Last edited by uncleblue; 10-19-2013 at 05:07 PM.
How nice. You found a friend.
The biggest issue is the change to Heroic TR, or how to earn the Heart for it. The requirements for the other Hearts would not be enough to fire people up, since they are part and parcel of something new. Severely increasing the grind for the original TR, and possibly invalidating Tokens, is the core of this problem.
If the devs set the Comms required for an Heroic Heart to something equivalent to what they currently cost in Tokens, and if they provide an exchange or conversion recipe for Tokens to Comms, the main reason for our complaint is addressed.
1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022
its ok that you don't know me. I forgive you. BTW, I am with a bunch of friends on a bridge in the MP on Wayfinder protesting the TR changes. what was that? I don't care about the community?
oh yeah, im also a vet too. USS Nimitz CVN 68 stationed in Bremerton, WA and retired in 1996. I was in Operation Desert Storm. what does that have to do with DDO?
Oh not at all.. I would never think to do that.. However...
This does make you look ill informed and ignorant.
I am sure you are a vet, and I am sure that the people who gave their life for the freedom or speech and self expression are embarrassed at the display you are putting on now.And you think I am not a vet?
This is a peaceful assembly. No one is being harmed (after all, it is a video game, we can't actually harm anyone doing this), of players showing their support and solidarity for each other and the belief that this abuse of the players needs to stop.
To many posters who in the past made claims, that players would say they are not going to pay Turbine a single cent, and then alt-tab back into the game like always, or that they will spend money the second something they want shows up in the store.
I do hope you are looking at this topic and I sincerely hope that such phantasm that you been clinging to, like the belief that Turbine can do anything they want and the players will keep playing as always is being shattered for you by this event. This is proof that we will in fact not do that, Turbine does not own us.
I hope that message is being sent by this gathering.
I've asked on Wayfinder in the marketplace for a manifesto for the protest and got nothing out of it. Perhaps someone in this thread can provide such since the in game protesters cannot?
Main: 18 Artificer, Thelanis
No wonder you are so miserable, I would be mad too, if I were in the NAVY.
^^ This is a JOKE, and involves rivalry between the branches, nothing more^^
BTW, sailor, those folks are not your friends, nor are they "the community".
They are strangers in an online game.
The community is playing the game and enjoying it.
@uncleblue Making claims as to what you do or have done in real life is kind of silly on the internet, because unless you are actually offering proof, no one ever believes those things. So leave your vet status out if this please. More people than most realize are vets, and you do not know how many of them are on the opposite side as you on this so it is really an irrelevant point.
Yes turbine has a right to make decisions about their product, but remember this: Rulers rule by consent of the ruled. That is a universal truth. We give turbine the right to make decisions about their product by supporting it, and when we cease supporting it, turbine will no longer have that right, because they will not have the product.
You claim the right to your own opinion, and at the same time have repeatedly attacked others for having a different one, so you are nothing but a hypocrite. If you really are a soldier, I find it disgusting that you would decry the show of solidarity that is being displayed here, and find you reprehensible.
As to your test scores: every soldier in the army scored 99. Every single one makes that claim. I don't believe many of them, and the blatant ignorance you have displayed in this thread does not lend to your credibility.
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
It may be found here.![]()
1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022