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Thread: My Suggestion

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default My Suggestion


    I have played ddo and many others mmorpg
    start with i like ddo cuz its remind me great oldchools RPG games such a baldur o neverwinter

    back to my suggestion

    -adding 1st person camera- we already can zoom camera to looks like FPP but how about addin real FPP camera? to looks like morrowind (we see hands weapons and simple animations like lockpick or open doors)

    -PvP- adding reward system and ranking to Pvp we could do turnaments or even simple flag by flag to earn specific currency tradable for some items and litte xp for winning its pretty normal system

    EDIT upss i forgot great thing INSPECT where we could watch each other gear

    hmmm that all... DDO have good and unusual features but we dont have those basic ones like PvP
    its could be cool if turbine could made somethin like "unlocking expansions with lvl" not all of them but thous realy needed

    so what u all think about this ? pvp ? FPP >?

  2. #2
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    No rewards for PvP should ever be a factor in DDO.
    Not only would it be totally exploitable, there is no real point since PvP is utterly optional. The only "reward" that should be applied to PvP should be, in my opinion, granting them their own instanced zones to be in. So they can brawl in peace and quiet. Yeah.... peace and quiet would be an excellent reward for PvPers.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Oct 2013


    hmmm making NPC who would take us to pvp zones could be cool but remember RPG is RPG... so PvP shoyuld bring something to game... for example killing players while they doing something.... i know its not normal for DDO but its RPG game and even there are murders and killers

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Arkanakh View Post
    hmmm making NPC who would take us to pvp zones could be cool but remember RPG is RPG... so PvP shoyuld bring something to game... for example killing players while they doing something.... i know its not normal for DDO but its RPG game and even there are murders and killers
    RPG doesn't mean "do whatever you want and call it roleplay". RPG means "play your character the way they would react". And since we're not allowed to roll evil-aligned characters, no PC would just go around griefing other players for the fun of it :P

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