While you speak some truth right there as I agree with a couple of points, when it comes to heroic TR it's still not a change that has to be made. Why make something that exist simply harder to get or even out of reach as a goal to be set to others.
Also while I don't play much atm, when I do it's a constant TRing train and I didn't mind to buy a couple hearts when I spent all the ones I had from epic tokens or I didn't wanna farm that one life. Knowing that i'd HAVE TO pay for every single TRs (that's 3-4 a month) would be a discouraging factor to even consider re-engaging myself in the game once I can spare the time to do so because I don't wanna run epics till my eyes bleed. I've done it for months, I didn't like it, I now know I don't like it... overall it's just no fun at all for me.
You can divide the number of hearts by 2 as I'd get at the very least 1/2 of it from favor (maybe not actually). But then again, will I use a 30+% pots at that one crucial moment I know I can gather crazy exp by chaining quest? Most likely.
I will not comment on anything beside the mechanic that I feel is endangered since... yeah. I guess i'm the one who derailed, i'm totally blind to that occupy thingy. My head won't resolve to take it seriously and I hope it's just a mirage hehe. Nonetheless, the message behind needs to be heard till a confirmation of change has been made.