It's interesting that these past lives are active right from level 1. I was quite wrong in assuming they would kick in at level 20. I'm sure others made that same assumption. That being said, if the overall power level is being balanced on this, I'd suggest tweaking the power curve upward but having them work from level 20 onward. While the boosts may seem low to epic standards, the potential at level 1 is quite high, though I won't go so far as to say overpowered as there is a level scaling element added (which makes more sense now knowing they were always intended to work from level 1 onward).
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen
I must have overlooked that part. I don't like the idea of EPLs active at level 1. There's already too much power creep in the game. What happened to "closing the gap"? If this must happen, definitely increase the power curve in quests. I think EPLs shouldn't kick in until level 20 though since you are considered an epic character at that point.
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter
I prefer they do. I spend far more time in Heroic then I do in Epic. I would prefer to be able to use what I own when I feel like using it. If they don't, it really is no big deal, I'll just keep collecting Heroic lives. I'm not going to waste my time going for Epic lives if I can not use them in Heroic and there is no endgame for me to want to stay in Epic. Besides I don't do Heroic lives in a few weeks like most say they do, it takes me monthsI'm not sure if I am in the minority or majority but that is my vote.
We're already absurdly powerful from level 1-19 on a TR because of leftover gear - from a level 1 Risia burst twink weapon to a Carnifex at level 4 all the way up through Greensteel and raid gear at higher levels. Adding more absurdity at lower levels is not going to be a problem. We can always just go into a bigger, badder, nastier quest at lower levels.
I'm cool with allowing Epic past lives to function in Heroic levels. If they aren't allowed to function at Heroic levels, I wouldn't cry myself to sleep, but it would make me wonder why I'm grinding through umpteen million Epic XP to get those Epic past lives.
No one in the world ever gets what they want
And that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad
And that is beautiful
They would be more attractive if they were adjusted to be meant for epic content only, trying to balance a bonus between lower end content and higher end content just comes out either too strong for one, too weak for the other or both.
Personally, I don't understand why they would work at level 1. When you ETR you restart at level 20, not at level 1. So I would figure the benefits would be intended for level 20 and up.
Perhaps I'm mistaken, but if you're spending more time in Heroic than in Epic then you're unlikely to be pursuing EPLs, considering the epic grind to acquire them.
Last edited by Saravis; 10-25-2013 at 02:14 PM.
So you keep stating how awesome Enchantment weapon is and how great it is. Can we take it as "Nop, we won't change thos" ? Because at least I can stop bothering with feedback if that's the case.
9 Spell power
3 Damage
for about 18.8m XP is just a no-no. It should be, again, a flat Spell power bonus, being this in the Arcane Sphere. +15/20/25 Spellpower OR +1/2/3 DC (and change the Passive one to be +2 Spell power per stack) for 18m XP looks about right.
I love leveling from 1-20 but I find the problem with epic levels is the fact that once I've maxed my preferred destiny there isn't much of a feeling progression or of getting anymore powerful. I would like the idea of gaining Karma to reincarnate as I go up in levels if there was some other way of customising my character at the same time.
My proposal would be that once you have maxed a destiny it stayed active and you could then pick a second destiny to level up alongside your first destiny as you progressed through the later levels. The destiny would perhaps have to be adjacent to the one you had just leveled.
E.g I maxed Shiradi at around level 23 so then I start to level and benefit from the abilities in Primal Avatar whilst still retaining the full benefits of Shiradi. When two destinies were maxed you could then start to level a third alongside the two maxed ones.
I know this would be a problem if you already had all the destinies maxed. It might be viable when you Epic TRed with all destinies maxed if you could only activate ranks in a second (or third) destiny if you had regained enough xp to have a destiny (or two) maxed AND reach the rank in the new destiny you wished to use alongside it.
I am sure this would cause all sorts of problems and not appeal to everyone but it would definitely make the grind to 28 (and later 30) much more appealing to me.
Member of "Guild of the Black Dragons" & "Swords of the Light" on Sarlona. Proud "Last" member of Caffeine - we aint stragicially savy.
In general I've liked the Epic Feats I've seen so far, but as I read suggestions from the lamma community here I do think we can do a bit better, esp. with the martial feats here. Wizza makes some good suggestions I think, although I do have one disagreement. I agree that DS is awesome, and 3 wouldn't be OP. I agree that a +1 damage option would be really great, and maybe better than a fort option, thus keeping a bit more balance with a cap of +3. While fort does benefits all builds in theory, it is extremely vanilla and there are a lot of sources of it out there. I'd actually keep this as a combat-useful PL and change it to the +1 damage. I'd keep the AC. Maybe its because I'm pnp, but I think AC should mean something, this AC boost helps everyone and helps tanks a lot. Definitely agree on subbing the skills bonus as well. The bonus would only be really good for UMD for UMD users, and those that want to do the most challenging of traps in the game. For most builds it is meh though, and something that helps melee combat seems most appropriate. My suggestion- +1 tactics DC, including assassinate. This would be worth endless martial grind. I also think Wizza's suggestion of SA is also very good, however. Also, as the Shadar-kai PL sucks now, if they go with tactics here they could go with SA for that PL.
Member of "Guild of the Black Dragons" & "Swords of the Light" on Sarlona. Proud "Last" member of Caffeine - we aint stragicially savy.