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  1. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crazyfruit View Post
    I much prefer having them at level 1. I like how some effects scale up in power at higher levels, and would like to see that be used to improve the weaker ones without ruining balance.
    After thinking about it, this seems would be the preferred option for me. I'll explain how I can see this working.

    From what I can tell, the feat stacks on itself, but also there appears to be a slightly higher increase on the third/final feat. So how about:
    * The first time you Epic TR a ED, you get a feat that starts at level 1. This feat could be called the Epic Past Life Feat (Heroic).
    * The Second time you Epic TR a ED, you get another feat that applies at level 10 and stacks with the first feat. This feat could be called the Epic Past Life Feat (Paragon), since this is the level that Paragon weapons start sprouting up in the game. This feat also has double or more the power of the Heroic feat.
    * The Third (final) time you Epic TR a ED, you get another feat at level 20 that stacks with other two feats. This feat could be called the Epic Past Life Feat (Epic). This will be the most powerful of the feats that will be, let's say triple the power of the previous two.
    * The Toggle feats could either be frozen until you hit Epic or they could scale up as you level, like the above.

  2. #262
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We're very happy to have you guys fill out Surveys for Reincarnation!

    Thanks. We'll be reviewing these on Monday, so please fill them out this weekend if you can!
    As far as I can tell, this link is disfunct. Unless "..." is a proper part of that http address.

    My mad forum-fu skills, however, allowed me to dig up this link:!
    Last edited by karl_k0ch; 10-26-2013 at 02:37 PM.
    Toons on Orien: Meinir // Flodur // Twiddler // Thorkar // Impetor // Juliacantor // Minor all Soko Irrlicht
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We may or may not intentionally insert in red herrings, purple mackerels, or horses of different colors. Void where prohibited. Not available in all planes of existence.

  3. #263
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    The benefits from the Epic past life feats seem pretty weak. I'd have them all scale up with level - weak at level 1, decent at 15-20, good at 25-30.

    The Arcane passive is so weak no one will be able to tell if its working; even stacked nine times it is weak.
    I suggest adding spell points to it; 1 SP per level, or 5 SP +5 per 5 levels, something like that.
    This will please the min-maxxers, as they get bigger numbers, but even stacked nine times it's less than a Mnem pot.


  4. #264
    Community Member Dagolar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post

    [Epic Past Lives] do in fact function in Heroic content at level 1.

    We're happy to hear further feedback on whether or not you guys desire this, or if we should eliminate them functioning below level 20.
    They should not apply below 20.
    They're meant for epic past lives, right? Consequently, it feels they should apply only to epic lives, since that is what they relate to.

    On a more distinct note seperate from 'feelings', it'd utterly, completely destroy low level content for those with epic TR feats.

    TR toons already have an easy time of it, but at least, you get enough challenge that you feel your build being applied to the content.

    With the feats you describe, you could LITERALLY run around naked and unarmed [without being a monk] and compare better than a non-E-TRed toon.

    Or, you could just run the content fully geared, and regardless of how you like to play the game, you're forced to munchkin your way through, just to have the boosts you want for the challenging high level content.

    That's not appealing in any way to all but munchkins. :/
    Quote Originally Posted by Xeraphim View Post
    Fly? That would break every quest in the game. You would see folks falling from the sky in Korthos and dying. It would be a rain of newbs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dandonk View Post
    Yeah. It's not "we nuked the city from orbit", it's "the city experienced a brief population drop". Check.

  5. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dagolar View Post
    They should not apply below 20.
    With the feats you describe, you could LITERALLY run around naked and unarmed [without being a monk] and compare better than a non-E-TRed toon.
    If you don't want to use them, just don't toggle them on until 20. Personally, I'll probably at least grab 3 lives worth of fast-healing to make my future barb lives a little bit cheaper on pot usage and avoid a needless 5% xp loss from hireling usage. As for the passives, they're not a particularly huge deal to me but they might be useful to someone who isn't as geared as I am.

  6. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dagolar View Post
    They should not apply below 20.
    They're meant for epic past lives, right? Consequently, it feels they should apply only to epic lives, since that is what they relate to.
    Well, that just depends on the semantics of the concepts of "epic" and "past lives." Some people feel "Epic" automatically equates to Lv 20+ content, but what if, in this case, it means superior? Their abilities do tend to offer a bit more then most of the heroic PLs. Would that make you more receptive to having them available at first life, if they were superior past lives? Meanwhile, "past lives" has always had the weight of being able to take something with you when you restart the character, beginning anew with a greater advantage for their journey.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dagolar View Post
    On a more distinct note seperate from 'feelings', it'd utterly, completely destroy low level content for those with epic TR feats.

    TR toons already have an easy time of it, but at least, you get enough challenge that you feel your build being applied to the content.

    With the feats you describe, you could LITERALLY run around naked and unarmed [without being a monk] and compare better than a non-E-TRed toon.

    Or, you could just run the content fully geared, and regardless of how you like to play the game, you're forced to munchkin your way through, just to have the boosts you want for the challenging high level content.
    Yes, but do you realize the amount of time, effort, and/or money involved to get to a maxed out ETR character? It's like people just look at the end values and assume a character will just snap their fingers, and have suddenly earned all 36 EPL immediately, and that we're going to have a flood of maxed out ETR characters running around and ruining game play for everyone.

    A heroic character needs to achieve 1,900,000 experience to reach Lv 20, at which point they become eligible for heroic TR. To go from Lv 20 to 28, you then have to earn 4,700,000 more experience to get to the cap. That's over twice as much as heroic. On top of that, you have to earn 6,000,000 Karma - you actually have to sit at current cap for 1.3 million more experience, to earn the karma in the sphere that you want. That is more then triple the amount you have to earn for heroic For people who hate off-destinies, this is even more frustrating. Throw in the fact there are people who feel the epics give lackluster experience, and that's one hell of a grind. All of this, just for 1 EPL.

    And that's just for +2 AC, or +3 PRR, or +1% absorption, or +3 HP at first level. Oh, and one ability they can toggle on or off, at its lowest bonus.

    So, if someone does take the time to play through all of the epic content again, and again, and again, if someone bothers to level off-destinies or to completely TR their characters so the destinies are copacetic, or if someone just breaks down and pours money into Turbine to buy the Epic Otto's to skip it all, I think they deserve to be able to run around Korthos with +18 AC, +27 Max HP, +27 PRR, and +9% Absorption, and up to four skills of their choice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dagolar View Post
    That's not appealing in any way to all but munchkins. :/
    The very concept of TRing is something of a munchkin act. Instead of deleting the old character and making a new one, you start over with your old possessions, and a little more of an edge then you had before. There's a little more exp taxation to balance it out, but that is the price of power, not for re-admission. And what of the Completionist feat in itself? Also, there are people who want to get things just because they can achieve it, and the additional stats are just a merry side effect.
    Anything can be explained by drunken wizards.

    "Hey! I got a piece of the +1 Butter Knife of Victory! Ah-oh, wait, wait. It's just a crummy, normal +1 dagger of ghostbane..."

  7. #267
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singular View Post
    I'm going to farm out 9 lives in each sphere, then reincarnate to 1st level with a Con of 6 and 135 extra hit points, 45 unclothed AC, whatever extra PPR it is, and tell everyone "ha! you didn't build your toon like this? You're a noob!"
    And for that glorious 3 hours you will dominate korthos and harbor. And to think all it took you was 200 million Xp. enough hours to have earned a second degree in a profession of your choice.

    mind you the speed of doing a harbor quest is usually determined by your running speed. Most tr people I know die for the first time somewhere in the mid levels, and then realize they are still bound in korthos. so I can't imagine that your hard earned 45 ac really does anything more for you than resist ship buffs and a crafted invulnerability robe.

  8. #268
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We're very happy to have you guys fill out Surveys for Reincarnation!

    Thanks. We'll be reviewing these on Monday, so please fill them out this weekend if you can!
    I'd fill that survey, if link would point to it.
    It takes me to forum listing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  9. #269
    Community Member Candela90's Avatar
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    I like ER ideas but... Id prefer stronger PLs but stackable only once.
    36 lifes is too much - waaaay too much. 12 is certainly enough .

  10. #270
    Community Member Satyriasys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vellrad View Post
    I'd fill that survey, if link would point to it.
    It takes me to forum listing.
    Try this one.

  11. #271
    Community Member macros123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mithis View Post
    Please, please no more being forced to run in off destinies. Let us build Karma in any sphere.

    I would even go for a 10-15% penalty for being in a destiny outside of the sphere I am currently gaining Karma in.
    This suggestion is money. Let me play what is fun and still work toward something outside of destiny. Having it cost extra effort makes perfect sense and will make this whole process much easier to swallow for those people who simply do not want to run their fighter in the arcane sphere destinies.

  12. #272
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    Quote Originally Posted by Book_O_Dragons View Post
    Doublestrike is where I see the proper balance point to be. Maybe 1% offhand doublestrike too.
    This please. There should be some offhand doublestrike added in for twf people. Considering its only a chance to proc on a doublestrike anyhow its not like it'd really be game breaking, but it'd make two weapon fighting type people feel loved

  13. #273
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    Default Looking good!

    I have to say that I can't wait to start earning these epic past lives. There have been some interesting comments in the thread about little tweaks, but overall I would take them as is and be very happy. To the posters saying that this isn't anything, remember DDO is about smaller numbers not AC 1042 Dodge 1245 and **** like WOW where little bonuses don't really do anything. Here every past life, and the stacking ability of them really adds up. I am a long way from having a completionist, but love every little bit of boost that I get every time I TR. Thanks for adding more interesting stuff to get in the eternal pursuit of fun!

  14. #274
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Havader View Post
    I have to say that I can't wait to start earning these epic past lives. There have been some interesting comments in the thread about little tweaks, but overall I would take them as is and be very happy. To the posters saying that this isn't anything, remember DDO is about smaller numbers not AC 1042 Dodge 1245 and **** like WOW where little bonuses don't really do anything. Here every past life, and the stacking ability of them really adds up. I am a long way from having a completionist, but love every little bit of boost that I get every time I TR. Thanks for adding more interesting stuff to get in the eternal pursuit of fun!
    DDO sure is not WOW. still these Epic Past lives are severely underpowered for the amount of effort it will take to gain them.

    I am fine with them all staying exactly what they are for level 1 but the PL that do not scale up with levels need to.

  15. #275
    The Hatchery SisAmethyst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dagolar View Post
    They should not apply below 20.
    They're meant for epic past lives, right? Consequently, it feels they should apply only to epic lives, since that is what they relate to...
    I partly agree, at least you have to get to epic levels first and usually an epic reincarnation only bumps you back to 20. So I give you this point.

    However I also agree to what others mentioned that you worked hard to get this and therefore it would be nice to have it at least partly returned. So I like to have it in a compromiss as others mentioned that powers apply step by step with a level appropriate scaling. Someone mentioned e.g. to have 5 SP added by level which would be 50 at level ten and 150 at level cap which does not sound game breaking. For meele this is a bit harder to accomplish but I think this was nicely solved in the Barbarian enhancements where some also provide some extra damage that increase by level.

    With the feats you describe, you could LITERALLY run around naked and unarmed [without being a monk] and compare better than a non-E-TRed toon...
    Dunno, but till level 10 a TR can easily run around naked for what it's worth and I even remember the times of naked Shrouds long before we got level 28. So it does not just apply below level 10.
    * We have collectable bags, mind you, even hireling folders, but can I have that 6-pack for my potions please?
    * Having already a past life on the dieng EU servers, I rerolled here and started from scratch as I like the game and the community, so lets see what awaits me here

  16. #276
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    Two points with regard to the abilities:

    1. These past lives should most emphatically not be applicable until level 20 is reached.

    2. The passive bonuses should most emphatically not stack nine times.

    If these two corollaries are followed, then the design of more cost-worthy and interesting abilities may be a reality.

    Simply, any ability that needs to be balanced against a 9-fold version of itself will, by necessity of balance, be too weak. Otherwise, it'll simply get stacked 9 times and become too powerful.

    As far as heroic levels are concerned, I suspect that these abilities were designed with their applicability to heroic content in mind. Please, epic abilities should be entirely separate from that of heroic pursuits.

    Make each of the passive bonuses attached to the three stances within each shere different; and stackable up to 3 times, just as heroic past lives each have a unique passive associated with them.

    Lastly, Karma should most emphatically NOT force us to run in off destinies. I'm a fighter - I expect to run as the best fighter I can make in order to advance him. How about you folks make harder content, instead of forcing us to handicap ourselves just to have something akin to a "challenge" in such a deliberately uninteresting way.
    Last edited by Cetus; 10-28-2013 at 09:05 AM.

  17. #277
    The Hatchery SisAmethyst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cetus View Post
    Lastly, Karma should most emphatically NOT force us to run in off destinies. I'm a fighter - I expect to run as the best fighter I can make in order to advance him. How about you folks make harder content, instead of forcing us to handicap ourselves just to have something akin to a "challenge" in such a deliberately uninteresting way.
    While I understand that players not like to run in off destinies to gain a certain power, I do not understand what a pure Fighte would have use of e.g Energy Criticals which is purely for elemental spells. Heck it is even not much worth for Paladins or Rangers that indeed have a blue bar. In Context of Epic Destinies to get Fate Points or reach an other sphere I do understand the Argument, however in regard to Karma where you could choose the least of the devils that work for you I not so much get it.
    * We have collectable bags, mind you, even hireling folders, but can I have that 6-pack for my potions please?
    * Having already a past life on the dieng EU servers, I rerolled here and started from scratch as I like the game and the community, so lets see what awaits me here

  18. #278
    Community Member Crazyfruit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SisAmethyst View Post
    While I understand that players not like to run in off destinies to gain a certain power, I do not understand what a pure Fighte would have use of e.g Energy Criticals which is purely for elemental spells. Heck it is even not much worth for Paladins or Rangers that indeed have a blue bar.
    Enchant weapon EPL?

    It sounds like +1 damage, +1 attack, +3 usp from the description. So basically most of the fighter & monk passive past lives combined, with a little extra for casters. - Remember to play in moderation.

  19. #279
    Developer Vargouille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BananaHat View Post
    I am strongly in favor of having them scale up with level similar to the base passive hp bonus and the active fast healing. That way, you can have a nice starting bonus at level 1 but that they stay relevant into the epic levels. Devs, please consider scaling all if them like this. Like, instead of 2% doublestrike you get 1% + 1%/10 levels. Add 5% healing amp + 1%/6 levels. Add +2 sneak attack damage +1/10 levels and similar fort bypass.
    For what it's worth, many of these abilities intentionally don't scale like that because they already scale with character level. There's no particular reason why you should get 30% doublestrike at level 30 and only 1% doublestrike at level 1. If 30% is right at the high end, it's also right on the low end, because it already scales with all of your other character progression.

    This applies to things like Doublestrike, spell cooldowns, PRR (which scales with enemy damage), saving throws (+1 is 5% on the d20 at any level, assuming you aren't already automatically succeeding or failing), etc. It possible we've miscategorized or simply missed some, so we're willing to change on some of those.

    And I think the surveys have survived for one more day, if someone wants to slip one in before Tuesday.

    Quote Originally Posted by GeoffWatson View Post
    I suggest adding spell points to it; 1 SP per level, or 5 SP +5 per 5 levels, something like that.
    For what it's worth, we explicitly decided to not have an always-on passive of Spell Points, because that means all of your characters forever have a spell point bar regardless of classes, which some people dislike. If it's really considered desirable, it wouldn't be possible as one of the toggles, however. (Though there hasn't been much clamoring for it that I've seen so far.)

  20. #280
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    For what it's worth, many of these abilities intentionally don't scale like that because they already scale with character level. There's no particular reason why you should get 30% doublestrike at level 30 and only 1% doublestrike at level 1. If 30% is right at the high end, it's also right on the low end, because it already scales with all of your other character progression.

    This applies to things like Doublestrike, spell cooldowns, PRR (which scales with enemy damage), saving throws (+1 is 5% on the d20 at any level, assuming you aren't already automatically succeeding or failing), etc. It possible we've miscategorized or simply missed some, so we're willing to change on some of those.
    Well then why is gear scaled with level? If 5% Doublestrike or +6 Resistance (ie saving throws) is "right" at L20, why not at L1?

    Everything, really, should either progress with your level, or be available (even if rare/expensive/with a tradeoff) at any level. Otherwise, you get useless things like 1% Doublestrike on low-level gear, when players don't have enough damage or other stacking sources of Doublestrike to make 1% worth anything.

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