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  1. #1
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Default XP Calculation issues

    I’m working on a tool to help me plan a leveling strategy, (efficient TRing to be exact) I know I’m messing up my calculations somewhere.

    From my understanding, it’s a simple stacking scenario: Base XP*Streak*first time completion bonus*Tome of learning bonus (1st time comp)*daily bonus*VIP

    So if you use Heyton's Rest elite base of 356 XP, it would look something like this: 356 (Base XP) X 1.2 X 1.8 X 1.5 X 1.2 X 1.1
    356(1.2) + 427.2(1.8) +768.96(1.5) + 1153.44(1.2) + 1384.128(1.1)= 1522.5408 XP

    Problem is when I run the quest; the XP is significantly lower… which tells me I have a problem in my calculations…

    If someone could set me straight, I’d be grateful.

    `````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````
    MuleAxe~1 | Occidere~1| MuleRaptor | MuleFort | MuleParts

  2. #2
    Community Member B0ltdrag0n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuleAxe View Post
    I’m working on a tool to help me plan a leveling strategy, (efficient TRing to be exact) I know I’m messing up my calculations somewhere.

    From my understanding, it’s a simple stacking scenario: Base XP*Streak*first time completion bonus*Tome of learning bonus (1st time comp)*daily bonus*VIP

    So if you use Heyton's Rest elite base of 356 XP, it would look something like this: 356 (Base XP) X 1.2 X 1.8 X 1.5 X 1.2 X 1.1
    356(1.2) + 427.2(1.8) +768.96(1.5) + 1153.44(1.2) + 1384.128(1.1)= 1522.5408 XP

    Problem is when I run the quest; the XP is significantly lower… which tells me I have a problem in my calculations…

    If someone could set me straight, I’d be grateful.

    Try this
    (Base + Streak +first time+tome+daily) = 1+.8+.2+.5+.2=2.7(base) x 1.1(vip) x 1.x potion x 1.05 voice x 1.05 ship

    So in your case 356*2.7x1.1(vip) = 1057xp

    alternatively what was the xp you got. I can back calculate from that.
    Officer of Renowned

  3. #3
    Community Member B0ltdrag0n's Avatar
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    Rooting around I think this might be more correct
    ( Modified Basex VIP x World Bonus x Voice x Ship) x XP Pot
    Modified base = (Base XP + trap bonus + breakables+death penalty+ reentry+conquest+ all streak bonuses(.2+.8+.5 on full elite streak only .2+.8 if not streaking but not breaking) + xp tome + daily bonus)

    Full numbers
    conquest values are .10/.07/.05/ 0/.10/.15/.25
    death values 0/.05/.1
    reentry values 0/.1
    breakables 0/.08/.10/.15
    Traps 0/.08/.10/.15
    Streak up to .5 (full elite streak)
    up to +.2 (first time elite)
    up to .8 First time difficulty
    up to .5 first time w/ tome
    .2 daily bonus
    -.x repeated runs for ransack

    Modified formula to make it easier:

    1st time every run on elite all bonuses xp total for a quest doing a one and done philosophy

    (3.2+ breakables +traps+conquest +reentry + death) x Base quest xp x 1.05(voice)x1.0x(ship)x1.x(potion)x1.1(vip)

    So in your case I was slightly off if you had no deaths no reentry and no other in quest bonuses your xp should have been
    2.9*356x1.1(vip) = 1135 xp
    Officer of Renowned

  4. #4
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by B0ltdrag0n View Post
    Try this
    (Base + Streak +first time+tome+daily) = 1+.8+.2+.5+.2=2.7(base) x 1.1(vip) x 1.x potion x 1.05 voice x 1.05 ship

    So in your case 356*2.7x1.1(vip) = 1057xp

    alternatively what was the xp you got. I can back calculate from that.

    I'll need to run something else later tonight to get a comparable example.

    I was always under the impression the numbers were progressively multiplied, that must be the issue.

    Thanks for the help!

    `````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````
    MuleAxe~1 | Occidere~1| MuleRaptor | MuleFort | MuleParts

  5. #5
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by B0ltdrag0n View Post
    Rooting around I think this might be more correct
    ( Modified Basex VIP x World Bonus x Voice x Ship) x XP Pot
    Modified base = (Base XP + trap bonus + breakables+death penalty+ reentry+conquest+ all streak bonuses(.2+.8+.5 on full elite streak only .2+.8 if not streaking but not breaking) + xp tome + daily bonus)

    Full numbers
    conquest values are .10/.07/.05/ 0/.10/.15/.25
    death values 0/.05/.1
    reentry values 0/.1
    breakables 0/.08/.10/.15
    Traps 0/.08/.10/.15
    Streak up to .5 (full elite streak)
    up to +.2 (first time elite)
    up to .8 First time difficulty
    up to .5 first time w/ tome
    .2 daily bonus
    -.x repeated runs for ransack

    Modified formula to make it easier:

    1st time every run on elite all bonuses xp total for a quest doing a one and done philosophy

    (3.2+ breakables +traps+conquest +reentry + death) x Base quest xp x 1.05(voice)x1.0x(ship)x1.x(potion)x1.1(vip)

    So in your case I was slightly off if you had no deaths no reentry and no other in quest bonuses your xp should have been
    2.9*356x1.1(vip) = 1135 xp
    Yup, this is what I was understanding with your previous post.
    Was going with strait base xp with given add on's; otherwise neglecting to calculate the in-game xp bonuses and optionals. Just getting though the quests with no re-entry's or deaths - and, considering all the other stuff an uncalculated bonus

    `````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````
    MuleAxe~1 | Occidere~1| MuleRaptor | MuleFort | MuleParts

  6. #6
    Community Member Wulverine's Avatar
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    It's surprising how many people don't know this :-)

    There are basically 2 types of modifiers to xp. The ones that affect the base quest xp value and ones that affect the end amount of XP you get (once those base modifiers have been factored in)
    I'm not a VIP so i can't say for sure which type of bonus the VIP bonus is, but I'm pretty sure it's a base value modifier.

    Basically everything is a base modifier except XP Pots, Item bonuses (voice,mantle, etc) and the Shipbuff.
    Things like ransack, conquest, reentry, deaths, XP tome, bravery bonuses all fall under base XP modifiers.

    The quest xp formula is calculated like this
    BaseXP x (all base quest modifiers) x (all end XP modifiers)

    The correct formula for Heytons Rest on a character with no built up streak but with a Gift of the Master augment slotted, 5%shipbuffs and 30% xp pot would be (and i'll assume you got agression bonus):
    356base x (1.0 + 0.20bravery + 0.80first time + 0.50tome + 0.20daily +0.10agression +0.10nodeath +0.10persistance) x (1 + 0.05ship +0.05voice +0.30 pot)
    356base x 3 x 1.4 = 1495XP

    Hope this clears some stuff up
    Last edited by Wulverine; 10-24-2013 at 06:16 AM.
    Thelanis -- Wulverine + [Funkaholic, Funkatronic, Funkarific]

  7. #7
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Thanks guys - Worked through it and all seems to be working well. I'm putting together a spreadsheet and will make it available to download from once complete

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    MuleAxe~1 | Occidere~1| MuleRaptor | MuleFort | MuleParts

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