Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
Seriously? This is what has you up in arms? Turbine slowing down the TR train? Seriously?
THey are not slowing down the TR train. They are killing it.

Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
TR is not required.

Anyone that wants to TR has already done so many times.

You are going to complete Sagas ANYWAY, because you are going to want to farm the rewards.
No I am not going to run the sagas for the rewards because they limit the choices. It is an either or choice. either take the comm of valor or skill tome or xp reward. Where as with the epic tokens you get in the end chest and then get a choice of rewards.

and several people are still doing the TR because we enjoy the heroic level content.

You are right that TR is not required, but for some it is a lot of fun. Reduce that fun and we shall find our fun somewhere else, in a different game most likely. My friends and I that enjoy the TR process are currently all VIP