Guess I better rush to epic levels on my current life and stock up on Hearts of Wood while I can. HUNDREDS of runs just to TR is utter nonsense.
I guess at the very least I need to get to a TR now and set up a life that I'm going to stick with if this change goes live. Uhg..... I don't understand. Why shoot yourself in the foot like this when the MMO market is about to get hit by an array of big-name releases a little later in the year? Wildstar, Elder Scrolls Online, and EQ Next. This is not to mention the holiday blitz of other game genres that happens EVERY year around November-December.
Turbine, even if you're only in it for the money, now is NOT the time to be ****ing off your core player base. People WILL take their money and go somewhere else. That isn't a threat. That's not me claiming that I'll cancel my sub if you don't do what I want. This is cold hard fact. You can not take one of your core game mechanics that sets your game apart from others and make it difficult and tedious to get, and expect people to stick around. Not when there are so many other enticing games pounding down people's doors with newer software, newer graphics engines, and larger pocketbooks to do it with.
Last edited by Tuffgar; 10-19-2013 at 06:31 AM.
Khyber: Evandus, Halfdeadd, Licoricewhip, Sawyn, Elkabongg, Brothanumsi, Soulbro, Cromix.
And an army of gimp experiments!
170 for 11 quests to 150 for one twice? I'd say about 1000 for a saga would be about right as it means you have to run specific quests determined by Turbine, so should have a higher output then being able to run what one wants. Also, because one must pass up the regular saga reward for it, rather than it being in addition as it is in the case of tokens/fragments.
Personally, I think the whole thing is a paradigm change away from the idea that store bought Hearts are the exception to what really frugal players with a lot of time use. Along the lines of favor TP, a nice addition to what is mostly bought from the store for most players. So maybe every 10th TR should be expected to be from a free heart, rather than every TR.
Don't think it will pan out, but starting to think they need something like this to keep their budget. To small a player base to get the return other projects WB can put it into. Just not enough players to spread development costs over.
The heart isn't even the prize - it just enables you to play more. Why the fudge you want to put a barrier on that, I'll never freaking understand.
"Dear players, we have this one whole team working on big reincarnation mechanics. Then we have this other team putting in gates and barriers so you'll never use it. Suckit!"
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
No screenshot but I just cancelled my account. Already cut back on my spending on DDO. I was spending around 100-150 dollars a month prior to the expansion.
Turbine is so out of touch with their playerbase that they can just file for bankrupcy now and save themselves the trouble later.
Member and owner of "The Mad Midgets" of Khyber.
Characters; Skrangle, Eileenia, Thyrantraxus, Clonkstar, Eilert, Nidvisa, Sellyse, Lobotobias, Crimsoneye, Whimpsy, Meeep, Maszter, Andromansis etc
the official home of LOLWUT and R.O.G.U.E !
Pointless/Frivolous/Beguiling/Justanotha Waste of Time, Katzklaw, Pickt d'Locks & etc
Q: how do you get me to appear in a thread? A: ask a bard question! XD
EDs used in heroics
duping exploit
ED off destiny grind
random loot
saga hearts of wood
failed Shadowfell
just some big recent things that have gotten the community riled up. Turbine needs to take note because whats left of the population have had it up to their eyeballs.
MMOs are social games. They do not function without the dedicated, active players that form the core of guilds, take the time to set up the parties, run the fansites, etc. Drive these players away, and everyone stares at an empty party list, empty guild chat, and total lack of community, gets bored, and quits. It doesn't matter if you're willing to pay cash in if the game stops being fun, and driving out the free players does precisely that.
Additionally, the whole point of developing an MMO character is that you EARN stuff through play and get more stronger and more versatile as you play more. When everything is just throw cash in, the game loses its essence, and again, the cash players who used to be quite willing to pay in and support the company stop enjoying the game and quit.
I've seen game after game after game fade into oblivion because some managers that don't understand how a gaming community works argued for changes on exactly this quoted text, often right after a buyout of the original company.
Yes, the game has to be monetized. Yes, screwups WILL happen and companies don't always get it right on the first try. Yes, you can't please everyone. However, when a company decides that *only* the cash players matter, their game is dead, and when they decide only the big spenders matter, the game dies FAST. I've personally witnessed it happen on WAY too many games, including one I played for 8 years. I'd rather not see DDO land in the MMO graveyard... it's already way too huge of a place, and DDO is one of a VERY small list of MMOs that isn't just another WoW clone or Korean grinder... and with RO being said game that screwed up after 8 years, it's pretty much the last one that actually lets you BUILD a character and not just level on a set path with boring, stat-only tiered gear (like both of those MMO types tend to do).
For the record, I do spend money on this, in the form of TP bought at about a rate that a VIP would spend on a sub, as well as buying expansions, so while I'm not a huge spender, I'm quite willing to support Turbine, or well... I was. If they drive all the free players out, I'll be right behind them.
Last edited by Trerro; 10-19-2013 at 08:51 AM.
When a two sentence post on a Friday night gets 3 pages before 9 AM . . . all I have to say is it's good to be Teh_Troll.
Carry on.
On the serious side, if this change goes live it will be the end of my spending in DDO. I won't buy another expansion or adventure pack. I won't complete my MotU purchases by getting the Eveningstar Challenge Pack I planned to purchase. I won't spend another penny on buying Turbine Points.
Sadly, at this point, I have no subscription to cancel, or I would do so.
Once upon a time, I was part of a team, and we saved some children. That was long ago and far away, and, yes, I am that old.
How naive. I believe this is Turbine's way of saying "f*ck you, players, we just want you to buy hearts from the store".
I was never big on TRing, but if they basically limit epic content to two ****ing chaing (because, let's face it, no one will run anything that doesn't drop comms if this goes live) and multiply the grind, I just won't bother.
Here's a piece of advice Turbine: if you wanna shut down the game, just apologize and do it, don't go around throwing dirt into our faces. This is ridiculous to the extreme.
"People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. ... People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true." Terry Goodkind
Worst part of the new system is that now you will be given a choice between TR'ing tokens and getting xp. To me these changes feel like a restaurant where, instead of offering good cocktails for the customers having dinner, so that they fancy them and spend some extra cash on their drinks, a waiter comes up with your dinner and a bucket of cold water. He serves your dinner alright, then holds the bucket of water over your head and says: "and now, for 10 extra bucks, you can enjoy your dinner all warm and dry". It's not going to happen.
I actually don't know what my problem is with DDO. Pretty sure part of it comes from sheer boredom with DDO ATM. It probably has something to do with DDO F2P "false advertising". Maybe it has to do with Turbine premium model. Perhaps it has to do with the perception of low value for your buck (but that cannot be all; why do I buy cosmetic packs for games I barely play? Where's the value in that?). I do think Eveningstar is decent value for your buck though; I bought a TP pack to buy Eveningstar and EDs - that was the last TP I ever bought. I used to maintain 2 premium accounts. Only thing I know is the idea of spending money on DDO sounds terrible to me ATM and these changes don't help in the least.
Hmm, doing a bit of math in my head here. At 17 coms per saga and lets say 10 quests per saga and 2000 coms per epic heart, that's about 180 sagas for a heart or 1800 quests. You could earn the favor TP and buy it from the store faster by just rolling a completely new toon and leveling it to 20, then deleting and rerolling again. My guess is it would actually be faster to earn the favor TP than use the com system.
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen