Reposting here because this section of the forum has more visibility:
Thanks to UurlockYgmeov for the report.
Reposting here because this section of the forum has more visibility:
Thanks to UurlockYgmeov for the report.
And I will also warn people off purchasing these here too.
I purchased 3 of the original otto's boxes ($150) and still have the stones in my shared bank. It was clear these were not meant to be limited to the character that opened the boxes, but they are now useless stones for the characters I want to use them on. And this is working as intended according to the GM I tried to get to help me with them.
Boxes I purchased, and cannot use on the characters I want to use them on.
I'm sending PMs to Cordovan (who told me to contact in game support about them when I wanted to use them) to figure out what my next move is, but I feel utterly ripped off at this point. The GM suggested account support to get my money back. I doubt that will work at all though.
I wish this was more illogical nonsense.
But nope, a clear middle finger to the player-base.
Did *anybody* actually want this?
Coming from an active VIP, and active spender including previous Boxes... this is a step too far.
Thanks for bringing this too light :P
1. Yup make xp from 20 to 28 cost 6.6 millon xp.
2. Put box in store to bypass some of the grind.
3. Profit.
Even worse when you Epic TR and lose all the first time bonuses for completing epic content. I shiver at the fact of how much level 30 will cost. And they want people to TR to earn 6.6 million xp for each epic TR.
I have two completionist but that is way too much of a grind for me to consider. But they are content in ruining the game in order to squeeze every last dime out of it while they can.
Great job turning a great game into a full time job that requires overtime.
actually, for my own personal account, this heroic box is useful cuz i have a lvl 11 double tr that i cant be bothered to level up to 20 again. so i will buy this one box and get her to 20 and never buy or use any box again. (i have not purchased a single box, nor got any gifted or traded so far)
i also think that its easier to level a double tr to 10 or 11, only afterwards (for me) it gets difficult and i get annoyed. so this box would b more useful for the way i tend to play than a lvl 8-16 stone. i dont know if others feel the same or opposite.
What rly annoys me is the fact that they keep changing exp stones back and forth. Can you devs pls leave them tradeable once and for all now please. This way, you will sell more boxes and have your customers happy. What more can u want from a p2w option?
Completionists: Heroic 42/42, Epic 36/36, "Iconic" 15/15
You've gained nearly 100 million exp getting those those two completionists. I find it hard to believe that 6.8 million per epic TR will faze you (epic XP is much higher than heroic XP by the way - probably takes the same amount of time to get 6.8 million in epic as 4.4 million in heroic)...
Let me add an example. Try to keep up:
Say you just finished running a marathon and upon returning to your car you realize it won't start.
You politely ask a marathon spectator to call a cab for you since you live 20 miles away.
Flabbergasted the spectator marks, "What!?! You just ran 26 miles! Another 20 miles should be a piece of cake! C'mon!"
You just smile and politely refuse and ask him again to call a cab. Because you know that you still love to run marathons, but sometimes you just need to take a cab, even if it's for a little break.
So now i can trade ee items straight for xp stones that someone bought. I have found a way to profit in game from the vast wealth imbalance in our society! Now if only I could find a way to do that in rl...
Shmuel Xadin Xadins Errand Mohnster Yitzhak
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Thanks for the info Urlock and Wizza. The store folks are definitely reading the forums and understand what will sell. They are going to make a lot of money at the end of the year from these.
Last edited by slarden; 10-20-2013 at 11:37 AM.
so both ottos should give close to 3.4m if taken with exp pots, vip exp, etc? hmmm..
Day 1 Founder
Main characters: Usually on Rhyes, Miniryse or Legolass
I'm rich! filthy rich! /runs off to AH
/cry! I'm poor! flat broke!
Lava Divers - Khyber
posted to wrong thread sorry.
Last edited by slarden; 10-20-2013 at 06:43 PM.
In a dream sequence.... although strangely likely....
"Buy a Life" Stone in DDO store, 4945 Turbine points. Limited time only (i.e. back next week)
"Completionist bundle" 35000 Turbine Points. Stone with all past life feats with character returned to L20 on 14th life.
"Iconics bundle" 15000 Turbine Points. All Iconic past life feats. New Iconic starts at L28
Shorlong - Pale Master, Cevon - Druid Archer, Gorgnak - Barbarian, Addanc - Bear Tank, Juristash - Shadar Kai Assassin, Treiah - Morninglord Tempest Ranger, Baylfyre - CC Bard, Deimanus - Bladeforged Melee Arti, Daerian - Healing Cleric Morninglord, Krazig - Pally Tank, Veriste - Shadar Kai Death Knight, Xanapheia - TWF FVS, Helainia - Shadar Kai Henshin-Theif
Leader of The Dark Creed
Read again one stone of heroic Xp per life and one stone of epic Xp per life. They are different so I'm betting you can use both. Stone to near 20 then hit 20 and use the epic stone. I've never weighed in on this issue but for a few buck ...ok a lot you could get completionist with little to no work...that's kinda bad!