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  1. #1
    Community Member HatsuharuZ's Avatar
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    Default BtC Commendations put players in an awkward position

    Currently, the Tokens of The Twelve needed to buy a (Heroic) True Heart of Wood are BtA. This lets players run content on any character they possess and reap some of the benefits from the time they spent. Now, Tokens of the Twelve, Challenge Mats and Commendations are functionally the same; you collect a number of them in order to get a certain item necessary for your character to progress or become more powerful.

    The problem with making such items BtC is that it forces the player to run content on one character and one character only in order to obtain it. This is not a problem if you are lucky enough to run with a static group. If you, like a lot of players, make a group of random players (PuGs) to run a quest or chain of quests, this is a bit more problematic. A pickup group is random, and thus you can't count on a divine (or healer) or a trap-disabling character, or whatever other kind of character you need to show up when you want one to. That is where extra characters on the same account come in. I've run a lot of raids, and sometimes a player will drop group and switch characters if the party is lacking a character that fills a key role.

    Now, here is why BtC materials/commendations/etc. make things awkward for a player. Say that a guy, whom I'll call Bob, is playing a melee character in a PUG, and needs one more commendation to obtain the heart he needs to TR. Bob also has a trap-disabler and a divine of similar level as his other characters. However, the group is doing a difficult quest with a lot of traps, and no one is willing to spend their money to buy a gold seal trapper hireling. Now Bob has a decision to make: He can either stay silent and take the risk of failing the quest in order to get his commendation, or he can switch to his trapper and help the group at a cost to himself.

    Whatever Bob decides, I don't think he'll have fun doing it. It's one thing to want players to make hard decisions when choosing enhancements, but.... no one likes to have to make this kind of hard decision, devs.

  2. #2
    Community Member Cauthey_No_CCInfo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HatsuharuZ View Post
    Currently, the Tokens of The Twelve needed to buy a (Heroic) True Heart of Wood are BtA.
    Just to clarify, the Tokens of the Twelve are BtA. You can then turn 20 of those in for a True Druidic Heart of Wood. That heart is BtC. So, it's not like you can roll up an extra bank character to store a bunch of these in. To store these, you need bank space on the character that will be planning to perform TRs.

  3. #3
    Community Member Auran82's Avatar
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    Reminds me of when the scroll/seal/shard system first came into being.

    Shards and seals were BTC, it was awful. Can you imagine having to run a certain character in a certain quest, in the hopes of a random item dropping to form part of what you needed? This was also when scrolls dropped on the ground and were able to be ninja looted.

    You would think they would have learned by now.

  4. #4
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auran82 View Post
    Reminds me of when the scroll/seal/shard system first came into being.

    Shards and seals were BTC, it was awful. Can you imagine having to run a certain character in a certain quest, in the hopes of a random item dropping to form part of what you needed? This was also when scrolls dropped on the ground and were able to be ninja looted.

    You would think they would have learned by now.
    no different than having everything BTCOE. people bring their best toons so they can pull everything they want for their characters and than no need to go back or just sell it on the P2WAH after they don't want it anymore.

    I remember the epic scrolls dropping on the ground times. my first epic quest and my first epic scroll I won in a roll was ninja'd. was a wonderful first experience.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    I actually like BtC, in the right circumstances. I don't like the idea that everyone has a "power main" that actually runs the content, and then they have alts that get twinked and powerleveled, and emerge fully grown at L28 like Athena from Zeus' head, without ever have actually being PLAYED.

    However, while I would apply that to generic "currency" - things that are useful to ANY character - I'd also support making specific items BtA/BtCoE...things like named weapons, etc. Nothing more annoying than pulling a good bow on your melee character, when your archer has been looking for one for ages.

    That being said, BtC commendations fall under the "currency" category. Assuming there's a reasonable mechanic for earning them (and Saga completion, alone, is probably not reasonable), there's no reason you cant ask people to actually play the characters they want to equip and advance. If you disagree, why not just ask them to let you earn XP for one char by playing another?

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