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Thread: Several Things

  1. #1
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    Default Several Things

    First Ship buffs not running out in public areas

    Two ship buffs going up to 150 but need some requirement of guildies like a minimum of 6 people at 25+ with someone at 30 all current buffs being given a +3 with a +7% experience shrine at 150 and a couple of "funzies" for the ships 2 new ship types 110 and 135 respectively, improved version of the target dummy for +3 "days of practice" a Longue area, funzies being lightbulb colour n stuff.

    Evil campaign variant

    I can think of a few that could easily be changed already the binder home being one of them "you step inside and greet the sharn represenative, to be honest the guy outside doesn't look like he can afford this, gimme a deal and i'll help get this nusiance out the way" and proceed to help kill the binders. "you step outside and put your hand on ollisters should and shake your head slowly and sigh, they, i'm sorry"

    "you get in the sewers and find these vagrant kobolds as the guard said but looking at these creatures you decide they need your support, these who would be potential allies of what you had in mind" mission objective, get the kobolds to a sewer grate before the guard come in to finish off any survivors"
    to the above the "good" quest is to outright slaughter them in their home dwell on that for a bit

    "you find heighton and his warforged friend and as he greets you shauhaguin appear, you fein surprise for a moment then attack him, if the shauhaguin want this frosted isle, they can have it but the same deal they gave jacabo then when they do control this, they garuntee you passage off"

    most would entail mere contextual issues like "you gaze at the cannith crystal for a moment and contemplate destroying it but you know its keeping you alive...for now" with an evil quest to go back later and destroy it or you find the scroll and as a passing rat goes by you give it to the vermin to chew, he got his scroll alright"

    of course these quests would have to be done entirely seperately to the normal quests

    and instead of arriving at the spire veterans for the 1000 favour, arrive in the northern docks "at night" and start in the leaky dingy.

    And Third - Pure level 30 builds, for those of us who'd want a level 30 barbarian for instance.
    Last edited by raxsavvage; 10-20-2013 at 08:45 AM.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by raxsavvage View Post
    First Ship buffs not running out in public areas

    Evil campaign variant

    And Third - Pure level 30 builds, for those of us who'd want a level 30 barbarian for instance.
    1) Support, I'd go so far to say that ship buffs should be perma until death. Whats the point of them expiring and having to break party and return to rebuff? As long as you're staying alive, that should be enough to keep the buff.

    2) No, we're not evil-aligned characters.

    3) There are no class levels past 20. There's no such thing as a "level 30 barbarian" because 20 is as high as it goes, you're a L20 barbarian with 10 Epic levels. AFAIK that's from the original D&D, L20 is the max (at least for mortals).

  3. #3
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    no my point is its things to change /add, evil being one of those options with its take on how evil characters would handle / perceive them quests

    and yeah an option for a pure class or just not utalising epics specifically for nromal class builds and combos yeah epic level is meant to give greatness n stuff
    but is it really all that problematic if i just want to plug away at normal classes?

    also the thing i forgot
    races - Mongrel Folk from the 3.5 book Races of destiny pages 98-101 seeing how i probably cant legally type out (probably) their info here
    dont use the fiend folio version of them, so much worse in that
    - Gnolls, which i beleive are already an existing enemy race meaning minimal character creature creation time as it exists and likely using a similar build point restiction as drow as they are +1 creatures from what i can tell however i cant seem to find which book/s they are in to suggest which to source from.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by raxsavvage View Post
    no my point is its things to change /add, evil being one of those options with its take on how evil characters would handle / perceive them quests

    and yeah an option for a pure class or just not utalising epics specifically for nromal class builds and combos yeah epic level is meant to give greatness n stuff
    but is it really all that problematic if i just want to plug away at normal classes?

    also the thing i forgot
    races - Mongrel Folk from the 3.5 book Races of destiny pages 98-101 seeing how i probably cant legally type out (probably) their info here
    dont use the fiend folio version of them, so much worse in that
    - Gnolls, which i beleive are already an existing enemy race meaning minimal character creature creation time as it exists and likely using a similar build point restiction as drow as they are +1 creatures from what i can tell however i cant seem to find which book/s they are in to suggest which to source from.
    I'm not just saying I don't agree. Evil alignment is something on Turbine's "we will never implement this" list, AFAIK, like open-world PvP. Playing "heroes" only is just one of the firm design choices they've made. And the same problem applies to Gnolls...they're an inherently Evil race. Also, I don't know if there are Mongrel Folk in canonical Eberron or FR settings, are there?

    As for Barbs....its not like its a choice between Epic levels and additional class levels. There just ARENT class levels above 20. There's nothing there, you're a complete and finalized Barbarian at L20. Its like asking for another hour in the day, asking for another color on your rainbow, it just doesn't exist.

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    this IS a suggestions list

    also gnolls are not inherently evil
    and any arguement for what races are viable
    THEY ADDED FEARUN which is like saying ...welp EVERYONE is invited cause they would be and i mean anyone and everyone.

    but i get the no evils thing... sadly

    i just think you're missing the point of my suggestion that classes can go beyond 20 and still be if people want them to be... not epic class. theres no inherent cap on levels just assumed that after 20 you go to oh whats it called...oh yes... epic versions of that class not just some crazy system called epic

    this is dnd if a dm and in this case the dm would be turbine say sure you can level a barb at 21-30 or even pick up some rogue classes, just no epic destinies, they can, its flexible like that. you seem pretty close minded to whatever it is you seem to hold on to for wanting the "epic" class

    and if you wanna argue somantics theres no legal melee class in ddo on the grounds we'd all be in the rhealms of demi gods which start in the region of 32's in strength. having hit 41 with a somewhat fail equipment list right now... i'd certainly be strength enough. yes

  6. #6
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    1) Ship Buffs pausing in public areas
    Second time I heard the idea, and I still agree with it.

    2) Guild going up to 150, with corresponding amenities
    I also agree with this; however, I would also like to see some of those empty guild levels filled first.

    3) Additional "evil" story effects
    If this is exclusive to story effects being divided between "normal" and "evil," then most certainly not. In my experience, most people play a "fluffy" evil, where they are consciously evil for the sake of being evil because they're evil and evil's the new black, and pretty much act the same as everyone else - but they're evil!

    Now, if the proposition was to embrace interesting twists and flavor for all alignments, and not just the good-evil axis, then I would be more receptive and supportive of the suggestion.

    4) "Evil" missions
    Expanding upon the work of Gnomon, eh? Joking aside, I can't get behind the idea. It's not that I'm opposed to evil, but rather paladins would be unable to participate in such quests, seeing as they're supposed to be champions of good and justice and all that.

    5) Pure Classes & Epic Levels
    I don't have it on hand at the moment, but if memory serves, 3.5 AD&D does have an Epic Level Handbook, where the core classes are expanded to nigh infinitude. Such adventures are on a grand scale, traversing planes and playing beyond the prime material. So it is theoretically possible. I am indifferent to this suggestion, myself.

    6) Always (Alignment) Races
    Eberron kind of throws the "always" factor out the window. The campaign setting purposely muddies the alignment pool, so that it is possible to have races that are "always evil" or "always good" being something else. I believe there's a Lawful Good beholder or doomsphere (don't remember which) floating around somewhere...

    7) New Races
    Before anything like gnolls or mongrelfolk, most people tend to rally around finishing out the core races with gnome, and then including the core Eberron races with changelings and shifters. There's also a big movement for dragonborn, tieflings, and kobolds, so those likely would be incorporated before others.

    8) Stats & Godliness
    If we use 3.5 as a guide, then yes, the stats are over-the-top. Then again, so are the challenge ratings on monsters. If I remember right, 3.5 notes that a party of 4-6 characters should lose about 20%-25% of their resources (HP, spells, items, etc) facing a challenge whose CR is equal to their average level. In DDO, CR is the monster's personal level, which is usually much higher then the quest level. These are some of the concessions and exceptions we must make for an MMO.
    Anything can be explained by drunken wizards.

    "Hey! I got a piece of the +1 Butter Knife of Victory! Ah-oh, wait, wait. It's just a crummy, normal +1 dagger of ghostbane..."

  7. #7
    Community Member avepepix's Avatar
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    4) "Evil" missions
    Expanding upon the work of Gnomon, eh? Joking aside, I can't get behind the idea. It's not that I'm opposed to evil, but rather paladins would be unable to participate in such quests, seeing as they're supposed to be champions of good and justice and all that.

    Dont forget the evil deities has its paladin too, as the devils has paladin too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Worldcrafter View Post
    5) Pure Classes & Epic Levels
    I don't have it on hand at the moment, but if memory serves, 3.5 AD&D does have an Epic Level Handbook, where the core classes are expanded to nigh infinitude. Such adventures are on a grand scale, traversing planes and playing beyond the prime material. So it is theoretically possible. I am indifferent to this suggestion, myself.
    All the core books, has an epic version, but its for almost godlike players. The best way advance furter its getting ECL

  8. #8
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    1 Yeah
    2 Yeah, if you look at the guild unlocks on level, it still lists the gem sizes that NO ONE USED Old gems people, were beyond useless

    3 / 4 Yeah im thinking of fairly large redo of most quests, some just result in largely contextual differences, i mean if they asked me i could slowly go through each quest if i had the wording to work with and see what i could essential story board process around for em just htinking off the top of my head, would and being >etc etc etc here< wouldn't do those ideas justice but some quests being evil alignment only would be a thing.

    5 yeah i mean 3.5 i think considers level 40 depending on interpretation as normal levels, up to dm's to say what is for what some times, but a realistic option none the less to not have epic and all its giggles (i've never been epic level though i am close) but pure / combos up to 30 not having any epic is totally in the 3.5 books

    6 yeah man, look at Fred in house J hes probably Lawful Chaotic. Theres DROW EVERYWHERE they are usually in the echilons of evil due to their diety and prefered class being cleric and almost all females being a cleric of theirs (no i dont remember the name) and generally attack everyone else on sight especially sunelves etc

    7 forgot bout gnomes but then gnomes are the insert censored probably word with A for the start E for its end and you've got the general jist of gnomes but yeah i see your point, just throwing it out that that gnolls already exist as a creature thing with gnomes lorically speaking they do usually stay at home few even make it as adventurers. but yeah im with you, filling out cores properly be a thing, but gnoll character models do already exist it wouldn't be hard to convert them for player characters. so /signed on gnomes being a thing too

    8 yeah i fought a level CR 22 in elite ... think its a normal 14 quest so elite 16 but then CR's have always been rather arbitary at times. theres things with death gazes, DR, metal resistances, alignment resistances, and are in the CR7 region, think even weaker mind flayers are around 7. MIND FLAYERS!

    Also i want to add disjunctioned items being BTA like crafted shards are its surprising what difficulties i ran into cause of that and its not a particularly major thing to change, the disjuction dust is BTA, the shards are BTA, but setting crafting is BTC :S, a realtively minor edit all things considered.
    Last edited by raxsavvage; 10-23-2013 at 05:04 PM.

  9. #9
    Community Member avepepix's Avatar
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    And why not Shifter?
    Theres allready a shifter class, why not a race?

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