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Thread: Some kinda Fyng

  1. #1
    Community Member inspiredunease's Avatar
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    Jan 2011

    Default Some kinda Fyng

    So I posted the original of this build in the monk forums, I was going to stay pure on my 3rd monk life, but gradually convinced myself that I preferred a more multiclass split. I did state in that thread that I would post the finalised build when it was capped and geared (still missing quite a lot to be optimal, but most of the power is there), and I'm very happy with it. Several people in game have recently asked me again about it, and so I thought I would post the completed version up.

    Most of the reasoning behind going half-orc was hashed over in the original post, I had grandiose ideas of utilising the sunder enhancement to cheaply up QP DCs, but this was not to be given how tight enhancements were, so basically the difference boils down to not having to spend two level ups in strength, against an extra feat (which pretty much boils down to an extra 2% dodge and some healing amp (which I'm still not sure I have the EP for). I prefer the extra DC (from 2 extra wisdom) and damage. Who knows, maybe the extra 3 sunder DC are useable with a better Enhancement layout. You tell me. Also please let me know if you spot any gaping inaccuracies or holes.

    Level 28 Lawful Neutral Half-Orc Male
    (2 Fighter \ 16 Monk \ 2 Druid \ 8 Epic)

    Level Order:

    1 Druid
    2 - 13 Monk
    14 - 15 Fighter
    16 - 19 Monk
    20 Druid


    Standard: Empower Healing Spell, Cleave, Improved TWF, Disciple of the fist, Improved Critical: Bludgeon, Dodge, GMoForms
    Monk: Power attack, Stunning fist, TWF
    Fighter: Great Cleave, GTWF
    Epic: Vorpal Strikes, OC: Bludgeon, Improved Martial Arts


    Max concentration, heal, UMD, rest into balance and spot

    Twists in LD: Sense weakness, dance of flowers, cocoon.
    Twists in GMOF: Sense weakness, legendary tactics, cocoon
    Twists in FoTW: Dance of flowers, Legendary tactics, cocoon

    Stats - 36 point (drop int down for 34 or 32 and lose some umd/spot/balance)

    Strength = 18 + 5 tome + 8 item + 3 insight + 1 exception + 2 rams + 2 ship + 1 enhance = 40
    Dexterity = 14 + 5 tome + 8 item + 2 insight + 1 exception - 2 earth stance + 2 ship = 30
    Constitution = 14 + 5 tome + 8 item + 3 insight + 1 exception + 3 earth + 2 ship = 36
    Intelligence = 10 + 5 = 15
    Wisdom = 16 + 5 tome + 7 levels + 11 item + 2 insightful + 1 exceptional + 3 enhancements + 5 gmof + 2 ship =
    Charisma = 6 + 5 = 11


    Henshin Mystic (Mnk) -
    Riddle of Fire (Rank 1)
    Way of the Patient Tortoise (Rank 1)

    Ninja Spy (Mnk) -
    Ninja Training (Rank 1)
    Ninja Training (Rank 1)
    Shadow Veil (Rank 1)
    Sneak Attack Training (Rank 1)
    Acrobatic (Rank 1)
    Acrobatic (Rank 2)
    Subtlety (Rank 1)
    Subtlety (Rank 2)
    Sneak Attack Training (Rank 1)
    Unbalancing Strike (Rank 1)
    Agility (Rank 1)
    Agility (Rank 2)
    Agility (Rank 3)
    Sneak Attack Training (Rank 1)
    Wisdom (Rank 1)
    Sneak Attack Training (Rank 1)
    Wisdom (Rank 1)

    Shintao (Mnk) -
    Bastion of Purity (Rank 1)
    Protection from Tainted Creatures (Rank 1)
    Iron Hand (Rank 1)
    Argent Fist (Rank 1)
    Deft Strikes (Rank 1)
    Deft Strikes (Rank 2)
    Deft Strikes (Rank 3)
    Smite Tainted Creature (Rank 1)
    Iron Skin (Rank 1)
    Iron Skin (Rank 2)
    Iron Skin (Rank 3)
    Fists of Iron (Rank 1)
    Conditioning (Rank 1)
    Conditioning (Rank 2)
    Conditioning (Rank 3)
    Jade Strike (Rank 1)
    Wisdom (Rank 1)
    Instinctive Defense (Rank 1)
    Wisdom (Rank 1)
    Violence Begets Violence (Rank 1)
    Empty Hand Mastery (Rank 1)

    Kensei (Ftr) -
    Kensei Focus: Martial Arts (Rank 1)
    Kensei Weapon Specialization: Martial Arts (Rank 1)
    Haste Boost (Rank 1)
    Haste Boost (Rank 2)
    Haste Boost (Rank 3)
    Tactics (Rank 1)
    Tactics (Rank 2)
    Tactics (Rank 3)
    Improved Dodge (Rank 1)
    Improved Dodge (Rank 2)
    Improved Dodge (Rank 3)

    Current -> ideal equipment layout:

    Helm: Min II Greensteel -> Helm of the Black Dragon EE (+3 dex, slotted with good luck and Deathblock)

    Armor: Flawless Black Dragonscale Robe (slotted 16 PRR) -> Just need to upgrade it!

    Neck: Jorgundal's Collar EH (slotted with 250 sp and + 8 dex) -> May move Min II here (it is already clicky slot), or possibly take another lootgen +10/+11 stat

    Cloak: Lootgen Deadly X Accuracy IX -> Deadly IX Resist X with slots for anything I've missed (I'll win the lottery next day too!)

    Trinket: EH Shamanic Fetish (slotted with true globe (for some reason these got really cheap *wink*)) -> Planar focus of prowess (+3 insightful con)

    Goggles: Lootgen Wisdom 10 resist 10 -> EE Shadowsight (False life 40)

    Bracers: Sun soul (pretty much just for the parrying) -> Convalescant Bracers of Parrying

    Gloves: PDK -> EE Backstabbers (slotted +8 con)

    Belt: Arkat's EH (slotted +8 con, +2 ins wis) -> skulldiggery kit (10% dodge bonus, slotted +8 strength)

    Boots: Fortifying of false life +50 -> Goatskin boots EE (fortification 115%)

    Ring1: Dun'Robar (+10 shatter + 2 ins strength) - > +10 shatter + 2 ins strength

    Ring2: Consuming darkness (epic + 2 ins wis) -> Consuming darkness EE (+2 ins wisdom)

    Wraps: Various including Grave Wraps, EH adamantine knuckles and various vorpals -> antipode slotted +120 devotion (still grinding caught in the navel for them *sigh*)

    Various Breakpoints (assuming optimised gear above):

    Quivering Palm DC (assuming in GMoF):
    10 base
    8 monk
    21 wisdom
    10 sunder item
    5 mastery item
    3 fighter tactics enhancement
    6 exceptional mastery item
    6 LD tactics
    3 gmof tactics
    (3 when I get round to 3 fighter past lives)
    73 (75)

    Stunning Fist DC:
    Same as above but half character level for gain of 6:
    79 (82)

    Damage (assuming dreadnought):
    3 base
    .5 monk past life
    1 IMA
    1.5 dance of flowers
    2 antipode
    .5 reinforced fists
    .5 LD PA enhance
    40.5 base damage
    16 strength
    5 PA
    10 item (being reasonable here, I'm probably never going to get a +11)
    4 conflux
    5 advancing blows
    80.5 base damage average
    28 average sneak damage (Get it pretty much all the time via either helpless or unbalancing)

    Crit profile: 19-20 x 5 (2 base + 1 earth stance + 1 overwhelming crit + 1 devastating crit, range sometimes extends because of violence begets violence, but difficult to calculate)

    (108.5 + ((80.5 + 12) * .1 * 5)) * 1.9 offhand * 1.05 FURY = 309 average per attack before doublestrike and whatever else I've forgotten

    Fun helpless critical hit possibles during blitz: 124 base * 5 * 1.3 sense weakness * 2.5 blitz * 1.05 fury = 2115 (bear in mind with monk speed your rate of attack is ridiculous so the critical range is deceptive, I see these pop up often)

    3% Artifact
    6% antipode
    9% doublestrike

    HPs (again in LD, sure you can get it higher with tanky twists):
    25 Heroic durability
    15 improved heroic
    10 draconic
    128 monk
    20 fighter
    16 druid
    80 epic
    40 false life
    45 GS
    50 LD
    364 con
    35 enh
    828 (although I'm pretty sure mine's higher than this at the moment without 3 insight)

    FRW Saves
    3/0/3 Druid
    10/10/10 Monk
    3/0/0 Fighter
    4/4/4 Epic
    13/9/21 Con/Dex/Wis
    1/1/1 eldritch ritual
    4/4/4 GH
    2/2/2 Good luck
    4/4/4 parrying
    10/10/10 item
    1/1/1 ship
    3/3/3 enhance
    58/49/63 (reflex can be upped a bit further by twisting in lithe if you like, but it's never going to hit 60+ just enjoy the improved evasion for half damage).

    PRR (in GMoF):
    15 GMoForms
    16 Augment
    15 STanding with stone
    15 Enhancements
    15 Artifact
    76 (61 in LD)

    Dodge (in GMoF):
    6 monk
    2 dodge feat
    10 item
    5 enhancements
    3 gmof
    26 (should be 27 but ninja spy increase is bugged)

    Healing amp:
    20% shintao
    30% item
    10% ship
    60% (really needs improvement, 3 paladin PLs beckon, and it's the only other really compelling argument from going human)

    Positive SP:
    138 augment
    75 empower heal
    61 heal skill (assuming i can slot and augment somewhere)
    40 shintao
    Last edited by inspiredunease; 10-23-2013 at 11:12 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Neat build. I'm looking to TR my monk (will be only a 2nd life) and I have been toying with a Horc build. I formerly had a Helf Rockin' Robin courtesy of Anthios that I loved that was WIS based and dark.

    I am struggling with the 2 druid though and just want to know all the benefits. I fully understand I can of course split as I like, but wanted to know more from the person running it

    The Druid gets you Empower Healing for cocoon (And lesser vigor, which is minor, but at lower heroic levels is a small nicety for solo-ing) and also Ram's might. Those seem like the two largest benefits, especially since you didn't utilize any enhancements from the Druid tree. Since you are going UMD I can see Wand & Scroll Mastery being nice, but AP is tight for more dps.

    With druid you lose GMoF being granted for free. If you went 18 monk you'd have that extra feat for maybe Precision? You also can't grab the tier 4 Shintao of Touch the Void Dragon. Since I've always gone dark pre-19 I have no idea how viable that skill is, but 1d4+1 increase to all ability scores seems decent. Could at least make up for the missing Ram's might.

    Again, just trying to learn more here. Before I'd have never considered splashing in Monk at all to get the capstone, so a multi-splash is new to me.


  3. #3
    Community Member inspiredunease's Avatar
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    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by RumbIe View Post
    Neat build. I'm looking to TR my monk (will be only a 2nd life) and I have been toying with a Horc build. I formerly had a Helf Rockin' Robin courtesy of Anthios that I loved that was WIS based and dark.

    I am struggling with the 2 druid though and just want to know all the benefits. I fully understand I can of course split as I like, but wanted to know more from the person running it

    The Druid gets you Empower Healing for cocoon (And lesser vigor, which is minor, but at lower heroic levels is a small nicety for solo-ing) and also Ram's might. Those seem like the two largest benefits, especially since you didn't utilize any enhancements from the Druid tree. Since you are going UMD I can see Wand & Scroll Mastery being nice, but AP is tight for more dps.

    With druid you lose GMoF being granted for free. If you went 18 monk you'd have that extra feat for maybe Precision? You also can't grab the tier 4 Shintao of Touch the Void Dragon. Since I've always gone dark pre-19 I have no idea how viable that skill is, but 1d4+1 increase to all ability scores seems decent. Could at least make up for the missing Ram's might.

    Again, just trying to learn more here. Before I'd have never considered splashing in Monk at all to get the capstone, so a multi-splash is new to me.

    99% of the reason for the 2 druid is empowered healing, cocoon is not really viable as your main source of healing in EEs otherwise. You could get this with one druid level, but you gain absolutely no benefit out of another level of monk or fighter, so I'd rather get a little additional SP, and the flexibility to take level 2 enhancements if I wished (like you said, wand and scroll mastery could be situationally useful). I tried out the 18/2 split, didn't really find much utility in void dragon, it's 2 uses of a one minute buff. Meh. I'd rather have essentially infinite uses of a 6 minute +3 damage buff and a cocoon that hits for 200+ per tick.

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