Last edited by uncleblue; 10-19-2013 at 01:39 PM.
Well, clearly you are not reading my post. We do pay for subscription.
Like I said, don't worry if grinding is your thing, you can do it all your life! I won't stop you, but I most definitely won't stick around for it. I don't have the time to do something I don't enjoy. And most definitely will not spend $15 extra ontop of my subscription for more gaming that can be done elsewhere for even better gameplay.
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
See... what you call "grinding", I call "playing the game".
If you do not enjoy playing the game, what are you doing here in the first place?
If you are VIP, save your TP and BUY the heart, with no grind required at all.
It's like folks are intentionally ignoring the facts, just to make a scene.
You do realize that the majority of people paying for this game do not consider that an option? When no one is paying for the game anymore because of this decision, what will you do? What you do not realize is most of us are leaning towards the third option:
1 grind your mind into mush for a heart
2 pay cash for a heart
3 stop playing DDO.
People are canceling their subscriptions over this, so your idea that it is only F2P people mad about this, is just plain wrong.
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
I'm all for a good old fashioned sit in, singing kumbiya (sp?) and passing around the peace pipe and what not. But why have it just on Wayfinder which is easily the lowest population server we have? If we'd want to have any kind of impact (ie get more people informed about what's going on) then there should be an "occupation" on each and every server. Having it just on Wayfinder is akin to putting out an inferno one glass of water at a time.
For anyone who cares, I've been vip for 4-ish years and have yet to TR a single character. Even I think the change over is ridiculous to the extreme. But who knows? Maybe we're jumping the gun here. They could just be testing the waters and have every intention of making it more viable....
LOL!!! I almost typed that with a straight face.... almost!![]()
Gianthold saga includes 10 quests, at an average time of around 15 minutes (this is full zerg, Crucible kind of pushes that time limit up). To run it once is around 2 and a half hours. Now, you have to do it around 150 times. 375 hours to get a Heart....15 days of in game time playing gianthold quests. To get one fricken heart.
Or, force us to spend 20 bucks to buy one, even those of us that pay for two accounts, spend about 7 bucks a week in points for fun stuff, and have bought each expansion around five or six times.....yeah, seems real fair.
Shorlong - Pale Master, Cevon - Druid Archer, Gorgnak - Barbarian, Addanc - Bear Tank, Juristash - Shadar Kai Assassin, Treiah - Morninglord Tempest Ranger, Baylfyre - CC Bard, Deimanus - Bladeforged Melee Arti, Daerian - Healing Cleric Morninglord, Krazig - Pally Tank, Veriste - Shadar Kai Death Knight, Xanapheia - TWF FVS, Helainia - Shadar Kai Henshin-Theif
Leader of The Dark Creed
Please explain to me why slowing down the TR train is bad.
More variety of quests get run: good.
Chance of failure occasionally: FUN = good.
More people at cap, running quests for sagas for hearts: more endgame = good.
People have to purchase packs to complete sagas to TR: more money for Turbine = good.
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
I find it really interesting you simply cannot grasp the concept of someone enjoying DDO by playing Eberron quests (because they are, in my opinion, the best designed quests), TR-ing when that's done, and experimenting with different character and class builds.
DDO = Grinding?
Wow. If I want to grind, I'd play a bazillion other Japanese/Korean MMORPG. This guy clearly don't know what grinding really means.
But don't you worry, I completely get what makes you enjoy your game completely. And from the sad look of things -- you are in the minority. I hope you are used to playing solo if this update comes live!
Yeah, cheap or lazy.
Cancel VIP over this = lazy.
They do not want to run the more difficult or long quests, because they might die and not feel as uber, possibly in front of others and feel embarrassed.
You also forgot option 4: Play your video game to have fun.
How is playing the quests in the game "grinding you mind to mush"? You will have to play a VARIETY of quests to complete sagas, iinstead of the current grind of very few quests with optimal speeds for tokens.
Doing this on Wayfinder is not a bad idea, because it won't bother players who don't join the sit-in (yes, there still are a few of them despite this event), because of nearly no lag issues. But feel free to start a sit-in on your preferred server too. The more people protest, the sooner an impact is probable, no matter on which server they do.
Community Member
You are a special kind of special....
I have 15 characters on my account and main server. I play them multiple times. I had even though about doing an Epic TR on one of my two mains once my other main hits cap (he is on his second life, and I never planned on TRing him again.). Now, with the previous system, I farmed out a heart of wood in a week. Now, it would take me the better part of a year, and I would get tired of it and want to play my other character's as well, which would lead me to the point of just not even bothering, as the reward isn't worth it.
To some people, TRing is their endgame. It is what they do. Now, again, this change does not really affect me, as I have only TRed once, and I never planned on doing it again, but I did want to ER at least once. Yeah, I could spend 20 bucks to do it, but I would rather not, as I already spend so much on other things. Having that option there was nice. Taking it away is a stupid business decision.
Shorlong - Pale Master, Cevon - Druid Archer, Gorgnak - Barbarian, Addanc - Bear Tank, Juristash - Shadar Kai Assassin, Treiah - Morninglord Tempest Ranger, Baylfyre - CC Bard, Deimanus - Bladeforged Melee Arti, Daerian - Healing Cleric Morninglord, Krazig - Pally Tank, Veriste - Shadar Kai Death Knight, Xanapheia - TWF FVS, Helainia - Shadar Kai Henshin-Theif
Leader of The Dark Creed
Doesn't seem like an unreasonable amount of investment to me.
2 1/2 hours seems like a silly low time investment to TR.
You make it sound like you do not WANT to play GH. Don't you like GH? Weren't you going to play it anyways?
Oh and nobody is FORCING you to do anything, because TR IS NOT REQUIRED FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN EGO.
1) LAM IS NOT A BLOODY TEST SERVER. It's a "preview server." Normally, what makes it on Lam is what makes it to live. I'm sure that based off the backlash, they'll adjust it some, but it more-than-likely won't be enough.
2) Oh, that's just great. If you don't want to spend WEEKS grinding out ONE heart, you're lazy. So just spend real money, instead! That's the perfect solution, said nobody ever. You really, honestly think that implementing such a blatant, forced cash-grab is going to encourage people (who are already disillusioned with the way Turbine has handled the game recently) to spend MORE money on this game? If you do, I've got a bridge to sell you.
3) "X is not required" is the lamest strawman ever. NOTHING in this game is required. However, currently, there is NOTHING to do at Level 28. Have you gotten any toons to 28? The LFM panel is a barren wasteland, and the expansion quests are not terribly imaginative and offer horrible loot. And with the emphasis this update is putting on TRing, if you do not want to TR the only other option at the moment is to quit the game. Which, by the way, a significant amount of players will probably do if they don't reduce these numbers by AT LEAST 3/4.