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Apologies if this has already been discussed, but my search fu is weak and I couldn't find anything.
With all the changes that could be made to improve DDO, why this one? What was so game-breaking about allowing bags in ship chests? Some of my guildies have zero interest in Cannith Crafting; I do. Even though crafting was pretty much dropped like a hot potato almost immediately after launch (there's been, what, one, maybe two, updates to it and then nothing?) I still like to keep my hand in. My gimpy hagglebard crafterbot hangs out in the K crafting hall for the convenient access to the bank, AH, and mailbox... and yes, the occasional crafting station, because even though lootgen gear tends to outclass crafted gear even at lowbie levels, it's still more convenient to simply craft a +5 Screaming of PG than find a good generic weapon. Sometimes I see somebody else wants something crafted so I volunteer.
But my point is... my guildies have no interest in Cannith Crafting at all. So I keep a large ing bag in the guild chest for them to put looted essences in. About once a week or so, I pick them up. This is a huge convenience that lets them quickly and easily get rid of their essences whenever they think of it/feel like it, and lets me quickly and easily get more essences whenever I think of it/feel like it. With this change, that will no longer be possible. Now they'll have to wait for me to get on. And they'll have to do it for individual characters. Or they'll have to mail them. (At least one of my guildies isn't a VIP, and doesn't have a shared bank. Another's shared bank is filled. Almost nobody trusts bags in the shared bank because of all the horror stories about losing them, even if that bug truly has been squashed. Large bags are extremely - almost prohibitively - expensive if you're not TRing and Shroud flagging every life, and medium bags are exclusive, making giving the ones who *could* use their shared bank a bag specifically for essences so they don't risk losing all their other ings impossible.)
So... what is so game-breaking to disallow bags in guild chests, yet not game-breaking enough to warrant a hotfix? I'm probably going to end up telling my guildies to trash or vend essences as they see fit, because it simply won't be worth the hassle to get them to me unless I happen to be in the quest for them to pass to me in the chest.