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Thread: P2P Feats

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  1. #1
    Community Member dirtphillips's Avatar
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    Default P2P Feats

    Based on the recent TR changes currently on Lam, it is clear that Turbine is hurting for revenue or is just greedy and punitive. I thought I would offer an alternative that could produce some money for Turbine and give players something desirable. I recalled back to my PnP days for how WotC used to make money. Their splat books always included new PrC's and new feats. I thought this might be a good idea for Turbine.

    All of us are well aware of how the P2P classes are clearly more powerful than the F2P classes. My idea would be to offer P2P feats that help balance this out or offer new combinations not possible in the current game. Here are some ideas off the top of my head:

    Righteous Fury - Requires Barbarian 12 and Chaotic Good Alignment - enables casting of divine spells, scrolls, wands, and clickies while raged. Applies -20 concentration checks.
    Greater Power Attack - requires Fighter 14 or Barbarian 12 - enables Power Attack value to exceed current values, only limited by BAB. Value of Power attack bonus to be selectable.
    Devoted Performer - Enables multiclassing of paladin and bard
    Consecrated Harrier - Enables multiclassing of paladin and barbarian
    Divine Domain Feat - Adds Domain Power and available SLA's to character

    Make each feat 1495 TP each and only apply per character. Since these are purely optional, no one has to lose anything.
    Crakspiders - Craakspdr - Crakdspidr - Thatdoood - Otherdoood - Otherrguy

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    May 2010


    Just a plain bad idea.

    If the Devs want to make money, they are sitting on dozens of Cosmetic Armors that were available via Gold Rolls for a few weeks. Those could be placed in the DDOStore and people would buy them. In fact, people have been begging for Cosmetic stuff to be added to the DDOStore forever. The stuff just rarely gets put in the DDOStore. People can't spend money if the stuff isn't there to buy.

    Similarly, even with all the bugs that the Monster Manuals have, people have been begging for a new Monster Manual. This is another area where Turbine is dropping the ball. People are saying take my cash even with the Monster Manuals not working, but Turbine seems to be completely deaf when it comes to what people are asking to be added to the store.

  3. #3
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

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