Okay so Tolero asked these question in the middle of a Hate thread on the newly proposed reincarnation Heart Mechanic and I figured it would be good to pull it out into it's own thread:

Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
So we're still reviewing feedback at the moment, but just wanted to thank you all for providing comments and concerns regarding TR. This is a main focus of attention here in the dev pit.

Additionally, we'd also like to hear from players regarding your play patterns and sagas, as this is related ...
- Do you feel like you understand how sagas work?
- How easy do you find it to track your progress on sagas?
- Do you multi-task your sagas? (e.g. running a quest because you know it will count towards more than one saga at once)
Do you feel like you understand how sagas work?

How easy do you find it to track your progress on sagas?
Not Very. It's annoying trying to find the Saga NPC to check through progress, add new page in the Adventure Compendium please, or track progress in something like the quest log along with the number of points earned so far, on a related note Completion count for Quests/Raids included in the Adventure Compendium would be nice.

Do you multi-task your sagas?
Yes I'm currently working on The End of Eberron and The Menace of the Underdark epic Saga's as there is significant Overlap, I'm finding it mind numbingly boring running epic quests for the sagas, I mostly avoid them.

Only reason I'm currently running them is to get a feel for them and possibly save the Guild Renown rewards for a DDO Bonus Days GR bonus weekend.

I started running some Heroic saga's but two of them aren't completable at the moment: Quest Closure: End of the Road.

I haven't bothered starting the Epic Saga's that require Quest Closure: End of the Road.