Quote Originally Posted by Havok.cry View Post
I don't find anything fun about epic levels, nor epic quests. Hearts can only be earned by playing those epic sagas. Epic sagas are only gianthold and forgotten realms content. I do not have fun in forgotten realms, I pretty much hate every second spent there.
So you hate most endgame content, sounds like you were going to quit anyways. In fact, you just sound sad in general.

Quote Originally Posted by Havok.cry View Post
You say this will cause a variety of quests to be run, but you are mistaken, only the quests included in epic sagas will be able to earn hearts so only that small portion of the game will be ground out for hearts. That is the opposite of what you say. Playing only those limited quests rather than the quests I actually enjoy, very much fits the description of grinding your mind into mush.
Actually, those sagas have Heroic versions as well. Please list all quests you enjoy. I think the list will be shorter than the list of quests in the relevant sagas.

Quote Originally Posted by Havok.cry View Post
This change will basically force me away from having fun as I am now, into running mostly quests that I hate. That is the opposite of playing the game for fun.
Some people think challenge and risk of failure is fun. Apparently, you think easy-mode is fun. Run the quests you do not enjoy on CASUAL. They made that difficulty just for people like you.

Quote Originally Posted by Havok.cry View Post
As to how difficult of a quest people run: who the heck cares? You say in the very next sentence that they should play the game for fun, but I guess what you mean is that they should play the game how you think is fun and otherwise be damned.
The people running them care: they run them because they are easy and mindless (see: grind). Quests with challenges force you to pay attention and not just faceroll the keyboard. You never know, once you actually TRY the quests a few times, you might like them. I HATED Crucible when I first tried it, now I am convinced it's one of the best quests in the game.