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  1. #701
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    The thing is that Turbine could easily address the decline in VIP membership, while also encouraging more people to play the new content.

    Simply forget about the one-off cash injection that the expansions provide and include them in the VIP package, and offer them for premium players through TP purchase as with other packs.

    The current approach seems designed to drive away VIP players and persuade premium players to spend less. Not exactly a good strategy for a successful business
    Cannith: Yasina, Sarasina, Discarra

  2. #702
    Community Member Arianka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Havok.cry View Post
    DDOgamer is claiming that all our demands were met and that the protest is over.
    what did u expect?

    see who runs the site.

  3. #703
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldcrafter View Post
    So... why are you posting again, exactly? You've already established that you disapprove of the particular venue of protest that these players are taking; your point is already made, so any further posting is sheer redundancy. I don't really see your goal to be civil conversation, given how inflammatory some of your comments have been toward others. What the protesters are doing doesn't have a particularly profound effect on you personally, does it? What they do with their free time, is it impeding you somehow? Is their absence preventing you from finding a suitable party to play with, is that the source of your venomous posting? Are you unable to enjoy the game without the company of some or all of these people protesting? Is their presence causing your questing to lag or something? It seems more then simply the expression of free speech, since you've chosen this particular thread to focus your posting on. Your last twelve posts at least have been exclusively to this thread. Should your posting be really perceived as a cry for attention, a desire to socialize, but driven by a need for negative attention? Or is it a vain attempt of trolling the protesters, to provide some personal entertainment with imagined thoughts that people will be outraged and incensed by your comments? I am earnestly curious as to what has driven you to be so fixated on something that doesn't seem to impact you directly at this point in time.
    I was replying to a claim that I was merely trolling and that somehow only having a few posts invalidates anything I had to say on the issue. If redundancy annoys you so, why the long screed calling me a troll? I've already been called that in this thread so are you not now guilty of the same redundancy you accuse me of? I also am "earnestly curious" as to why the behavior of a "troll" has you so "fixated" on said troll. Thank you though for taking the time to review my posting history. I'm flattered my opinions may have opened your eyes and encouraged you to do some research.

  4. #704
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scope333 View Post
    I was replying to a claim that I was merely trolling and that somehow only having a few posts invalidates anything I had to say on the issue. If redundancy annoys you so, why the long screed calling me a troll? I've already been called that in this thread so are you not now guilty of the same redundancy you accuse me of? I also am "earnestly curious" as to why the behavior of a "troll" has you so "fixated" on said troll. Thank you though for taking the time to review my posting history. I'm flattered my opinions may have opened your eyes and encouraged you to do some research.
    Please rest assured, I am most certainly not annoyed by your presence or redundancy; as I have claimed before, I am merely curious. My curiosity stems from my desire to write and that I enjoy role playing. These factors combine together, so I attempt to make characters I write about feel more like a separate entity then just a projection of myself. This, in turn, leads me to wonder about the human condition, and what makes certain people tick.

    I have not called you a troll, but it is a possibility I have not ruled out, particularly with the sardonic and condescending nature of your posts toward others. If you'll forgive the brutal honesty, prior to posting I just rolled my eyes and skipped your post whenever I saw one coming up. It was the frequency of your posts that made me pause and wonder what has kept you coming back so if you were so against their actions. That, in turn, made me contemplate why you kept posting.

    I apologize for the indignation that I have caused you, but it does go a long way to answering my question. Thank you for your time.
    Anything can be explained by drunken wizards.

    "Hey! I got a piece of the +1 Butter Knife of Victory! Ah-oh, wait, wait. It's just a crummy, normal +1 dagger of ghostbane..."

  5. #705
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldcrafter View Post
    My curiosity stems from my desire to write and that I enjoy role playing.
    Good luck with your writing.

  6. #706
    Hero Silken-Akira's Avatar
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    Following the forums to see how this is evolving. Reading the first and only dev post today and it made things worse.
    You are really screwing the f2p players.
    Me personally didn't care. Because I was VIP. Bought the 2 packs (yes even the terrible one) and I am farming for the first time for a TR (for me it Goes slow) so yes I was thinking About maybe buying one.
    But the way They are now treating the userbase. I decided to stop paying and supporting a company That chooses this road.
    So till They learn to show some respect no money from me and if it really doesn't improve I Will be off

    In That regard went to the link That was in the latest chronicle
    And saw the latest comment to be one About the current situation....funny

    (Sorry About bad writing, done quick from IPad)

  7. #707
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jatner View Post
    The thing is that Turbine could easily address the decline in VIP membership, while also encouraging more people to play the new content.

    Simply forget about the one-off cash injection that the expansions provide and include them in the VIP package, and offer them for premium players through TP purchase as with other packs.

    The current approach seems designed to drive away VIP players and persuade premium players to spend less. Not exactly a good strategy for a successful business
    Hrm...I wasn't looking at these issues from a VIP/premium perspective but here's an interesting thought - make TR'ing in all its forms free to VIP's. That would certainly boost VIP numbers, would not cost Premium players anything or grant anything to VIP not available to Premium in-game, seems like a win all around.
    Tajawuka 20 Bladeforged Paladin running divine ETR's (3 ranger/monk/fighter pl's, 3 martial epl's) - Toolbots working on Morninglord Cleric life #2 (3 wizard/sorc/druid pl) - Evisra 28 rogue

  8. #708
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scope333 View Post
    Good luck with your writing.
    Thank you most kindly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrok View Post
    Hrm...I wasn't looking at these issues from a VIP/premium perspective but here's an interesting thought - make TR'ing in all its forms free to VIP's. That would certainly boost VIP numbers, would not cost Premium players anything or grant anything to VIP not available to Premium in-game, seems like a win all around.
    For some reason I can't quite fathom just yet, having VIP get all of them free feels a little off to me. Giving them heroic, even iconic, sure, I'm fine with that. I'm just a little iffy on having the epic TR thrown in as well. Despite my reservations, the idea is a sound one, and I agree that it would help promote subscription rates.
    Anything can be explained by drunken wizards.

    "Hey! I got a piece of the +1 Butter Knife of Victory! Ah-oh, wait, wait. It's just a crummy, normal +1 dagger of ghostbane..."

  9. #709
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ausdoerrt View Post
    Cute. Good luck financing the game on your own, too

    wish more people took the time to think a bit before posting, but hey, that's just me.

  10. #710
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrok View Post
    Hrm...I wasn't looking at these issues from a VIP/premium perspective but here's an interesting thought - make TR'ing in all its forms free to VIP's. That would certainly boost VIP numbers, would not cost Premium players anything or grant anything to VIP not available to Premium in-game, seems like a win all around.
    Even 1 free of each per month would be enough to boost VIP numbers (Heroic, iconic and Epic). Kind of like a buffet, most people can only eat 1 but pay for 3 but there are some that can do 2-3 per month. Either way it would be a easy and savvy way of increasing dependable revenue to the bottom line.

    That's ontop of all the pots and whatnot people would use doing what they already do.

  11. #711
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patang01 View Post
    Even 1 free of each per month would be enough to boost VIP numbers (Heroic, iconic and Epic). Kind of like a buffet, most people can only eat 1 but pay for 3 but there are some that can do 2-3 per month. Either way it would be a easy and savvy way of increasing dependable revenue to the bottom line.

    That's ontop of all the pots and whatnot people would use doing what they already do.
    While they are at it, Turbine could thrown in a couple more packs as updates instead of expansion. Free for VIP's to play, and purchasable by others.
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  12. #712
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrok View Post
    Hrm...I wasn't looking at these issues from a VIP/premium perspective but here's an interesting thought - make TR'ing in all its forms free to VIP's. That would certainly boost VIP numbers, would not cost Premium players anything or grant anything to VIP not available to Premium in-game, seems like a win all around.
    The main point of contention is they really can't. They need to make some money on this venture, however, they made no investment on heroic TRing, so their was no justification upon their part to increase it's price, while I agree that they need to put in some means to inspire people to purchase their 'new hearts' to reclaim expenditures the only question at this point is are they collecting golden eggs or will they choke the goose.

    In the mean time, we did something wonderful, and that was we made our voice heard. Kudos to everyone that was there!
    Last edited by Ungood; 10-22-2013 at 03:25 PM.

  13. #713
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    If Turbine would not have untethered the financial success of the game from the quality of the game itself, there would be more quests, higher quality content, and better + higher quantity of loot being released on a regular basis. This is how all other MMOs do it.

    Instead, they pushed quality of the game as a profitable entity onto the back burner, and tethered the finalcial success of the game to store bought items. When this happened, some kind of hamster wheel was needed to keep players playing, because lack of attention to game quality was not going to do so.
    True (although I despise every other MMO I have every played so I might disagree on our opinion of there quality, but they are certainly successful that is for sure. There is a reason I only play DDO, and when my time here is over I won't be going to another MMO, I will just be done with them all entirely.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    The only reason TRing was "needed" is because no other incentive existed to keep playing for many people who had done it all already. Had other incentive existed, like regular content releases and QoL patch focus, TRing would not have been needed in the first place.
    I can not speak for others, but regardless of the quality of the game, but when I hit cap, I would have stopped playing if TR had not existed. I know many many others that felt the same way.

    It was never about gaining infinitesimal bits of power. It was about being able to log onto the same character and run the lower level quests I liked so much again at level, but using the toys I had worked so hard to gain in my previous life.

    TRing is the only reason I ever ground out gear in the past. I don't grind much any more, for any reason, but I do love returning to play my favorite content on my favorite characters and that is the only reason I continue to log on. I have no idea if I am in the majority on this, I assume I am not, but I know for a fact that I am not alone in my opinion on this.
    Matt Walsh:
    But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’

  14. #714
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Still going strong on the Bridge.
    We've still got 3 Marketplace instances up!

    Trivia Night Round 3 is looking good for tomorrow night, as well. Thinking 7:00pm EST this time!
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  15. #715
    Community Member Lanhelin's Avatar
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    Default Welcome to Day 5

    The occupy bridge event now lasts non-stop mindblasting 96 hours on Wayfinder, Marketplace #1, #2 and #3.

    If you are interested, take a look at the Occupy Stormreach Press Review and the chronological Screenshot Collection.

    Welcome to Day 5!

    Edit: Some in-between-kudos can be found here.
    Last edited by Lanhelin; 10-23-2013 at 02:10 AM.

  16. #716
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Official Trivia Event Round 3 Thread can be found here.

    Come out and join Memnir the Dancing Trivia Bear for some quality questioning and support the cause!

    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  17. #717
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    yep, still got people standing on the bridge on Wayfinder and still, yes, still people are joining in this cause. unfortunately, some have left the bridge and moved on to something other than DDO, as they said before logging off, after Producer Glins response on Monday. however those that remain still await confirmation from those still working on a compromise with the TR system to decide if we will continue playing DDO or moving on to whatever makes us happy in our free time. hopefully Producer Glin and the rest of the team can present something we all can agree on so we can get back into DDO and play the game.

  18. #718
    Community Member Nestroy's Avatar
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    Default Perhaps a word on Success

    If the short term goal was to force Turbine to bury any ideas of reworking their commendation / TRing system, the protests could be considered a fail. But that never has been the goal.

    The goal is to give players a voice.

    A voice for protesting the blatand money grab of the U20 TR system.
    A voice for the bad feelings of many players on where DDO is steered by Turbine lately.
    A voice for changes that make DDO remain playable for a majority of existing players.

    And I think the voice has been heard.

    And therefore the Occupy Bridge Movement is a success.

  19. #719
    Community Member RTFM's Avatar
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    Default Reporting live

    Today I had a quick look at the "Occupy Stormreach" turnout.

    Is it me or the "occupy event" mirroring the player base in general right now....i.e.: dwindling number of participants?
    RTFM, DOOF, and MACHINATION on Khyber. Guild: Toy Soldiers.

  20. #720
    Community Member Lanhelin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RTFM View Post
    Today I had a quick look at the "Occupy Stormreach" turnout.

    Is it me or the "occupy event" mirroring the player base in general right now....i.e.: dwindling number of participants?
    It's a matter of time zones - for most european players a new working day has started, while North America is sleeping. It goes up and down with players visible on the bridge. Peak times are around 4pm EST till around 7pm EST. And not all players do the quit y/n afk too.

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