I decided that I'd multi-task my sagas. Since I ran WoC and Chains 2 and 3 yesterday, I ran chain 1 today, and Well Well Well ( Don't Drink the Water

I skipped House of Death Undone (again. don't like it), and paid the 5 shards to skip In The Belly of the Beast, because this character has never been deep enough into underdark to get the Riz Malag portal and getting out there is a beeyotch.
I ran through on normal, and paid the 15 shards to upgrade to an Epic Hard completion list.
Bug: Everytime I've been prompted to pay shards, I have been locked into mouselook mode (I was in that mode when starting the conversation). You get no pointer, and can't toggle, so you can hit enter to accept or escape to decline the dialog, but, yea, bug.
Note that the menace chain is 13 quests total, longer than The End of Eberron.
16 commendations for an Epic Hard completion.
"Multi-tasking" both sagas and running 17 quests yields 33 commendation.
That's completing both sagas 28 times for a heroic heart.
476 quests for a F2P, 448 quests for a VIP, and 420 quests for a VIP that's willing to kick in 280 shards.
35 times for an Iconic true heart.
595 quests for a F2P, 560 quests for a VIP, and 525 quests for a VIP that's willing to kick in 350 shards.
61 times for an Epic heart.
1037 quests for F2P, 976 for a VIP, and 915 for a VIP that's willing to kick in 610 shards.
88 times for both an Epic and Heroic heart.
1496 quests for a F2P, 1408 for a VIP, and 1320 quests for a VIP that's willing to kick in 880 shards.