This thread is dedicated to everyone who would like their voice to be heard regarding the new TR system. I myself will be quitting this game if this change goes live. If you would like to combine our efforts in stopping the new TR system please post to this thread. Make sure to list your server and a toon name. Please state your issues with the new TR system and how you will be reacting if it does indeed go live. Also please refrain from making comments that could get this thread locked. This is for SERIOUS protestors only. My concern is simple...The cost of this game is driving away players. The servers are empty as it is. I have paid for many things in this game...but TR will not be one of them. This change will Indeed be the death of DDO. One needs only to look at the population charts post UD19 to see that this games new LOOK is chasing away players. Does turbine really think MAKING us pay for TR is going to keep US or bring back the player that quit right as UD19 dropped? PLEASE DDO, DO THE RIGHT THING...TYVM from the players that care...we love the game, but these changes are too much.