hi i had accedently deleted my characters that i copyed over to lammania and was wondering if there was anyway to recopy them so that i may continue to play in lammania when open for betas?????
ps want to transfer from orien to lammania
hi i had accedently deleted my characters that i copyed over to lammania and was wondering if there was anyway to recopy them so that i may continue to play in lammania when open for betas?????
ps want to transfer from orien to lammania
I'm in the same boat. Wasn't accidental that I deleted the one I wanted on Lammania though. The one there was old and didn't have some of my new gear, past life, etc.
We're stuck until they do a character wipe and allow us to copy them over again.
One of the things I think that "other" game got right for the betas that I was in. You could copy over the same character as many times as you wanted... Everything got renamed on landing anyway. Gave you the ability to directly compare even the smallest changes.
/Signed for a character copy tool reset soonish(in 1 or 2 weeks) & for a server wipe in the same time frame. Cheers! :P!!
http://dillonpfaff5.wix.com/theob Sign this!!!: http://goo.gl/vS6htg
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