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  1. #21
    Community Member HernandoCortez's Avatar
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    I tried Conan a little while ago when I was taking my break from DDO. Its pretty interesting, shame they lack character customization IMO.

  2. #22
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rest View Post
    xbox or ps3? (ps3 here) I just about hit rank 40. Having a TON of fun playing gta online. Man. So awesome.
    Bah, I'm on 360. Plus, I'm only in the teens, level-wise. Got any good tips on how to make money? I'm almost as bad at making money in GTAO as I am in DDO. lol

    But having some crazy fun in Los Santos - even if poor.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  3. #23
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    I've been playing the heck out of Star Trek Online.
    Unfortunately it does appear to have a similar grindage factor as DDO, and just as many opportunities to acquire your moneys.
    But I'll keep playing it as f2p until I get tired of blowing up spaceships.

  4. #24
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    Conan bored me beyond tears very quickly I too wish there was somewhere to turn, I even tried going back to SWG via the emulator and while they have done wonderful work the magic just isn't there anymore. I don't know of any game out or in the pipe line that I would call an adequate replacement.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by morkahn82 View Post
    elder scrolls online, lotro, neverwinter, guild wars 2
    1. Not out yet and I don't hold out much hope that it will be worth squat hate the single player game

    2. Hate it

    3. Truly absolutely loathe it so much I would rather smash my computer over being forced to play it.

    4. BORING!

    Beware the Sleepeater

  6. #26
    Community Member Yamato-San's Avatar
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    Wait for Wildstar.

  7. #27
    Community Member Ultimaetus's Avatar
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    Anyone like Warhammer 40k? Eternal Crusade is an MMOFPS that will come out in about 2 years.

  8. #28
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    Candy crush Saga

  9. #29
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    If you are looking for a game that pretty much gives you an open world, viable crafting (even at low levels), endless options from dungeons, to world war, GW2 is the game. While it's not as complex in the way you can mix classes, it allows for a lot of options to build in all kinds of directions, and really, for the cost to get an account, you can play the whole game which is just vast, like, you can wander for hours and still only see a tiny portion of the map, you can wander for a week, and still not be anywhere near done. It just really is an all around amazing game, and well, going from DDO to GW2, is going to be a bit of a shock as you adjust to the game play, you will find there are soo many things that they do that you will be constantly thinking "Man I wish DDO had done this"

    Really, it scores in the 9+ on every site that has reviewed it, and I tell you, it has truly earned those scores, if you want to take a break from DDO, GW2 is really the game to look into.

  10. #30
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Totally different game to DDO, but I'm hooked on EVE now.

    Instead of it only being NPCs with awful AIs and ridiculous stats that can get in the way of your goals and wreck your day, it's players - often very cunning, very resourceful, but playing by the same rules as you.

    It's a monthly sub with the option to trade game time to other players for in-game currency (or to steal it from other players if they are stupid enough to undock with a 30-day gametime item in their ship).
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  11. #31
    Hero Marcus-Hawkeye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Totally different game to DDO, but I'm hooked on EVE now.

    Instead of it only being NPCs with awful AIs and ridiculous stats that can get in the way of your goals and wreck your day, it's players - often very cunning, very resourceful, but playing by the same rules as you.

    It's a monthly sub with the option to trade game time to other players for in-game currency (or to steal it from other players if they are stupid enough to undock with a 30-day gametime item in their ship).

    If I stop playing DDO for some reason... Eve Online is definately my next choice. I played years ago with some friends and made a lot of new friends. It's one shard, which means everyone plays in the same game. Last I heard it was the largest computer system ever developed solely for a game. Some of the emails I've been getting from them about recent expansions (all free) have me really considering returning. I wonder if it's been long enough that the bounty on my head will allow me to travel safely finally...

  12. #32
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus-Hawkeye View Post

    If I stop playing DDO for some reason... Eve Online is definately my next choice. I played years ago with some friends and made a lot of new friends. It's one shard, which means everyone plays in the same game. Last I heard it was the largest computer system ever developed solely for a game. Some of the emails I've been getting from them about recent expansions (all free) have me really considering returning. I wonder if it's been long enough that the bounty on my head will allow me to travel safely finally...
    Embrace your bounty.

    One of my in-game friends has managed to acquire a bounty of 6.7 billion ISK. If you use the conversion 1 month game time = 600m ISK, then that's USD 165 that people have "paid" to provide rewards to anyone that will destroy the assets of my pal st0ner smurf.

    His deeds (might not make sense if you don't play the game): Suicide ganking autopiloting pods in highsec space. Like that is all he does, on six characters.

    I'm surprised my actions over the weekend weren't rewarded with a bigger bounty, I tricked someone into joining my corp so that I could kill their expensive battleship legally.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  13. #33
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Humm EvE really sounds like a jackasses game to be honest, not my idea of fun to have to do it at the expense of someone else.

  14. #34
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ungood View Post
    Humm EvE really sounds like a jackasses game to be honest, not my idea of fun to have to do it at the expense of someone else.
    The fun of it is that everyone else can actually inflict real losses on you, so it's high stakes all the time. DDO's only real-loss PVP occurs on the auction house.

    You know that rush you get in DDO when seven of the group are on raise-lockout timer in EH FoT and it's up to the five of you that are standing to be your best, or the whole run needs to start again? That rush is there every time you PVP, or every time you are at risk of being attacked.

    Try it, but bring a ruthlessly competitive mindset, not a 'I will work my way up the ladder' mindset. You can have fun in losing engagements that way.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  15. #35
    Hero Marcus-Hawkeye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Embrace your bounty.

    One of my in-game friends has managed to acquire a bounty of 6.7 billion ISK. If you use the conversion 1 month game time = 600m ISK, then that's USD 165 that people have "paid" to provide rewards to anyone that will destroy the assets of my pal st0ner smurf.

    His deeds (might not make sense if you don't play the game): Suicide ganking autopiloting pods in highsec space. Like that is all he does, on six characters.

    I'm surprised my actions over the weekend weren't rewarded with a bigger bounty, I tricked someone into joining my corp so that I could kill their expensive battleship legally.
    I upset the wrong person in game. They hired a band of mercanaries to hunt me down and exact revenge. To the point I couldn't play anymore. I went back like a year later and they found me again after one day and started it again. I'll probably wait until the next time they offer a 5 day return for free and give it a go again... I don't even play the game but I always install it on my new computers in the hopes for "that day".

    The game is NOT for the faint of heart... It's basically a cutthroat game that truly pits risk vs reward. For all intense purposes anything goes so long as it's done ingame:

    I was around for "Guiding Hand Social Club Heist". Brutal. Trust no one.

    I however took far too great a risk for that reward I siezed...

  16. #36
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    The fun of it is that everyone else can actually inflict real losses on you, so it's high stakes all the time. DDO's only real-loss PVP occurs on the auction house.

    You know that rush you get in DDO when seven of the group are on raise-lockout timer in EH FoT and it's up to the five of you that are standing to be your best, or the whole run needs to start again? That rush is there every time you PVP, or every time you are at risk of being attacked.

    Try it, but bring a ruthlessly competitive mindset, not a 'I will work my way up the ladder' mindset. You can have fun in losing engagements that way.
    I have killed thousands of players in GW2 in their WvW arena. If you want to talk about being fearless, I have defended against sieges of hundreds to our dozen, where we held out for hours on end, knowing that it was not a question of IF we lose, but how many of them we would kill going down. truly embracing the feel of "This is Sparta" type of battle.

    I know the thrill of PvP, where I would travel across the fields and have other players jump from hiding and attack, and I had to be ready, every second that I moved, ready to lay down and lay into the other side, no matter what the odds.

    In those ventures, I have known fear, that could be attacked at any time as I moved, I have known the loss of losing a keep or other holding, yes, gristly battles and being ambushed are a part of the GW2 WvW landscape. Equally so, I have be laying dead on the field as bags popped around me to show my valor as I want down. Yes, I died, hundreds of times, and I killed ten times that many in my ventures. I am no stranger to PvP, and the way GW2 sets it up, it's thrilling.

    But, and you will have to excuse me, but as you described it, seems like an ID feeding venture where players go in to cause pain, havoc, and suffering upon their fellow player, until such time as they either you get taken down by someone bigger, meaner, and stronger then you, or you become the biggest bully around, and that strikes me as a game that is designed to bring out the worst in the people that play it, not the best. I will not begrudge anyone who finds that kinds of subterfuge style of play their thing, but it feels like it does not build community, it just allows people to be biggest jerks they can, like just begging the trolls to come beating at the door, to praise lying, cheating, and stealing, as opposed to rewarding valor, comradeship, and dedication.

    I mean, I could be missing a lot, as I only have to go by what you have said, but, it just feels like a place where I am not there to make friends, I am there to use to people, and no offence, but that is not why I play an MMO, I play to make friends, people I want to hang with and have some fun. I guess to each their own, I can respect that.

  17. #37
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus-Hawkeye View Post
    I upset the wrong person in game. They hired a band of mercanaries to hunt me down and exact revenge. To the point I couldn't play anymore. I went back like a year later and they found me again after one day and started it again. I'll probably wait until the next time they offer a 5 day return for free and give it a go again... I don't even play the game but I always install it on my new computers in the hopes for "that day".

    The game is NOT for the faint of heart... It's basically a cutthroat game that truly pits risk vs reward. For all intense purposes anything goes so long as it's done ingame:

    I was around for "Guiding Hand Social Club Heist". Brutal. Trust no one.

    I however took far too great a risk for that reward I siezed...
    Most mercs will not hunt you for overly long, or outside of busy space. I've certainly made people angry in game (just AWOX killed a 2.5 billion ISK incursion ship; have blown up and podkilled dozens of highsec miners and have done pretty much everything bad you can do solo except major corp thefts). I've not had any intense attempts at revenge yet.

    I look forward to them when they come, and I'll continue to not just watch the universe burn, but to be one of those setting it on fire in the first place. If I end up getting burned - I can live with that.

    The Guiding Hand heist was what first brought EVE to my attention. The Minerbumping craze, and later the Belligerent Undesirables organised AWOXing spree, coupled with DDO's sharp decline in quality and rise of grinding and paid cheating, was what got me back into the game in a more significant way.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  18. #38
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ungood View Post
    I have killed thousands of players in GW2 in their WvW arena. If you want to talk about being fearless, I have defended against sieges of hundreds to our dozen, where we held out for hours on end, knowing that it was not a question of IF we lose, but how many of them we would kill going down. truly embracing the feel of "This is Sparta" type of battle.

    I know the thrill of PvP, where I would travel across the fields and have other players jump from hiding and attack, and I had to be ready, every second that I moved, ready to lay down and lay into the other side, no matter what the odds.

    In those ventures, I have known fear, that could be attacked at any time as I moved, I have known the loss of losing a keep or other holding, yes, gristly battles and being ambushed are a part of the GW2 WvW landscape. Equally so, I have be laying dead on the field as bags popped around me to show my valor as I want down. Yes, I died, hundreds of times, and I killed ten times that many in my ventures. I am no stranger to PvP, and the way GW2 sets it up, it's thrilling.

    But, and you will have to excuse me, but as you described it, seems like an ID feeding venture where players go in to cause pain, havoc, and suffering upon their fellow player, until such time as they either you get taken down by someone bigger, meaner, and stronger then you, or you become the biggest bully around, and that strikes me as a game that is designed to bring out the worst in the people that play it, not the best. I will not begrudge anyone who finds that kinds of subterfuge style of play their thing, but it feels like it does not build community, it just allows people to be biggest jerks they can, like just begging the trolls to come beating at the door, to praise lying, cheating, and stealing, as opposed to rewarding valor, comradeship, and dedication.

    I mean, I could be missing a lot, as I only have to go by what you have said, but, it just feels like a place where I am not there to make friends, I am there to use to people, and no offence, but that is not why I play an MMO, I play to make friends, people I want to hang with and have some fun. I guess to each their own, I can respect that.
    I play poker against my RL friends.

    When I play, I play dirty. So do they. Then when the game is over, no grudges.

    Likewise Diplomacy is another favorite, or Mafia. Ruthlessly competitive games in which betrayal and bastardry are core strategies.

    EVE is more like that than anything else. I hold no grudges toward the person that blew up my ship, ransomed my pod, then dishonored the ransom and blew me up anyway a while back when they caught me unprepared. If I met them IRL, I'd probably buy them a beer for teaching me a lesson about how weak my ship fit was to interceptors. (But if I see them in game, I might just decide to make a horrible example of them there).
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  19. #39
    Founder & Hero
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    I play poker against my RL friends.

    When I play, I play dirty. So do they. Then when the game is over, no grudges.

    Likewise Diplomacy is another favorite, or Mafia. Ruthlessly competitive games in which betrayal and bastardry are core strategies.

    EVE is more like that than anything else. I hold no grudges toward the person that blew up my ship, ransomed my pod, then dishonored the ransom and blew me up anyway a while back when they caught me unprepared. If I met them IRL, I'd probably buy them a beer for teaching me a lesson about how weak my ship fit was to interceptors. (But if I see them in game, I might just decide to make a horrible example of them there).
    No eve for me thanks but use to love playing Diplomacy for fun and in tournaments.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bimbelbo View Post
    I'm looking for a game the comes close to the old DDO.

    Fantasy setting, NO anime style, NO cartoon style, can also be Sci-Fi or dark/hybrid fantasy setting. There should be a focus on charcater development and professions, crafting, etc, not action-combat so much.

    I'm thinking about trying Conan next, maybe you know similar games?
    If you want to try something which comes really close to being a real Baldur's Gate MMORPG, then you should definitely try BGTSCC based on Neverwinter Nights 2. It has the feel of the old single player Baldur's Gate but it also has all the traditional elements of MMORPG games. It is actually more of an MMORPG than DDO because in DDO people can only have 6-12 player groups, whereas in BGTSCC there have been big events involving groups of 18-30 player characters on the same maps.

    In my opinion, BGTSCC is currently by far the best Dungeons & Dragons MMORPG experience outside PnP and it is certainly in an absolutely different league compared with DDO or the new Neverwinter MMO.

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