So, having had a long break since enhancements were still in Alpha, I return to find Tempest is sadly very weak, and some of the previously promised abilities have been replaced by, shall we say, less-than-appealing options.


On the plus side, before I whinge, yay for Haste Boost, critical accuracy/damage, Whirling Blades, and Improved Parry. Good stuff there, and a nice boost for Rangers.

On the negative side....ugh. T5 could be so much better if they had the originally promised full STR to offhand attacks, as well as making Growing Storm and Elaborate Parry either last longer or have a reduced CD (or even better, turn Parry into a passive Riposte ability). Would have also loved to see a lightning blades weapon stance in the same manner as Assassin's envenomed blades instead of Bleed Them Out, which wouldn't bleed out a level 1 Kobold

So, ahh, for those few pure Ranger Tempests around - what are you spending your points on, since T5 stuff is undesirable. I'm guessing DWS for the sneak attack, Killer and Thrill of the Hunt enhancements?