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  1. #1
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    Exclamation Amaunator Option for Favored Souls -- Cannot take Feats / Feats do not exist (10/18)

    From the Lam Patch Notes (10/18)
    Favored Soul Angel of Vengeance:
    NEW: The capstone has gained an Amaunator option:

    When attempting to Feat swap on an existing Favored Soul or rolling up a new Favored Soul it is not possible to select Amaunator.
    Ticking "Show Unavailable Feats" during character creation does not show any Amunator feats (Child of, Beloved of, Favored by)

    Human: Silver Flame, Sovereign Host (u19 Live Functionality)
    Elf / Half-elf: Silver Flame, Sovereign Host, Undying Court (u19 Live Functionality)

    The FVS Captstone on the Enhancement Screen does show the Sun Bolt option at Level 20, requiring the Amaunator feat line as expected.

    We are unable to test the new FVS Capstone and/or Sun Bolt SLA at this time as it does not seem possible to select Amaunator as a deity/faith.
    Last edited by Woebringer; 10-18-2013 at 02:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Henky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woebringer View Post
    From the Lam Patch Notes (10/18)
    Favored Soul Angel of Vengeance:
    NEW: The capstone has gained an Amaunator option:

    When attempting to Feat swap on an existing Favored Soul or rolling up a new Favored Soul it is not possible to select Amaunator.
    Ticking "Show Unavailable Feats" during character creation does not show any Amunator feats (Child of, Beloved of, Favored by)

    Human: Silver Flame, Sovereign Host (u19 Live Functionality)
    Elf / Half-elf: Silver Flame, Sovereign Host, Undying Court (u19 Live Functionality)

    The FVS Captstone on the Enhancement Screen does show the Sun Bolt option at Level 20, requiring the Amaunator feat line as expected.

    We are unable to test the new FVS Capstone and/or Sun Bolt SLA at this time as it does not seem possible to select Amaunator as a deity/faith.
    Yeah, im at lamannia at the moment asking to the devs, but they are afk or ignoring me.

    You can select Amaunator as deity if you are a morninglord or iconics or born in forgotten realms, but if you are a iconic you can't be a pure fvs at the moment, so if you aren't pure you can't select a capstone. So whats the point in adding a new capstone when no one can select it?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Henky View Post
    Yeah, im at lamannia at the moment asking to the devs, but they are afk or ignoring me.

    You can select Amaunator as deity if you are a morninglord or iconics or born in forgotten realms, but if you are a iconic you can't be a pure fvs at the moment, so if you aren't pure you can't select a capstone. So whats the point in adding a new capstone when no one can select it?
    do you need the feats for the capstone? my fvs is still low level so never got to the capstone yet, so maybe you dont need to have the deity feats to select the capstone

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Henky View Post
    Yeah, im at lamannia at the moment asking to the devs, but they are afk or ignoring me.

    You can select Amaunator as deity if you are a morninglord or iconics or born in forgotten realms, but if you are a iconic you can't be a pure fvs at the moment, so if you aren't pure you can't select a capstone. So whats the point in adding a new capstone when no one can select it?
    Because Update 20 reincarnation changes will make it possible to be a pure lvl 20 morninglord FvS, so they needed a capstone.

  5. #5
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    That was my first thought as well

    Sunbolt as a free SLA seems crazy strong - a light beam-AOE attack with decent base damage, and free metas? But the only way, apparently, you'll get it (unless they make Amau available to all divines to follow) is by reincarnating a Morninglord (or PDK?).

    That seems like an awfully byzantine way to require access to any given skill. Why even bother locking the first-level class on Iconics if you're going to put something in game that REQUIRES you to overwrite that class?

    And yeah, the capstones require Favored By..., so you cant jump deities Otherwise, hell, why would you ever take Searing Light when you could have Sunbolt? Being able to spam CLW with full free metas is the only other option there that might compete.
    Last edited by droid327; 10-18-2013 at 02:35 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    That was my first thought as well

    Sunbolt as a free SLA seems crazy strong - a light beam-AOE attack with decent base damage, and free metas? But the only way, apparently, you'll get it (unless they make Amau available to all divines to follow) is by reincarnating a Morninglord (or PDK?).

    That seems like an awfully byzantine way to require access to any given skill. Why even bother locking the first-level class on Iconics if you're going to put something in game that REQUIRES you to overwrite that class?

    And yeah, the capstones require Favored By..., so you cant jump deities Otherwise, hell, why would you ever take Searing Light when you could have Sunbolt? Being able to spam CLW with full free metas is the only other option there that might compete.
    from what I gather, Reincarnating an iconic into a regular race, will make it lose its iconic portion and just be a regular race. and I dont believe sunbolt is AOE, it might be but the wiki deosnt say it is, so I believe its similiar to searing light aside from the dmg

    searing light is 1d4+4 light/2 level max of 20 or 1d3+3/level to undead (searing = 50-80 to normal mobs, 80-120 to undead)
    Sunbolt is 1d4+4/level max of 15 (sunbolt is 75-120 to everything), sunbolt has a reflex save (so basically 1/2 in content that its needed), so... searing light SLA seems to be better anyway

  7. #7
    Community Member Henky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Violith View Post
    from what I gather, Reincarnating an iconic into a regular race, will make it lose its iconic portion and just be a regular race. and I dont believe sunbolt is AOE, it might be but the wiki deosnt say it is, so I believe its similiar to searing light aside from the dmg

    searing light is 1d4+4 light/2 level max of 20 or 1d3+3/level to undead (searing = 50-80 to normal mobs, 80-120 to undead)
    Sunbolt is 1d4+4/level max of 15 (sunbolt is 75-120 to everything), sunbolt has a reflex save (so basically 1/2 in content that its needed), so... searing light SLA seems to be better anyway
    Sunbolt hit to ALL TARGETS in his path, not only one target. Is way better than searing light.

  8. #8
    Content Designer KookieKobold's Avatar
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    Once reincarnation is ready to be poked at, this will be possible to check out in-game.

    Since it requires a solid 20 FvS follower of Amaunator, you'll need to LR any of the Forgotten Realms starting Iconics into being a pure FvS.

  9. #9
    Community Member Henky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KookieKobold View Post
    Once reincarnation is ready to be poked at, this will be possible to check out in-game.

    Since it requires a solid 20 FvS follower of Amaunator, you'll need to LR any of the Forgotten Realms starting Iconics into being a pure FvS.
    So.... if i have a Human Eberron FvS how i get the new capstone? Heroic TR and select a Iconic or Iconic TR at 28?

    And btw, since SunBolt is a level 3 spell, shouldn't the other capstones get and overhaul? They all have level 1 spells as capstones. And maybe get a capstone with +2 wisdom instead of charisma, or some capstone that changes the DC to be counted with charisma instead of wisdom... just asking

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Henky View Post
    So.... if i have a Human Eberron FvS how i get the new capstone? Heroic TR and select a Iconic or Iconic TR at 28?

    And btw, since SunBolt is a level 3 spell, shouldn't the other capstones get and overhaul? They all have level 1 spells as capstones. And maybe get a capstone with +2 wisdom instead of charisma, or some capstone that changes the DC to be counted with charisma instead of wisdom... just asking
    from the sound of that, you need to LR+1 a iconic class that only has 1 level of the starting and 19 of FVS, so that it is originally a iconic and gets 20 levels of fvs. there are other possible combinations to get that other then that but that would be easiest. (easist prob would be those 2pdk/18sorcs floating around using a LR+2, etc)

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