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  1. #1
    Community Member PermaBanned's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default So, about retaining those casuals and people who thought low level undead are hard

    You made significant changes to the game at the expense of long term players, in the hopes of retaining more of the casual players, and prospective new players who tried the game and left early. Exit surveys said low level undead were hard and they rarely made it past the harbor (which oddly enough has very little undead!).

    How do you think this "Epic Sagas are the only non-store means of TRing" is going to effect them? A casual player will take weeks if not months to earn a heart. You really think they'll say "thank you Turbine for putting it in the store!"? I highly doubt it. If low level undead are hard enough to drive away prospective new customers (and Ghostbane is actually a difference maker for them) how hard do you think they'll find it to run epic sagas for their hearts? Oh, right, that's why they're in the store. So people who found it difficult to fight CR 6 wraiths can just buy a heart and go back to wrestling with... CR 6 wraiths...

    What are you guys thinking? I mean seriously! How is any of this supposed to make sense?
    I would still like to see... Something that tests character versatility and player adaptability rather than character focus strength and quest knowledge.
    I play the quests for the content of the quests not just as an XP/min merry-go-round.
    Actual play experience is worth infinitely more than theorycrafting...

  2. #2
    Community Member Janisis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by PermaBanned View Post
    You made significant changes to the game at the expense of long term players, in the hopes of retaining more of the casual players, and prospective new players who tried the game and left early. Exit surveys said low level undead were hard and they rarely made it past the harbor (which oddly enough has very little undead!).

    How do you think this "Epic Sagas are the only non-store means of TRing" is going to effect them? A casual player will take weeks if not months to earn a heart. You really think they'll say "thank you Turbine for putting it in the store!"? I highly doubt it. If low level undead are hard enough to drive away prospective new customers (and Ghostbane is actually a difference maker for them) how hard do you think they'll find it to run epic sagas for their hearts? Oh, right, that's why they're in the store. So people who found it difficult to fight CR 6 wraiths can just buy a heart and go back to wrestling with... CR 6 wraiths...

    What are you guys thinking? I mean seriously! How is any of this supposed to make sense?
    I still am rolling my disbelive on that explanation of random loot changes... Honestly the loot change ruined what had become one of my favorite aspects of the game this past year.
    Official Wearer of Purple Proud Member of Renowned Not Afraid to PUG
    Main: Janisis - Completionist completionist currently Shiradi of some flavor. Alts: Janarch: Furystar, Byeshk: heroic completionist, Janart: Artificer Cannith Crafter, DBowie: Warlock Poser
    Long Live Cult of the Dragon

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