Quote Originally Posted by uncleblue View Post
MOST of their paying customers are playing the game, not rabble-rousing the forums trying to ruin the game.

You see they ENJOY the game, they are HAVING FUN.

They do not see a "grind", they see an opportunity for more fun.

Maybe improve their performance this time, maybe show someone the quest for the first time.

They are playing, not acting like spoiled whiners that don't want to make any effort to get rewarded.
You seem to forget that some people actually enjoy the advancement of a character. Maybe someone that carries a pair of binoculars can see the carrot on the end of a 5 mile treadmill but it's enough to have most sane people say &%#$ it. My guess is you already have several completionists and love the idea locking out any new player from attaining and that idea gets you off.