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  1. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Havok.cry View Post
    You are avoiding the question though: why is it so important to you to force other people to only have fun they way YOU like?
    That's the very same question I keep asking myself when I read uncleblue's response. Maybe we are very clearly playing it wrong and he is extra enlightened to how DDO should truly be played?

  2. #142
    The Hatchery SHOCK_and_AWE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
    Sounds like you would have a valid complaint, except you admit it affects you not at all.

    Increasing the time requirement is not the same as increasing grind.

    Also, those numbers are subject to change.

    Thank you for not devolving into another of the gibbering herd of sheep that just like to complain.
    Quote Originally Posted by DownGrayeDD View Post
    Confirmed troll.
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  3. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ausdoerrt View Post
    Yup, come on over, and apply to the guild. Wayfinder, Marketplace, Instance 1.
    I was there about an hour ago.
    Gonna log back in shortly to see how much bigger the group has gotten.

  4. #144
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by shock_and_awe View Post



  5. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azarddoze View Post
    Even though I understand that you're most likely having fun with this thread, can't you see this is one true issue that will cut the legs off some players that relied on farming an already decent amount of useless stuff to use the number one mechanic that brings longetivity to the game? It's not like if TR wasn't a source of money (from some - think boxes) through the re-leveling process that it is fair that there is also a way to get it for free in a way.

    If at least it would affect gameplay in general or you negatively in any way... maybe I would understand but right now you're pushing it.
    It's that one other fight after the wipe-it-all that needs to be won for TRers to keep staying active. To some, that is all there is to the game... not epic levels. And it's their choices to enjoy whatever part they want without being penalized on something that seemed already fair to begin with.

    Heroic vs Epic levels are kind of 2 different games to me. Or at least when it comes to your character.
    I am most definitely NOT having fun with this thread.
    I find it highly suspect that this is happening after a large banning.
    I think people like being part of something big, even if that something big is stupid.
    I think this is getting a lot of support from people with no investment in the game.
    I think that some people are determined to see this game burn, and will go to any lengths to do so.
    I think there is no way that THIS is the issue that is going to ruin everything. Combat changes were much more far-reaching.
    I see huge parallels between this and what happened with Star Wars Galaxies, a bunch of whiners unwilling to change ruining it for everyone.
    I see the same 5-10 VERY VOCAL people stirring up trouble.
    I understand that it is ALL subject to change.
    I think there are better ways to go about being heard.

  6. #146
    Community Member Ausdoerrt's Avatar
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    ^ 10 vocal people vs 1 vocal troll. You're still "the minority", dude.

    Also, best quote from in-game so far:

    (Guild: [Guild] NAME: *** i just install this game , and cant understand ***
    "People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. ... People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true." Terry Goodkind

  7. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
    I am most definitely NOT having fun with this thread.
    I find it highly suspect that this is happening after a large banning.
    I think people like being part of something big, even if that something big is stupid.
    I think this is getting a lot of support from people with no investment in the game.
    I think that some people are determined to see this game burn, and will go to any lengths to do so.
    I think there is no way that THIS is the issue that is going to ruin everything. Combat changes were much more far-reaching.
    I see huge parallels between this and what happened with Star Wars Galaxies, a bunch of whiners unwilling to change ruining it for everyone.
    I see the same 5-10 VERY VOCAL people stirring up trouble.
    I understand that it is ALL subject to change.
    I think there are better ways to go about being heard.
    Oh? So you think that Turbine, forcing us -- a bunch of people that just really don't enjoy Epic sagas all that much -- is a good idea? You mean, it'll herd us into playing it?
    Or are you thinking that it'd "thin" out the herd? Looking at the protest in Wayfinder and how many people are joining from other servers... looks like quite a big herd to cull off from the "people that truly understands the game".

    Ontop of that, also a lot of subscription users that are unhappy and cancelling subscription.

    Even if you are right that we are not suitable for DDO, surely you must realized that Turbine is really shooting themselves in the foot in their business. And them lacking business means a ship that will sink all the faster for you.

  8. #148
    Community Member Lanhelin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
    I find it highly suspect that this is happening after a large banning.
    It's because we got the info yesterday:

    Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
    I think there are better ways to go about being heard.
    Sure there are, but this is a pretty good one too^^

  9. #149
    Community Member Ausdoerrt's Avatar
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    More and more people, and we have pumpkins!
    "People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. ... People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true." Terry Goodkind

  10. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaxxieDemon View Post
    That's the very same question I keep asking myself when I read uncleblue's response. Maybe we are very clearly playing it wrong and he is extra enlightened to how DDO should truly be played?
    Good, focus all your hate on me. I can take it, and the Devs do not deserve it.

    DDO will be played as Turbine sees fit.

    I am a realist, and I understand that things change, and sometimes I do not like the change, but sometimes I learn to like them.

    There are a bunch of paid professionals working on this, I have met a few of them.

    They are nice people that love this game, as I do, who have WAY more info, and possibly some different goals.

    Financial viability is the ONLY thing that keeps this game afloat.

  11. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
    Good, focus all your hate on me. I can take it, and the Devs do not deserve it.

    DDO will be played as Turbine sees fit.

    I am a realist, and I understand that things change, and sometimes I do not like the change, but sometimes I learn to like them.

    There are a bunch of paid professionals working on this, I have met a few of them.

    They are nice people that love this game, as I do, who have WAY more info, and possibly some different goals.

    Financial viability is the ONLY thing that keeps this game afloat.
    Ahh... So you are a Good Samaritan for the developers then.

    I am sorry, mate. I actually don't hate you... and I also don't actually believe you are a troll either. I think you genuinely believe in what you are arguing for... but I am sorry to say that I am fighting for a different idea because whatever you -- and Turbine -- have in mind isn't my cup of tea at all.

    So, let's cut back on the insult and just realize that no matter what you say, I am not going to budge on how ridiculous this idea is to me.
    As I have been saying, they either cut this change out or they lose a customer (and a few other more).
    Of course, you'd be more than happy to lose me, I am sure... but money is money. Let's see where the coins fall in the end.

    No form of "not understanding Turbine" will cut through if they lose business in the end because of this decision.

  12. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
    I find it highly suspect that this is happening after a large banning.
    I don't think that a connection can be drawn between the two events.

    Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
    I think this is getting a lot of support from people with no investment in the game.
    Most of the people supporting this are people who TR on a regular basis. Most people who TR regularly are the ones who have invested a lot of time (And often money.) into the game

    Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
    I think that some people are determined to see this game burn, and will go to any lengths to do so.
    Once again, the people who are upset are the ones who have devoted a lot of time and money into the game. Why would they want to see it burn? That makes no sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
    I think there is no way that THIS is the issue that is going to ruin everything. Combat changes were much more far-reaching.
    This does seem to be an issue that is getting a lot of attention from the player-base. I doubt it will destroy the game but it has the potential to affect it profoundly.

    Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
    I see huge parallels between this and what happened with Star Wars Galaxies, a bunch of whiners unwilling to change ruining it for everyone.
    If the developers make such huge, overwhelming changes in the face of the kind of resistance seen with SWG and now this, you should blame them for going against the wishes of their player base. Microsoft made the same arrogant mistake with Windows 8. In any business you need to listen to your customers, and failure to do so is the fault of the business, not the fault of the customers.

    Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
    I see the same 5-10 VERY VOCAL people stirring up trouble.
    I see overwhelming condemnation of the new system by the vast majority of the folks who have learned about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
    I understand that it is ALL subject to change.
    Everything is subject to change. Turbine has a history of ignoring player feedback with regards to game play changes.

    Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
    I think there are better ways to go about being heard.
    What would you suggest?

  13. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post

    Financial viability is the ONLY thing that keeps this game afloat.
    If these changes cause players to leave en mass. Kinda defeats the purpose I'd say.

  14. #154
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    This game will not be financially solvent if the changes go through as is. Increasing the amount of grind required to do a TR by TWO orders of magnitude is simply not okay. Do you see how many people are on wayfinder or are in the guild? There have been hundreds of people stopping by over the course of two days. A lot of these people are very active players who spend a lot of money on the game, through experience potions, otto boxes etc.

    Personally, I have made turbine roughly ~$10,000 over the course of 2-3 years. How much money have you made turbine? It is outrageous that you come in here to talk about financial viability when you've contributed less than 0.01% compared to all the people who are extremely upset about this lunacy.

    I will be quitting if the changes go through as is.

  15. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
    Financial viability is the ONLY thing that keeps this game afloat.
    I agree with this 100%. However, companies need to work on striking a balance between monetization and alienating their player-base. If they chase too many customers away they will need to find more intrusive means of monetization which will force more players away. It will turn into a vicious circle where nobody wins.

    They would do well to sacrifice a few pennies now for longer term financial stability.

  16. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ausdoerrt View Post
    ^ 10 vocal people vs 1 vocal troll. You're still "the minority", dude.
    Also, best quote from in-game so far:
    Way to ruin it for a newcomer. Shame on you all.

    Also, the majority of players do not actually read the forums. They are busy playing and having fun.

    I think it is reasonable to assume that there are others that agree with some of my viewpoints, but are simply afraid of the backlash that voicing their opinion would create. They do not feel the need to be attacked for disagreeing.

    Because this issue is simply not that important to them, and will barely affect them.

    The time requirement for Completionist was MEANT to be ridiculous. DDO wants your loyalty over years of commitment. New ways of shortcutting the system have developed, and the investment must be increased accordingly. If you really are going to "WIN" DDO, you are going to have to earn it or buy it, because once you have "won", why would you continue to pay or play?

  17. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
    Way to ruin it for a newcomer. Shame on you all.

    Also, the majority of players do not actually read the forums. They are busy playing and having fun.

    I think it is reasonable to assume that there are others that agree with some of my viewpoints, but are simply afraid of the backlash that voicing their opinion would create. They do not feel the need to be attacked for disagreeing.

    Because this issue is simply not that important to them, and will barely affect them.

    The time requirement for Completionist was MEANT to be ridiculous. DDO wants your loyalty over years of commitment. New ways of shortcutting the system have developed, and the investment must be increased accordingly. If you really are going to "WIN" DDO, you are going to have to earn it or buy it, because once you have "won", why would you continue to pay or play?
    Are you really hoping that you will be able to enlighten us into your way of thinking? What's your purpose of being in this threat anyway? What do you get from telling us that we are wrong? Considering we are probably not going think we are wrong since having fun is such a subjective thing.

  18. #158
    Community Member Lanhelin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
    There are a bunch of paid professionals working on this, I have met a few of them.
    It also was a bunch of paid, high educated professionals working on it, who brought us the financial crisis. Think about this.

    In fact realists are the willing footsoldiers, they never dare to have a system-critical opinion, because it's the actual system that made them realists-regarding-how-the-system-works. Doubting the system or any aspects of it leads to uncertainness, which a realist barely can stand. Think about this too.

  19. #159
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
    The time requirement for Completionist was MEANT to be ridiculous. DDO wants your loyalty over years of commitment. New ways of shortcutting the system have developed, and the investment must be increased accordingly. If you really are going to "WIN" DDO, you are going to have to earn it or buy it, because once you have "won", why would you continue to pay or play?
    You are assuming the only reason people TR is to get completionist. That is wrong. I know one guy in game on his 32 life, all 32 of which were the same class. He does not have comletionist. I know many like him. I am one of them. I couldn't care about completionist, I just want to go back to level 1 and play the quests I like again. Why are you so against this?
    Matt Walsh:
    But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’

  20. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaxxieDemon View Post
    Oh? So you think that Turbine, forcing us -- a bunch of people that just really don't enjoy Epic sagas all that much -- is a good idea? You mean, it'll herd us into playing it?
    Or are you thinking that it'd "thin" out the herd? Looking at the protest in Wayfinder and how many people are joining from other servers... looks like quite a big herd to cull off from the "people that truly understands the game".

    Ontop of that, also a lot of subscription users that are unhappy and cancelling subscription.

    Even if you are right that we are not suitable for DDO, surely you must realized that Turbine is really shooting themselves in the foot in their business. And them lacking business means a ship that will sink all the faster for you.
    Intelligent adults know that the size of your crowd bears little relation to the issue at hand.
    People like to be able to say they were part of something big, even if they don't really care what the big thing is.
    Others simply like to cause trouble, they think it is fun. Occupy movements were an excuse to break the law for many.
    It is still highly suspect that this is happening so soon after a large banning.

    I suggest Turbine researches the accounts involved in the protest, and then permabans anyone who only recently got back from ban, as well as suspending ALL free accounts for 1 week. Troublemakers are trouble, and this game is not a democracy.

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