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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Exp Adjustments (explorers)

    Exp Adjustments (explorers)

    While adjustments are going on for exp in quests and such, I would like to make a request. The wilderness areas from the Eveningstar/Menace of the Underdark expansion have a depressingly small level range in which to enjoy them… I would LOVE to see the ranges expanded! It’s such a shame to have them so limited…


    Menechtarun 8-15
    Orchard of the macabre 10-19
    Gianthold 10-18
    Subterrane 12-21
    Vale of Twilight 12-21
    Shavarath 15-24

    King forest 20-25…………….
    The Underdark 20-26…………

    Epic Gianthold 20-28
    Storm Horns 23-31

  2. #2
    Community Member B0ltdrag0n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drakcane View Post
    Exp Adjustments (explorers)

    While adjustments are going on for exp in quests and such, I would like to make a request. The wilderness areas from the Eveningstar/Menace of the Underdark expansion have a depressingly small level range in which to enjoy them… I would LOVE to see the ranges expanded! It’s such a shame to have them so limited…


    Menechtarun 8-15
    Orchard of the macabre 10-19
    Gianthold 10-18
    Subterrane 12-21
    Vale of Twilight 12-21
    Shavarath 15-24

    King forest 20-25…………….
    The Underdark 20-26…………

    Epic Gianthold 20-28
    Storm Horns 23-31
    I like this idea. +1
    Officer of Renowned

  3. #3
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    What I would really like to see if it isn't asking to much is for all content level 20+, aka epic content, never under any circumstances suffer from over level or power leveling penalties. Especially with the new Epic TR comming it would be really nice to just be able to run any epic quest or epic explorer with friends regardless of who 28 and who fresh 20 again.

  4. #4
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    And please change the EXP gain in Slayer art.

    Put level/2 or CR/2 EXP for any mob slain in the terrain and get an milestone exp bonus like today but lower.

    Then you can also easy add these exp per kill in the event`s :-)

  5. #5
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    Don't' narrow your request to Eveningstar. S/R/E should be increased across the board in every single area. Why not encourage players to actually try for rares, slayer and explorers at all level ranges? Why even have the explorer area if not to do so? Time sink? C'mon.

  6. #6
    Community Member Trílesch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drakcane View Post
    What I would really like to see if it isn't asking to much is for all content level 20+, aka epic content, never under any circumstances suffer from over level or power leveling penalties. Especially with the new Epic TR comming it would be really nice to just be able to run any epic quest or epic explorer with friends regardless of who 28 and who fresh 20 again.
    tbh they should remove all power leveling penalties across all explorer areas in the game reguardless of level that way you get even more grouping but keep the power leveling penalties for quests and dungeons. I have a level 23 dwarf tank but cant do anything with one of my friends who is only level 15 atm as he has not been playing long and i don't have any alts at his level. so exploring with him would be great if they removed the power leveling penalty from them.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tr?*lesch View Post
    tbh they should remove all power leveling penalties across all explorer areas in the game reguardless of level that way you get even more grouping but keep the power leveling penalties for quests and dungeons. I have a level 23 dwarf tank but cant do anything with one of my friends who is only level 15 atm as he has not been playing long and i don't have any alts at his level. so exploring with him would be great if they removed the power leveling penalty from them.

    This will never happen. People could then just get their epic level friends to go through each explorer area and destroy the mobs while they ride coattails.

    I do agree with the OP though. An expanded level range for the epic explorer areas and a general xp increase of the heroic explorer areas needs to be done. At this point they're just not worth doing. Why should I go do a full run of Cerulean Hills at lv4 for about 2k xp(83xp per rare 291for all 7 and 41xp/explorer 145for all 14 not counting max slayer count or xp boosts) when I could just go run any lv2 quest twice and get more xp in a fraction of the time. And thats just one example. Nearly every heroic explorer zone is the same way. Pointless xp gain for the amount of time invested.
    Last edited by Lucarr; 11-07-2013 at 05:55 PM.

  8. #8
    The Hatchery
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    Don't forget the lowlevel areas that are not compatible with streak runners.

    Korthos Island has a level 2 quest, but area is 1-3.
    Cerulean Hills has level 3 quests, but area is 1-4.
    Tangleroot Gorge has level 7 quests, but area is 2-7.
    Three-barrel Cove has a level 7 quest, but area is 3-8.
    Sorrowdusk Isle has level 10 quests, but area is level 4-11.

    But yes, I would love ranges to be expanded, at all levels.
    DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.

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