ahh, i see you are learning the dark arts, then allow me to impart a little advice...
traps can be a lot trickier to deal with than you might imagine. naturally a rogue is well suited to disabling traps, but it's not as easy as just pumping your trap skills every level. you also need to pay attention to items and buffs.
a good rule of thumb is to look for new trap skill items every odd level. though this will probably kick in at about lvl5. one easy way to plan this is to get 3 sets of goggles, spot, search and disable. the auction house is normally best for this, just sort items by buyout to spot the bargains.
when you get to stormreach harbour make your way to the market and buy 5-10 pots of fox's cunning. if you can't search for the trap box neck a pot then try again. fox's cunning gives you +4 to INT, which translates to +2 to both search and disable. these pots will eventually be replaced when you can get a good INT item.
at lvl5 buy some pots of heroism, those give +2 to all skills (among other bonuses), use them with the pots of fox's
you will eventually get different sets of thieves tools. DDO will read your inventory like a book and use the first set of tools it finds. you can use this to dictate which set of tools you want to use, a cheap pair for easy quests or the best set you have for tough quests. you might also want to check the auction house for bargains on +5 tools, but that is not something to worry about any time soon.
finally i like making a trap toolbar, i set it up to do each trapping action in turn. so it looks a bit like this:
search goggles
search skill
disable goggles
disable skill
spot goggles
note the disable skill is optional as you can just use the interact button when you have the trap box selected. also note the final spot goggles is to get you ready to spot the next trap. that bar will change over time, for example at lvl20 i only have the search skill, disable goggles then deadly goggles because both search and spot are on named items leaving me free to slot some DPS goggles as i quest.
www.legendsguild.eu A light RP guild that's moved from Keeper in Europe to Thelanis
Play DDO in 3D, for fweeeee! how to use coloured 3D glasses with DDO.
East? West? Which way's that? Putting East and West back on the (mini)map
Tired of chasing blue dots? Find a speed or striding item, vets are hooked on them and you will be too!
I'm a snuggly, fluffy, cuddly-wuddly little rabbit.
And if you call me a gamer grrrrl, I will reach down your throat, rip out your pancreas and feed it to my Rottweiler.
www.legendsguild.eu A light RP guild that's moved from Keeper in Europe to Thelanis
Play DDO in 3D, for fweeeee! how to use coloured 3D glasses with DDO.
East? West? Which way's that? Putting East and West back on the (mini)map
Tired of chasing blue dots? Find a speed or striding item, vets are hooked on them and you will be too!
Let me know when you settle on a name on Thelanis. I have a starter kit ready for you (Stacks of Potions you will need/find useful and a Bottle of Air It's a Trinket that lets you breathe underwater, it's a little dinged up, but still servicable).
Tried sending them to you earlier, but...
(Error): The recipient of this letter does not exist.