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  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    This change is not reasonable in any shape or form. They have ALWAYS changed the really stupid ideas, and I expect them to change this one as well.
    I would argue that this is not the case. Sometimes yes, such as the enhancement pass, which was a good thing even with the silly complaints.

    But, they do push out bad ideas too, constantly. Not every idea is bad, but when they propose to add a bad idea, they almost always do. Regular amount of forum outcry happens to both good and bad ideas, and it seems a huge outcry is the only way to have a small chance to change the course of actions.

    New loot, tons of complaints before, tons after. Two months after release and nothing's done. All weapons are ghostly, all armors are retributive, all others are deadly/accurate and almost all old loot is invalidated.

    Tome availability has dropped to a fraction of old, raids don't reward decent tomes anymore, and they add +5 tomes to the store. Complaints and not even a single comment from devs, let alone a fix. Instead they add +5 and +6 tomes to Mabar, and only removed the +6:s because they bugged, not because of any tune-issues.

    Challenge exp was tuned down, then tuned down more and more. Plenty of complaints, and now this extremely high-priced pack is pretty much useless after one grinds the few twink items one wants. And the scaling is still borked.

    Those are the ones that came to mind as quick examples, so they ALWAYS changing the stupid ideas is false. Thus, the public outcry, the player base has learned that this is the only way to hope for a different outcome.

  2. #122
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    I quote "Glin: and we will continue to deprecate this system over time."

    Great community! Turbine you're still out of touch with your players.

  3. #123
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    Default Canclled my sub tooday

    I just cancelled my VIP subscription. I'm tired of Turbine's drama games. They are not getting any more of my money until their bull sh it ends. I'm speaking with the only voice they will hear: my money.

    How many stupid ideas can Turbine come up with in one year? Epic Destiny xp wipe. Comm of Valor. And then the ideas that became failures: Shadowfell xpac.

    I just see this fine game going down the toilet recently... Even if the player base outcry forces them to reverse direction on some things, they are still putting forth the stupid ideas to begin with.

    I'd put a screen shot here of my cancelled sub, but I can seem to figure out how. Whatever. I'm sure Turbine has reporting and metrics they can run. I'll bet things don't look too good from last Friday to now. It serves them right...

    I'll probably still be playing the game right up until the horrible end. I'm just not going to have my money contribute to the paychecks of whichever suits are coming up with these idiotic ideas...
    Argonnessen: Catteras, Lukie, Totalle, Paularubia, Momentte, Complette, Malaena, Lethale, Tottalle
    Some clever quote is supposed to go here, right?

  4. #124
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    Default I'm out

    Played this game since the first day it went free to play. Done with the blatant money grabs. I spend plenty on xp pots and the occasional ottos box, this isn't enough? Have another cancelled sub.......Good luck Turbine........

  5. #125
    Community Member Antheal's Avatar
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    I even cancelled my LOTRO subscription.

    Great job, Turbine.
    Those are not pebbles surrounding the urn filled with Human teeth. They are megaliths!

  6. #126
    Community Member AmiSouthpaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taters214 View Post
    I just cancelled my VIP subscription. I'm tired of Turbine's drama games. They are not getting any more of my money until their bull sh it ends. I'm speaking with the only voice they will hear: my money.

    How many stupid ideas can Turbine come up with in one year? Epic Destiny xp wipe. Comm of Valor. And then the ideas that became failures: Shadowfell xpac.

    I just see this fine game going down the toilet recently... Even if the player base outcry forces them to reverse direction on some things, they are still putting forth the stupid ideas to begin with.

    I'd put a screen shot here of my cancelled sub, but I can seem to figure out how. Whatever. I'm sure Turbine has reporting and metrics they can run. I'll bet things don't look too good from last Friday to now. It serves them right...

    I'll probably still be playing the game right up until the horrible end. I'm just not going to have my money contribute to the paychecks of whichever suits are coming up with these idiotic ideas...
    Sadly that it has came to this for me as well another longtime player that is tired of the borked mentality that is Turbine. My biggest beaf is the statements that they are getting rid of the tokens when they can either simply just get a name change removing the Twelve from the tokens or just adding a conversion to the Epic Altar. There is also the fact that I have YET to see one dev to put up a post that will respond to the mountains of negative posts to their latest brain trust of idiotic ideas for the new ways to TR, I in no way was ever a masive TR player but still it was nice to know that it WAS possible in just two days the way and amount of hours that I play now if the proposed way goes live I will never TR as i will refuse to buy the heart of wood and refuse to run sagas in the amounts that they have as i find Sagas stupidly placed together, long and boring to even make a dent in the 'points' that one needs to even be eligible for a reward.....Whats next Turbine? Are you planning on putting a sound bite into the game that degrades the people that die in a quest due to lag or the many bugs that are infesting the older quests that says we as players suck?
    Don't be fooled life is a game and there is no cheat codes or glitches just really mad devs getting even with us all

  7. #127
    Community Member Arnhelm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmiSouthpaw View Post
    ...Whats next Turbine? Are you planning on putting a sound bite into the game that degrades the people that die in a quest due to lag or the many bugs that are infesting the older quests that says we as players suck?
    The No-Jeering-at-Death Potion, now available in the DDO Store for just 2500 TP per potion. One use only. Bound to Character.
    Once upon a time, I was part of a team, and we saved some children. That was long ago and far away, and, yes, I am that old.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    The fix is simple, if inelegant:

    Add the following conversions to the 12 altar:
    - 20 fragments of the twelve for 10 commendations of valor
    - 1 token of the twelve for 50 commendations of valor

    Done and done. If you then convert your 20 tokens of the twelve you end up with 1000 commendations of valor, meaning heroic TR remains largely unchanged for everyone and every playstyle. Epic TR then costs double this. Fine by me.

    Once this is implemented, the insanity of 17 comms of valor for an EH saga reward becomes clear, so multiply saga comm rewards by 10 and maybe that would do it. 170 comms for a saga reward means around how many per quest on average? 17? 20? Whatever the average works out to, mentally double that number to see what the equivalent reward is in token fragments. This sounds about right to me.

    Make it so and there will be peace and joy in the land.

    It is absolutely critical that tokens can be converted to comms of valor. (A separate conversion for fragments would be nice but not required.) Anything short of this is a real threat to the game's viability.
    I agree with the above, but have four additional points:

    1. Tokens are free. We are not required to choose between Tokens and another End Reward.

    2. Tokens are given for individual quests and I can choose which quests I want to run. They should give Comms in end chests just like tokens. If they want to encourage Saga completion, give more Tokens automatically upon Saga completion. (Tie them to the quest reward chosen or create a Saga Patron vendor or whatever.)

    3. I am willing to bet cash money that the vast majority of players didn't dupe Tokens and therefore should not be penalized for the actions of the few who did. They should remove the Tokens from the people who duped them. (If they permanently banned their accounts they wouldn't have to worry about removing the Tokens.) Even if the currency is changed, Tokens should remain as they are in game for those who have them banked. I shouldn't be forced to make a choice now to either spend my Tokens on Hearts or Augments which I may or may not need later or trade them for Comms.

    4. Also as you mentioned later, the Comms should not be BtC.

  9. #129
    Community Member Anric's Avatar
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    Can add me to the list of your canceled subs.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOnly_LightInDark View Post

    Sad to say we did this when we picked a dying Euro server to start playing on. But it was the tight community and RL friends that made us stick around.
    I have recruited a few people to the game, the most cash grab for Turbine have pick wafinder as his base server. I tried to convinced him but he still stick to the server since he already dedicated 5 days of his game life. The first levels are pretty easy for him to stick and when he reached lvl 15.. he quits.. I found out that at that lvl, he felt alone..

    This guys is very willing to dish out $400 a month for a game and he quits, the first ever game he quit in a short period of time because the community is half dead.

  11. #131
    Community Member Ryiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by erethizon View Post
    That's based on the common, yet flawed, assumption that people that spend $10 per month are somehow significantly more mature individuals than people that spend nothing.
    My experience with DDO both prior and after it became free-to-play and my experience with MMOs that were always subscription and MMOs that were always free-to-play is that free-to-play tends to produce an overall less friendly community. Maturity though was not what I was implying. I have run into plenty of immature individuals who were also very friendly and many mature individuals who were not.
    Ryiah | Raeyah | Reikara
    The Band of Gypsys

  12. #132
    Community Member Blayster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryiah View Post
    free-to-play tends to produce an overall less friendly community.
    Also my experience. Sometimes I wish there was a VIP-only server in DDO.

  13. #133
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    I'll see what they will decide going forward with valor and such. Right now I have 2 VIP accounts and my wife barely play one. She has no interest in playing it after U20 and I'm so exhausted by the idea of karma leveling in unsynergetic destinies. When things are not fun it's time to pull the plug.

    I think a six months hiatus will do me good.

  14. #134
    Community Member barecm's Avatar
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    The big mistake people make is thinking this game is free to play. It was significantly cheaper when my subscription covered everything and there was no DDO store. Additionally, the dev community actually cared at one point about this game. The funny thing is that the more Turbine squeezes the community, the less likely people are going to play this game. The result is that everyone loses. The Turbine will have one less game generating income, the devs will need to find another project and the people who actually love playing this game will be left to find something else to play. Too bad because this is the only game that has held my interest for so long (over 7 years). I just can't see continuing with the way Turbine is going. Era of Greed during a time in our economy when people are still not doing great. Thanks Turbine.

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