 Extra Action boost, +2 to damage
    Passive: Cooldown on tactical feat DC's is lowered by 2 second (this doesn't include cleaves).

    x3 = +6% doublestrike, +3 tactics, +3 Boost, +6 damage, 6 second cooldown reduction on tactics for 19.8 million xp.

    Grandmaster Stance #2: Regen 2 Extra ki on hit, +1 to all saves and skills, + 1 to tactics, +1 wisdom, bypass 2% fortification
    Passive: +3 AC, +4 PRR, +1 will save

    x3 = 6-ki regen on hit, +3 saves and skills, +3 tactics, +3 wisdom, 6% fort bypass, +9 ac, +12 prr, +3 will save for 19.8 million xp

    Shadowdancer stance #3: Bypass 5% fortification, +1 assassinate DC, +1d6 Sneak attack damage, +1 dexterity, +1 intelligence
    Passive: +3 Sneak attack damage and + 1 reflex save

    x3: 15% fortification bypass, +3 assassinate DC, +3d6 SA, +3 Dex, +3 intelligence, +9 SA dmg, +3 reflex save for 19.8 million xp

    This isn't perfect, but these bonuses allow some competition between the stances for characters who benefit from this sphere, and something for say, arcanes and divine to give them reason to level these destinies as well (such as 3 intel for wizards from shadowdancer stance).

    Removal of the x9 stacking of passives allows for customized passives for each destiny past life.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by psteen1 View Post
    No way they are going to increase obtainable DCs more, so you can give up on that idea.

    I like the +1 enhancement to weapons. Good for bards or druids or any type of caster/melee mix.
    And more importantly, all non-spellcasters. As far as I understand it, you can have 1 active per sphere, so you need something here a melee might at least benefit from.

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